Chapter 58: End Of The Line [Pt 2]

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[Suginami City, Tokyo]

✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

Only half of an hour has passed since our operation had begun, neither Matt or I have heard anything from Mello yet, but if everything is going as planned, we should hear from him soon.

"Take the left road, there are two vehicles up ahead" I warn Matt, navigating him through the busy roads and away from the black cars being driven by Takada's bodyguards, just how many of them does this woman have? They just keep coming and more are showing up.

It was risky telling Matt to drive left, it's a long and busy road without any routes for a quick escape, but going straight ahead would have been over for us. Coming up to the end of the road he takes a hard left as there is no other direction he can drive in, up ahead the road is a 4-way road to my relief.

Before I can tell him to take one of the directions however, I notice a group of 7 or so of Takada's bodyguards driving from the road on the right.

It's too late, he won't be able to drive ahead of them in time... How did I miss them..?

Suddenly, the seven previously unaccounted jet-black cars fly around the right corner into Matt's direction, causing the red Chevrolet he is driving to come to a sudden, screeching halt before he is boxed in between the 7 cars that suddenly appeared and the other 5 cars who have been tailing him from the beginning.

"Matt, I-I'm-" before I can say anything else however, the brunet cuts me off. "It's all right, don't worry about it" he tells me nonchalantly before I can hear him take a puff of his cigarette rested between his lips. "Can you use your smoke grenade to get away?" I ask him, followed by a brief moment of silence. "No... I don't think so, they've got their cars too close each other" he tells me.

"I'm not going anywhere like this" he tells me, taking another drag of his cigarette.

✞  3rd Person's P.O.V 

As his eyes survey his surroundings, Matt watched as the bodyguards exit their cars, circling him and his red Chevrolet in the centre, it's over for him. There's nowhere else he can go.

There is nowhere else he can drive.

"I'll buy you guys some more time, just sit tight and wait for Mello's signal." Matt tells (Y/n) through his earpiece as the bodyguards begin to demand the man to step out of his car.

As the man reached for his door handle, (Y/n)'s voice stops him from pulling it back and opening the door. "W-wait Matt, what are you doing?" She asks him anxiously.

"I'll head back to the station with them, or wherever they want to take me" he explains. "Don't worry, I won't tell them anything" he reassures his friend as he pulls open his door handle. "Matt!-" She pleads as his fingers grip his earpiece, "just... Be careful, and don't do anything rash..." her voice becomes softer as Matt takes one last drag of his cigarette.

"Don't worry about me, focus on the mission, okay?" He asks her before a moment of silence follows, he removes his earpiece as he opens his car door. Stepping out onto the asphalt, he drops the earpiece as he climbs out, crushing the small object underneath the heel of his boot, eliminating his connection to Mello and (Y/n). He raises his hands above his head into the air in compliance with the bodyguards pointing their weapons at the man.

"C'mon, since when were the Japanese allowed to carry around big guns like that?" He asks in a somewhat humorous tone before becoming more serious all of the sudden. "Listen up, I'm connected to Takada's kidnapping" he tells the bodyguards as their fingers rest against the triggers of their firearms. "You probably want answers and I have them" he begins to persuade them into taking him in.

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