Chapter 64: Beginning Of The End

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[Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture]

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

An overwhelming sense of dread lingers over me as I watch the thick, black smoke rise from behind the trees to the north-west. That's where the church is... That's where Mello is...

"Head towards the smoke..." I instruct Lidner as her eyes tear away from it as she looks at me, the same fear and terror in her eyes as they mirror mine, "are you saying..?" She asks me, but her words never finish as I give a slow, shaky nod. "T-that's it... That's where we were supposed to meet if things went wrong..." I tell her as my voice stutters. My feet begin to jitter anxiously, like I can't seem to sit myself still in this car as the smoke becomes darker as the seconds tick by.

'What happened..?' I ask myself in my mind. 'How did everything become so messed up..?'.

Mello, Matt and I... We planned this for weeks, we covered everything and anything that could go wrong, our plan was flawless... So... How did things end up like this..? Matt's gone... His body probably lying in a morgue right now... I'm sitting in a car with a member of the S.P.K... And now Mello...

Please don't be dead... I've already lost Matt... I can't lose you too...

✞  10 Minutes Later 

Once Lidner had driven past the tree line and into the clearing, my heart sinks into my stomach at the sight before me.

The flames engulfing the church are reaching several meters above the roof now as the blaze colours the sky with bright and vibrant shades of red, orange and yellow.

As Lidner slows the car down close-by, I remove my seatbelt and pull back the door handle without even thinking. I leap out of the car before it could even stop as I hear Lidner call out to me, but I can barely hear her voice amongst the sounds of the burning church. "MELLO!!" I scream louder than I ever had before as I run into the direction of the blaze as I feel the warm heat of the fire against my skin. I stop, standing still as the embers float around the falling debris of the church. My skin feels like it is burning where I stand.

"Mello..." My voice much quieter this time, only just above a whisper as I can barely manage enough energy to say it any louder. I feel a presence of a person beside me. I turn my head to the right to see Lidner standing beside me, her eyes glowing in the flames as she stares at the building in horror.

Wait... This feels familiar to me... But that doesn't make any sense.

Something within me compels, my hand reaches to touch my face... But I feel nothing, but it was almost like I was expecting something, but it's not there.

Until, I feel it... The feeling of a warm, wet liquid tricking down from my eye down onto my cheek just as my subconscious had predicted, a tear... I'm crying...

As I am about to reach my other hand to wipe away the tear that has formed, I notice there is something firmly grasped into my fist, bringing my hand closer to my face, I notice it is Mello's rosary... The one he had given to me just a few hours ago. I grasp the rosary tighter into my hand as I pull it closer to my chest, above where my heart is beating rapidly. My eyes become blurry as I feel my feet moving, walking closer to the church.

What am I... Doing...? It feels like my body is moving on it's own...

Just as I am taking off into a sprint into the direction of the half-destroyed church, I feel myself being held tightly by someone. My heart skips a beat as their hands hold me tight, Butterflies fluttering as a huge sense of relief fills me.

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