Chapter 55: The Last Night [Pt 1]

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I'm staring out of the window from the inside of the apartment with my head rested against the back of the sofa. I'm sitting up as I watch the sun slowly fall below the mountains and other tall buildings in the distance as Japan is shrouded in the darkness of the night once again as it always has.

I've never enthused about sunsets or the sky during my life, but I can't help the overwhelming feeling inside me, wondering if this will be the last sunset I will ever see.

Tomorrow is the day. The day we put our plan into motion and expose Kira to the world. At least, that's how we envision things to go.

It not just me feeling the pressure either, Mello and Matt have been acting unlike their usual selves lately as well. The usual sound of buttons tapping and the ripping and tearing of aluminium foil have ceased, leaving the apartment in silence, an eerie silence.

Turning my eyes away from the window, my attention focuses on the unwrapped chocolate bar left on coffee table, only a bite or two taken out of it.

Growing up, Mello was always eating chocolate no matter the circumstances, when he was stressed out or even feeling unwell, nothing would stop him from eating his favourite bittersweet treat. Matt and I would always joke that the day Mello would stop eating chocolate, would be the day he would die.

To see the bar just... Sitting there, it really changes the mood of the apartment.

In the corner of the apartment is everything set up for me, all the equipment I will be using tomorrow is here, on the kitchen bench is a box the size of a flip lighter. Inside of it were three individual ear-pieces so we can all keep communication with one another throughout our mission.

"(Y/n)" I hear a voice call to me, I turn my head towards the sound coming from the other end of the sofa. "Yeah?" I ask Mello in response. His head lying back against the armrest, his body taking up 2/3rds of the sofa. "You've been staring out of that window for two hours" he tells me to my surprise. As I indirectly watched the sun setting, I didn't realise how much time had passed during that time. I turn to look at the clock on the wall. It reads 5:26pm.

"I didn't realise how much time had passed" I reply to him as we make eye contact. There is barely any light in the apartment as there are no lights switched on, neither of us have moved in hours and Matt is in his room revising some last minute plans for tomorrow.

After the events of three nights ago, I was worried things would be tense between the boys, since y'know... Matt punched Mello in the face and all that...

Thankfully, things went pretty okay.

✞ ✞          ✞

Some time after Mello and I pull away from our emotional embrace, we hear a click at the front door before it opens to reveal a familiar figure walking into the apartment.

"Hey, you're back" I state the obvious as the brunet closes the door behind him, "yeah..." he shortly replies before I follow his gaze centred at Mello. "Hey man..." Matt behind, "sorry for y'know... punching you in the face" Matt tries his best attempt at apologising, but Mello cuts him off before he can continue, "you don't have to apologise, Matt... I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes" Mello expresses to Matt, to the brunet's surprise.

"I gotta say... You got me pretty good" Mello jokes about the discoloured skin centring around his cheekbone, it was certainly going to turn into a nasty bruise in the coming days.

"Yeah, I guess" Matt joked back, I was surprised by how quick the two had made up after such a tense moment, it was almost like it never happened.

Well, except for the little reminder Matt had left Mello with, one that will not leave for at least a week or 2.

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