Chapter 26: His Decision

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Hello everyone, sorry today's chapter took so long. It was supposed to be published yesterday but something came up unexpectedly and caused a slight delay.

I hope you guys enjoy this week's chapter < 3.

✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

As I am breathing out, a trail of frost escapes as I hug my jacket closer to myself. The cold winter air blows past unexpectedly, causing me to cling my jacket even tighter.

A week has gone by and the temperature is gradually dropping as it nears into January. Christmas has gone by already, the three of us didn't get out for any celebrations but we ordered takeout for a change and Mello bought back some alcohol for the two of us, Matt has never been much of a drinker so he was glued to his game most of the day while Mello and I talked about whatever was running through our minds in the moment. I even received a call from Linda that day, I couldn't tell her about the investigation but I was glad to hear her voice again after all this time. Overall, it was a fun day.

Returning to the present, I turn to my side and I am surprised by how well Matt is handling the cold weather out here, his fluffy beige jacket is back inside the apartment draped over the sofa while he is only wearing his thin, striped shirt. The brunet holds his cigarette loosely between his fingers as he takes another drag while looking out over the bustling city. Hundreds of cars passing by and thousands of pedestrians walk on the sidewalk and a few across the crossing when the pedestrian lights turn blue.

"I don't know how you can stand it out here, Matt" I tell him with an exasperated sigh, he turns to me slowly, the circles under his eyes are becoming more and more prominent as the days pass by, it's like the man doesn't sleep at all. It's beginning to concern me.

"I don't know how you're not used to cold weather" Matt replies following with an exhale, I am unsure if it is smoke from his cigarette or frost. Instead of answering however, I turn to look back down onto the busy streets and roads below us.

"Im heading back in" Matt tells me before putting out the cigarette in the ashtray and turns around back towards the door. As I grab my phone out from my jacket, I hear the door to the balcony open and close again, leaving me out here by myself as I scroll through my phone. At least, that's what I thought.


I jump from the unexpected voice from behind me and almost throw my phone off of a several story apartment balcony, my heart racing wildly as I spin around to see Mello walking up beside me with an unfazed expression.

"Bloody hell!" I shriek as I hold my phone close to my heart as it beats wildly.

"When did you-"

"I walked out as Matt walked in" He tells me with a cocky smirk, "Doesn't take a Math genius to figure that out". Mello's old self had returned not long after he had opened up to Matt and I a little over a week ago, it was a slow process but I had noticed. Though he can be a jerk most of the times, that's what makes Mello, well... Mello.

"I hate you" I grumbled under my breath as I open up my phone again, turning my eyes away from Mello's and towards my phone screen.

"Yeah, sure" He laughs at me before leaning against the wall behind me with his arms crossed.

✞  Mello's P.O.V 

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