Chapter 62: The Escape

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[Shibuya City, Tokyo]

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to reach you sooner, (Y/n)"

The mysterious blonde woman speaks to me out of nowhere. Calling my name however threw me completely off guard. 'Who is this woman..? How does she know my name..?' I ask myself. 'Have we met somewhere before..?'

Her amber eyes focus in front of her as she drives along the road heading away from Shinjuku, as the car breaks at the red traffic lights, however, the woman finally turns to face me once again. I am completely clueless about what is going on at this very moment, why I was swiftly taken away from the police station by an ex C.I.A agent without even a hint of an explanation is still completely unknown to me. Is her presence a good thing for me, or are things only going to get worse for me from here..?

"Forgive my silence, I just had to make sure we aren't being followed by any Kira supporters or the Shibuya Police" The blonde woman apologises to me, breaking the long and awkward silence before she follows with an explanation, "shortly after you were taken into custody, N.H.N publicised your capture. Kira's supporters began rioting outside of the station after you were kept anonymous... The rioters have been trying to sneak into Shibuya's Police Station through side entrances and open windows so photographs and videos can be taken of your face, leaking these details to the internet will have you vulnerable to the shinigami eyes and I can't allow you to be in a situation that could get you killed, I need you alive". After a long explanation for earlier events, the details almost become lost on me before I realises something strange with her story.

"Hold on... How do you know about the shinigami eyes..?" (Y/n) asks Lidner.

The mysterious woman remains silent, breathing a sign of defeat but she does not say another word. I do not being at a disadvantage, she somehow knows my name and who I am, but I know nothing about her, it is beginning to agitate me. "Who are you?" I asks her cautiously, my handcuffs shifts in my lap as my hands ball into gentle fists.

A few moments pass before she speaks to me again. "I suppose there is no point in keeping my name a secret any longer..." she pauses for a moment.

"My name is Hal Lidner, I am a member of The S.P.K, the Special Provision for Kira" she introduces herself.

My eyes widen at the revelation of the mysterious stranger in front of me. 'This is... Hal Lidner?' I asks myself as the two of us face one another before Hal's eyes focus back onto the road as she drives through the city. Mello has spoken of her many times throughout the length of our investigation, how he stayed with her while in recovery from the explosion, how she shares information with him every few days or so... I never thought for a moment that the two of us would meet however. Especially face to face, In a situation like this.

"You're... Hal Lidner..?" My words leave my mouth before my thoughts are given a moment to process this information, she simply replies with a "yes" before she removes her foot from the break pedal and the car moves forward along with the moving traffic after the light had turned to the blue-green colour.

What does she want with me? I can't be certain she is here to bail me out of all of this. Lidner is Takada's favourite bodyguard after all, although it was all just to gather more information from her about Kira, to see if Takada really is the second Kira... Or if she is just the communicator between the real Kira and the one who is currently carrying out the murders for them... Well, that is if Mello's theory is true. He's never been wrong so far however.

Before I can say anything, I notice that Lidner has stopped the car into a parking space by an empty park away from the buildings, the cars and the people walking on the pavement.

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