Chapter 42: Heating Up

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Gently, I grab hold and twist the cap while my other hand holds tightly onto the transparent glass bottle half-full of golden whiskey. As I take the lid away from the bottle, I breath in the strong aroma before I tilt and pour it evenly into two rocks glasses lined up on the kitchen counter in front of the two of us.

I grab hold of one glass, while another hand grabs the other. We lift our glasses and drink the whiskey with nothing else but ice cubes that have begun to melt. As the glass comes back down to rest on the kitchen counter, exhaling slowly, feeling the burn travel down my throat, it's not as smooth and velvety as I would have liked, but that's how it is when you buy cheap whiskey.

"We could have just left it, y'know" Mello tells me as his glass rests beside my own. Sitting across from me as we shared glasses of whiskey together, along with the bottle of saké that was left from our New Years celebration almost 2 weeks earlier.

"That would be a waste, wouldn't it?" I asked him rhetorically as I begin to fill my glass with more whiskey, gesturing to Mello but he raises his hand turning my offer for more whiskey down. 'Ah well, more for me' I shrug, lifting my glass and downing more whiskey as we talk to one another.

Mello told me earlier today about his plans to move one last time before the final scheme, somewhere that places us between NHN's studio as well as the Nagano Prefecture west of Tokyo, that's where the abandoned church is. Mello decided Koganei City is our best option, and neither Matt or I have any arguments.

"I'd rather drink it all before we leave for Koganei City" I tell him, pouring some more whiskey into my glass, the ice has melted some but I'm unbothered by it as I drink. Feeling it down to throat as I put the glass back down. My eyes travel to Mello who is eyeing me with concern, but he does not say a word.

After some time goes by, I decide to break the silence that is slowly becoming awkward with a question I've always been curious about. "Hey... Can I ask you something?" I slowly take my hand away from the rocks glass as my nails trail across the counter, "you just did" the corners of his lips curve upwards slightly as I scoff in response, "cute, real cute..." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm as my fingers trail up the rocks glass and rest upon the rim as I look into his eyes.

"What was your life like?" I ask him, following with a little clarification, "In the mafia, I mean". His eyes seemed to widen slightly, I had barely noticed. His lips pursed gently as his eyes turned away from my own and to the wall beside us.

"What part, exactly?" He asks me, I can feel his uneasiness at my question even from across the counter. "Just your day-to-day life, spare me the gory details" I specify, taking my hand away from the glass as it comes to cross with my other arm in front of my chest.

"Boring, if I could sum it up in one word" he tells me as his eyes shift back to connect with my own, "I didn't know the others that well, It was mostly Ross and I".

I remember Mello telling me about Ross some time ago, he was one of the major bosses of the Italian-American crime syndicate. After I arrived in New York, the news about the warehouse spread like wildfire in the country. I remember the mug shots of all the member's bodies found dead, at least, the ones who weren't completely incinerated front the explosion. He was a big guy, intimidating.

"There were only two things that he cared about" Mello tells me as he eyes the glass in front of him, the bottom filling with the water left behind by the melting ice. "Women, and tequila".

"Sound like a real charmer" I roll my eyes as I finish what whiskey was left in my glass.

"You could say that" Mello chuckled, "can't remember a time Ross wasn't sitting his ass on that sofa with at least two escort hanging off of his arms". I scoff under my breath. Guys like that get on my nerves, treating women like they're nothing but property, like objects.

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