Chapter 43: Desires

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

The shattered pieces from the rocks glass that collided with the floor glistened under the kitchen light as the room falls deathly silent. Lying across the tiles in pieces varying from the size of my palm to barely visible to the naked eye.

Did I... Really just ask if-

"I-I'm sorry!" I blurted out, standing up abruptly from the stool as I attempt to walk into the kitchen to clean up the shattered glass scattered across the tiles. However, Mello raises his hand in front of me to prevent me from walking any closer. "I'll clean it up... Just sit down, okay?" He asks me. As to not make things any more awkward for the both of us, I slowly walk away from him, feeling guilty as I make my way over to the sofa.

Lying down, I relish in the feeling of the soft cushions against my back after hours of sitting. I watch the fan above me spin slowly, my mind in a daze before I realise a glass of water with ice cubes has been placed beside me on the coffee table.

Mello is nowhere in sight, i can't see him in the kitchen, I can't hear his footsteps either. I slowly sit up and take ahold of the glass as I drink down the water slowly. The water feels good but my invasive question from earlier is what sobered me up, I'd think.

Why did I...

Sipping the water slowly, I listen out for Mello to return, but the only sound that can be heard by my ears are the cars driving by in the city below. It astounds me that people still drive around at such a late hour.

"Feeling better?" I hear Mello ask me, I jump slightly in surprise as we look at one another once again, "y-yeah... Thanks" I turn my gaze away as I hear Mello walk past me to sit on the other side of the sofa.

"I'm sorry... About earlier" I apologise to him, "that's... Your own business, I had no right to ask you something so personal". I can feel Mello's eyes watching me.

"It's okay, really. You've been drinking a lot... I didn't take it that personally-" before he can finish his sentence however, I cut him off. "Drunk or not, it's... Inappropriate..." The both of us fall back into silence for what feels like a few minutes before Mello speaks again.

"Why did you ask anyway..?" He asks me, my face turns into a deep shade of red at I reminisce what happened only moments ago. The desire... The hunger... How I wanted him against me, how I wanted us to be closer. My cravings still linger, even through all of this embarrassment.

"I... Umm..." I can't find the words I want to use, should I dodge the question or be honest... I can't imagine myself daring to bring this up again once I'm sober, should I take this chance?

"The alcohol has me... Feeling a special kind of way" I allude to my desires as Mello seems a little confused at first, until he looks away. "Oh... I get it now..." he tells me, as the silence hangs between us for a moment, he pipes back up. "I'm don't feel negative about it... It's just that..." his words trail off again. "You're drunk, I don't know if you'll feel the same way when your sober. I don't want you to feel like you've made a mistake the next day".

Back home, my friends would always tell me about guys who will do anything to sleep with drunk women, even if they can barely stand on their feet. But Mello... He...

My heart flutters at how careful, how considerate he is, from someone who was running around with a mafia for two years...

"Thank you..." I smile as the two of us look at one another sheepishly, he looks so cute.

"We've been together for a while now... I-" I trail off a little, "I'm comfortable taking things further... If you are as well". My face heats up at my own words as I look over at him again nervously.

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