Chapter 27: Earl Grey

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

The world around me comes into focus as I slowly wake up from my sleep, the chill that hangs around the room causes me to grip the bedsheets tighter around me, pulling myself into a fetal position as the soft, soothing sound of light rain dripping onto the roof fills my ears.

The first thing that occurs to my mind however, is the conversation Mello and I had the night before. When he told me...

"I love you, (Y/n)"

Those simple yet so beautiful words brought a smile to my face, it makes my heart flutter at the memory. I feel like one of those main characters in a cheesy romcom, but I've never felt so... Happy, at peace.

I'm the happiest I've been in a long time, for as long as I can remember, and all because of four words...

Slowly, I lift myself up into a sitting position as I let go of my bed sheets. Turning my attention to the window of my bedroom, the high rise buildings cover my view of the sky and the landscape, but I can see the clouds in the distance through the gaps of the buildings. The rain falls from the sky down onto the streets below as the water droplets cascade down the window, collecting more and more as it goes further and further down until it falls off.

My mind feels so free, so... Relaxed in this moment. I want to stay here like this for the rest of the day.

But of course, I have work to do....

We have work to do.

After pulling myself off of the warmth of my bed and changing into some warmer clothing, I open the door to my room and walk out into the hallway. It's quiet out here.

Walking a little further however, I see the two guys sitting opposite from one another on the sofa in the corner of the room, the both of them tapping away at the screens in front of them. Although Mello's is a computer while Matt's is his gaming system.

"Mornin' guys" I greet them with a smile before walking my way into the kitchen. I decided to make some tea, my fingertips feel like ice out here. However, i've noticed that the apartment has been cleaned up a little, food is packed in convenience store bags and most of Matt's surveillance equipment is in the corner, disassembled and ready for transportation.

We're moving to another apartment tonight. Sometimes I wish we could just stay in once place so I wouldn't have to worry about leaving something important behind every single time. I almost cried the last time because I had thought I left my passport in the bedroom drawer. Fun times.

"You's want any?" I ask them as I am filling up the kettle with tap water, Matt thanks me but declines my offer. "Yeah, I'll have some" Mello accepts however, our eyes meet for a fraction of a second before I turn my attention back to the kettle, filling it up with enough water for two people before putting the kettle back onto the stand and flip the switch.

Matt gets up from the sofa before muttering something about cigarettes and walking out the door of the apartment, perhaps he ran out but I am not completely sure. He'll be back soon.

While I'm waiting for the kettle to boil, I fetch two ceramic mugs from the cupboard above the sink before searching within one of the convenience store bags for the small box of tea bags, at least a minute goes by as I am struggling to find them. "Is this what you were looking for?" I jump at the voice close to me, turning around, I see Mello holding a small box of Earl Grey Black Tea in his hand.

"It was in the bag on the floor" he informs me before putting the box down beside me on the kitchen counter and walking past me over towards the refrigerator.

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now