Chapter 18: The Thirteenth

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

"M-Mell... This..." I stutter through ragged, deep breaths as my eyes are turned away from the blond in front of me. His brilliant blue eyes almost appeared like they were glowing.

"T-This isn't like you..." I managed to get my words out through more stutters, although my words seem to fall upon deaf ears as his hands grip my wrists gently, causing me to fall back onto my bed with his body hovering above me. If I hadn't know him like I do, I would have thought the man before me was some kind of angel. The way the sunlight beamed through the blinds in the window made his pale, smooth skin glisten so heavenly, though this angel has no pearly white wings. No. This man would be what people describe as a fallen angel, one who had fallen from the graces of heaven.

"You don't seem all that bothered about it" Mello's voice broke me away from my daydreaming as my eyes turned back to his. The rosary dangled from his neck as the cross brushes against my chest, feeling it trace slowly against my thin shirt making my chest feel fluttery as I feel trapped underneath him.

"B-but..." I stuttered again as I feel his hands let go of my wrists, trailing his fingers slowly, teasingly upwards. The smirk of his face always present even when his fingers slipped in between the spaces of my own. "W-we're best friends..." I remind him as my cheeks feel like they're on fire as he lowers his face down so he is right next to my ear, a soft chuckle leaves his lips as his breath hits the shell of my ear, causing a shiver to travel up and down my spine like a jolt of lightning.

"Best friends? Hardly" Mello scoffed. "You've wanted to be much more than that for a long time, haven't you...?" He asks me, though the questions seems more rhetorical as he leans back to stare down into my (e/c) eyes. "You can't hide your feelings forever, (Y/n)" He whispers to me as his face leans down close to mine. My heart is beating out of my chest as I feel his breath against my skin, his fingers entwine with mine tighter as he leans in.

"Mello... I-I" before I could answer him however, or before he could kiss me...

✞ ✞          ✞

My eyes shot open as I stared up at the ceiling, my breathing erratic as I feel a build-up of sweat on the back of my neck, my cheeks dusted a faint pink as I remember my dream as clear as day.

Mello... h-he was about to kiss me...

I-In my dream...

Since that day I spoke to Matt outside that apartment building in Los Angeles, since I've finally come to terms with my feelings these past few weeks or so, it's become increasingly harder to hide my feelings.

But that dream, now that was something new. I could feel the way he touched my skin, how the room felt so cold yet so hot, how his breath tickled my skin, it felt so... Real. "I can't keep up with this..." I groan to myself as I sit up, my head buried into my knees as I let out a deep sigh.

I promised myself I would tell Mello how I feel after this whole Kira Case is over, but if these feelings keep building up like... This... I'll have to tell him sooner, whether he reciprocates or rejects my feelings... At least I will finally be able to move past them.

Mello has no room in his life for romance, not after all he's had to do to get where he is now, all he cares about right now is him coming out on top, to kick Near down so he can feel a taste of victory. Something he had wanted to most of his life, and he won't give that up for anything.

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now