Chapter 19: What Lies In The Past Pt 1

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

I found it very strange when I woke up this morning with Mello being nowhere to be found. The apartment was quiet exempt from the cars and other vehicles outside that constantly drove by in an almost never ending line.

So here I am, lying comfortable on the sofa with no idea what to do, Mello always has something different for me to do everyday so I have no idea where to start, I initially though he may have left a letter, texted me or something. Anything to assure me or Matt that he wasn't lying in a ditch somewhere.


There were no clues that could possible tell me where he has gone. I try not to worry like some overly-jealous girlfriend, but for him to leave the apartment without Matt or I is so out of character for him.

"Hey, did Mells leave anything with you? He's been out all morning, he was gone before I woke up" I ask Matt as he walks himself over into the kitchen to grab a bag of potato chips. "No, I don't think so" the brunet replied before heading back to his room to work on surveillance probably. Or to slack off.

'Well... I can't just sit here and do nothing... I guess a place to start is to see if there's been any updates on Takeda...'

Before grabbing my laptop however, I send a text to Mello in hopes he will respond soon.

✞  Mello's P.O.V 

Lately it's been every night...

Every god damn night...

As I stand in the narthex of a Catholic Church I can feel the glances around the room, some just went about their business but a few other eye's lingered on me for some time. As I'm walking down the corridor of the church, I feel a pair of eyes on me that doesn't disappear along with everyone else's. As I turn to look beside me, It seems I have caught the attention of a little girl who looks to be around 4 or 5 years old.

As she stared at me with her wide, dark-coloured eyes, she opened her mouth to speak to me. "Anata no kao..." she says as her hand reached up to her face, pointing to her left eye. "Sore ga dō natta no ka?".

I have no idea what she said to me, although her focus on my face and pointing to the left side of her own gave me a pretty good idea what she was talking about. However the girl's mother noticed her daughter's curiosity towards me likely after hearing her words and quickly muttered a "gomen'nasai". I walked ahead of the woman and the little girl, I sit in a pew a few rows ahead on the other side away from them.

The church is quiet today, as I expected for a Tuesday morning. It's clear outside as the sunlight beams through the colourful stained glass reflecting into the church, I turn my gaze from the glass over into the apse as I relax back into the pew.

The memories begin to resurface as to why I'm here in the first place, leaving (Y/n) and Matt without a word to come here, to seek some kind of peace of mind.

I did what I had to do that day

So.. why is it all coming back to haunt me now?

Rod, Jack, Rashual, Zakk, Glen, Roy, Miller, Jose, Skyer, Y462, Pedoro, Eddie, Ratt, Greg, Back, Danny, Seam, Andrew, Sonny... All of them and a few others the names I don't remember are all reduced to ash in the rubble of the old warehouse... Because of me...

Sure, the police shot them as I made my escape as I ordered Roy and Skyer to protect the Death Note, maybe those two would have lived if I didn't push the button back then, or maybe the police would have shot them too.

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