Chapter 22: Anticipated Words

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✞  (Y/n)'s P.O.V 

"Mello, we need to talk" I say to him in a serious voice as he is looking around on the kitchen counter, likely searching for his motorcycle keys. As he turns to look at me however, his eyes dart to the very keys he was looking for, sitting in the palm of my hand.

"Can't this wait?" Mello asks me before brushing me off, again, for the third day in a row.

I'm sick of this.

The first time he snuck off from Matt and I three days ago, he didn't call or message either of us, but out of his own personal space I didn't get on his case about it, I was willing to let it slide.

The next day when he did the exact same thing however, I confronted him about it, he just gave me a generic apology and said "It's personal, you understand, right?", so I stopped bugging him about it.

But for a third time now? I'm done! I've had it! He won't talk to neither Matt or I about where he's going and he won't even tell us what this is about, he wouldn't even try lying to us about it either.

I didn't want to be 'that' person, I didn't want to get into something that isn't my business. But all this is doing is setting us all back, driving us and our trust in one another apart. This isn't getting us any further into the investigation either.

We trust him, so why can't he trust us?

"No, it can't" I tell him sternly, "I'm not stepping down this time".

He stops, turning his head towards me with a blank expression at first, tsk'ing as he turns his back to the door and leans against it. "Fine, you want to talk..." He crosses his arms against his chest with an irritated expression. "then talk".

There was a moment of silence between us, although he tells me he's willing to talk, I can tell he doesn't plan on listening to a word I'm going to say. It'll all go through one ear and out of the other. But I'll make him listen. If I don't assert myself, he will just keep taking advantage of this, he'll keep walking all over me, because he knows I'll 'understand' and leave it.

Well, not anymore. I've been patient, but I can't keep doing this.

I just have to stay calm... Take a deep breath... And let it out...

"You can't just keep expecting me to 'understand' if you won't talk to us. You know that, right?" I ask him. His eyes stare blankly into my own as he relaxes his shoulders a little bit.

"If you want to say something, then just come out and say it" Mello tells me, only making my blood boil even more.

"Fine, you want me to just cut to the chase?" I raise my voice as I take a small step closer. "Fine then... You've been sneaking off, and I don't like it" I tell him.

"You won't tell Matt or I what the hell you're doing, and it's weighing down the investigation" I continued with my explanation, hoping my words can get through to him.

But of course, it's not going to be that easy, not when I'm up against someone as stubborn as Mello.

"I'll tell you both when I feel like it, okay? Just not right now" The blond tells me, he uncrosses his arms before taking a few steps towards me. "Now give me my keys-" he moves his arm in the direction of my hand to grab hold of the keys, so I move my arm to hold them behind my back.

"Mello" I glare at him, my calm approach isn't working, so I'll have to be a little more aggressive to get him to listen to me.

Fight fire with fire.

"Why can't you trust us..?" I asked him, swallowing the small, tight, painful feeling in the centre of my throat.

"It's not about you or Matt, it has nothing to do with either of you! It's my own business!" Mello yells back at me with an equally aggressive tone. "So why can't you just lay off?!"

HeartBreak (Mello x Fem!Reader Fanfic) Revised Ver.Where stories live. Discover now