Chapter 48: Set-Up In Koganei

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As much as I enjoyed having an apartment all to myself for the last two weeks, it's nice to be back with the guys again, that's something I would have never thought I would admit to myself.

We had moved here from Shinagawa yesterday, but I still feel exhausted from all of the leg-work. Well... It wasn't that physical, I've just become too accustomed to staying indoors and sitting down with my laptop for most hours of the day. Once this is all over, and I get to go home, I should get out of the house more.

I didn't get to see much of the city itself when we arrived here, but it's nowhere near the size of Tokyo since it's more of a residential area rather than commercial or industrial. However, I heard from Matt that a famous animation studio has it's headquarters here. I wish I had the time to check it out.

When the day comes, my job is to be the mediate of communication between the guys, to make it difficult for Takada's bodyguards to trace all three of us if the plan happens to go awry... So this way, if one of the guys were hypothetically captured and detained, the bodyguards won't have a direct connection to the other and vice versa. Matt had also installed a VPN into my laptop so the police can't track my location, the chances of them finding me are incredibly low, but it's not zero.

We don't have to worry about that.
Everything will go according to plan.

"Hey, snap out of it" I hear a voice from close-by, pulling me away from my daydreaming. I look up to find Mello holding a strange hard case I have never seen before. "I'm just... Tired" I blurt out the best excuse I can think of as he approaches me, sitting on the other side of the sofa as he places the mysterious case in between us, since there is no coffee table in front of us at this place, unfortunately.

I decide not to ask about it, however, despite my undying curiosity to know what is inside. I turn my eyes away from the object and back to my computer screen that has gone idle due to a lack of use in the past few minutes.

As I am about to continue scrolling through a document, however, Mello catches my attention again with a question.

"You want to know what's in the case" While it seemed like a question, the expression in his voice tells me it is more of a statement, however. He knows that I want to know. I would be surprised if he didn't catch me staring at the case.

I'm not going to lie. I do want to know. So with a sheepish nod, Mello pulls the case closer as he loosens the clips holding it together. "Close your eyes" he tells me, the request was rather odd but I obey, slowly, I close my eyes and sit back against the sofa more comfortably. I hear the case open, but I did not dare open my eyes, not even slightly, to see what it is until I am told I can do so. I listen to some shuffling before he finally tells me, "okay, you can open them now".

Opening my eyes, I look directly at the object within Mello's hand, something I've never seen up close or in real life before, only in the movies and television shows I used to watch back home.

A gun, a handgun to be precise.

Since I don't have much knowledge about the weapon, or guns in general, I cannot tell exactly which model it is. The barrel is coloured a steel grey as is most of the gun, however, the muzzle and the top of the pistol is coated gold as are the levers on the side. The grip panels on the sides are a colourless marble, I've never seen anything quite like it. I assume it is customised.

What drew my attention to it the most, however, was the crucifix that hands down from the grip, it looks different from the one Mello wears around his neck.

"Ninety-two FS" Mello tells me, which I assume to be the model of the pistol. Holding it in his hand, he seems to hold it so naturally, his index finger slides delicately into the frame before resting lightly against the trigger. Even when he applies no pressure to the trigger, I feel a sense of unease as I watch him hold the pistol in his hand.

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