Chapter 7: A Ghost From The Past

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Mello, wait up!" I whine as the he runs ahead of me in the courtyard, stopping over at the edge by the fence.

"He-... H-hey.... Slow Down...!" My hands are on my knees as I catch my breath as I look up to see the grin on his face. "You're just too slow? I told you I'd beat you to the fence" he laughs, leaning back as he rests his body weight against the fence.

"You're a real pain sometimes you know that?" I tell him as I stand beside him before letting my back slowly push against the fence so I am beside him. The breeze from the late evening picks up as a gust blows through our hair before it dies back down.

"You're the one who wanted to be friends so don't blame me, you know what you were getting into" he reminds me. I ignore him as I turn to look back over at the orphanage, the sun beaming just over the rooftop as the sun continues to fall, where it will soon disappear behind the trees and eventually the horizon.

"Y'know, the sun remind me of a saying my grandma taught me the last time I saw her" I tell the boy beside me as my eyes stay fixated on the rooftop. "When I was upset about school or my parents, she would tell me that the night may grow darker, but it never lasts forever and the sun will rise again, no matter what" I tell him, from the corner of my eye, I can see him turn his head towards me.

"You lost me" He says in a confused tone, so I back track a little. "What I'm saying is that even when your at your lowest point things will begin to look up, it might not be as soon as you hope but it will come sooner or later. I've always believed that" I tell him.

"I was feeling pretty down for a while when I first came here, I had Linda and Near but I still couldn't get rid of that gnawing feeling, I never felt like doing things I used to love doing... At least, until I started hanging out with you and Matt" I admit as my face heats up from embarrassment.

"W-What I'm trying to say is that I really appreciate you and Matt, a lot. And I hope our friendships last a really long time, I'd hate you loose you guys" I tell him with a smile curving on my lips as I see his eyes are widened slightly before he turns his head away.

"Y-yeah, sure..." Mello trailed off on his words before he grabbed my hood and pulled it over my eyes before taking off running down towards the front doors of the orphanage. "Race ya' back!" He laughs.

"H-hey no fair!" I called out as I sprinted after him.

✞ ✞          ✞

I awaken as my eyes strain at the light shining in through the window from outside, pulling my arm up over my face as I roll over to sit my still half-asleep body up from my bed as my mind tracks back to the dream I had just woken up from.

"Mello..." I whisper to myself as I run my fingers through my hair, the memories of my time at Wammy's House with Mello isn't something uncommon for my mind to conjure up in my sleep, but damn I wish it didn't.

The memories remain painful to me after the day he left me and Matt there, the idiot would have never faced me in the first place if I hadn't  chased after him that day.

I shake my thoughts away before I sit up and lazily dragged myself into the bathroom to fix up my hair and walk my way over into the main area of my apartment over to my laptop, although it's Sunday today and I'd taken the day off I still check my emails to make sure nobody needs anything and what not. It's been a busy month.

After giving it some time to start up and I turn on my kettle to brew some tea, I wander over to see I've been sent 3 new emails since last night.

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