Chapter 20: What Lies In The Past Pt 2

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✞  Mello's P.O.V 

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It was April now, 4 months since I had left the orphanage in Winchester. The weather finally beginning to warm up a little as the long, winter months have finally come to an end, to my relief.

During this time I had read all the credible sources regarding Kira that I could, but everything had become more of the same faster than I had hoped for. There is nothing more I can learn from there anymore, at least not what everyone else doesn't know. Nothing that would help me learn more about Kira.

The biggest lead I have is that Kira is, or at least was, a student living in the Kanto region of Japan. He also learned that Kira cannot kill someone without a name or a face. L learned all of this in a matter of minutes. All from a simple Television broadcast.

L truly was a genius, unlike any other. He is the only person I looked up to, after all.

But he's gone now, and it's just me and Near. Competing for his place.

I no longer had anything new at my disposal, I had no way of accessing any private information about the investigation involving Kira. I have no leads, nothing. If I can't figure anything out... If I give up, Near is going to win... Just like he always does...


I won't let that happen. Not again.

I had spent weeks trying to figure out what I was missing, what I needed to do in order to get somewhere, to prove to myself that leaving the orphanage and living on the streets of London for 4 months wasn't all for nothing.

That my investigation, wasn't all for nothing.

That was the closest I had come to giving it all up, for the first time in a really long time... I felt stuck, no... I felt trapped. Like I was trapped in quicksand.

I was fine living at the orphanage, I didn't go hungry, I didn't have to sleep on the floor, I could have all the chocolate I wanted, I didn't have to constantly look over my shoulder. Then everything went south when I left the orphanage, left Matt and (Y/n) behind, the two people who cared about me the most. When I moved out to London and learned more information, it was like falling into the quicksand, not noticing it at first glance, I thought everything would be okay, something would come up, and I would be on the right track.

But when I saw no end to the repeated words and published information, I began to worry, I couldn't just sit there and wait the the answers to come to me, I had to find it myself, I had to use another method. So I begin grasping, acting more drastically. Afraid I would sink below the surface of sand and drown, and If I keep thrashing I will only make things worse. I have to be cautious, I have to remain calm, I will find more information but I'm running out of time.

I had no longer cared to return to the orphanage at that point, perhaps I would have just started a new life in London or somewhere else. There was no way I could face anyone from the orphanage again, like a loser, like a... Failure...

'Your plan was flawed from the start, Mello. You just had to let your temper get the better of you... Didn't you?'

I could practically hear Near's taunting words at the idea of returning to the orphanage with nothing to show for it. Nothing despite four long months of collecting almost completely useless information. those eyes.

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