Chapter 24

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Fire Whiskey


"Jayne! Wait Up!" Harry yelled. I was holding hands with Draco as we walked out of DADA when I heard Harry. I have been avoiding him ever since that night at Hogs Head. I'm not mad at him but it is awkward. I stopped and turned to face him. "What do you want Potter, we are busy" Draco snapped. I elbowed him and he rolled his eyes. I have tried to get Draco to be more civil with Harry but it doesn't really work. "I was wondering if I could borrow your book about Padfoot? Can you bring it to my dorm tonight after dinner?" he asked. I immediately understood. "Yeah sure, I'll be there at like 7." I said. "Ok, thanks." he said and walked away. Draco glared at me. "What?" I asked as we started walking. "Why do you need to bring the book to his dorm?" he asked. "Oh um, I don't know." I shrugged and looked down. Suddenly, he pulled me down the hall and into the empty bathroom. "Draco, What are you-" I started when he pressed me against the wall with his hand around my neck. "You're lying," he spat. "What are you talking about?" I said. "Why are you actually going to his dorm?" he said, his voice raising a bit. "Draco seriously, you are acting like a child. Now let go" I said grabbing his hand. He grabbed my wrists pinning them above my head and staring into my eyes. "Are you fucking Potter?" he said slowly. I felt my heart sink and a lump in my throat form. "Not this again Draco." I said. "Answer the fucking question Jayne" he yelled. I felt my eyes water as I pushed him off me.  "God Damn it! After everything we've been through, after I told you I love you, you still can't trust me. When you're done pouting and you want to apologize, you can come find me." I yelled. He pushed me back against the wall. "You don't fucking talk to me like that" he yelled. His grip on my wrist tightened. "Draco, you treat me like shit sometimes so I really don't think you should be giving lessons on respect." I spat. "If I'm such a bad boyfriend, why don't you just date Potter. Or do you just fuck him?" he asked. "What is your deal today? I am so sick of you acting like a jealous insecure little boy." I asked. "I'm sick of you acting like a slut. First you fuck those Hufflepuffs, then Blaise, now Potter. You really get around don't you?" he asked. And I slapped him hard. "I hate you" I said and ran out leaving him in the bathroom. I went to the library and tried to get lost in books. But I just ended up crying in the corner. At least it was peaceful. Finally, it was 7. I headed to Gryffindor tower. Harry was standing outside the portrait. "Hey Jayne," he said. "Hey," I said, giving him a small smile. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing," I said. "Ok, lets go" he said and mumbled the password and we walked inside. The Gryffindor common room was pretty cool. Lots of red and yellow, really homy. It was empty right now. "What are we doing here? What's wrong with Sirius?" I asked. "Come here" he said walking towards the fireplace and we sat down in front of it. "What are we doing?" I asked. "Just wait," he said, smirking. A few seconds passed and then a face appeared in the fire. "Bloody hell" I yelled. "Shhh, people can't see this." Harry whispered. "Jayne, Harry. I missed you too." Sirius said. "Dad I'm so sorry. I was just-" I started but he interrupted. "Harry, will you give us a moment?" he said. Harry nodded and walked away. "Jayne, I'm sorry. Harry is my godson, yes. But you are my daughter. I love you more than anything. I am so proud of you." he said. I blinked back tears. "I love you too dad." I choked out. "Harry, come here" he yelled. Harry walked back over and sat down. "Ok, about Dumbledore's Army. How many people do you have?" he asked. I felt awkward. I wasn't in Dumbledore's Army. "About 25" he said, giving me an awkward look. I stared at the floor. "Good, be careful. I have to go now. But I love and miss you both so much. Stay safe. We will all be a proper family when this is all over." he said and vanished. We sat there in silence for a second. "Harry, I know what you are thinking and I can't." I said looking at him. "Jayne, come on please" he said. "How many Slytherins do you have? I asked. He looked at the floor. "Exactly. The most important part of a team is trust, it's the bond that holds a team together. If I join, that bond breaks." I said. "Jayne, that's not true," he said. "It's ok Harry. This is too important." I said standing up. I gave him a hug and left. As I walked to the dorm, I held back tears. I wanted to fight. I wanted to be a part of Dumbledore's Army. But I couldn't. All because of my house and the guy I love. It's stupid.

When I walked into the common room, I decided to read on the couch for a bit. Right when I sat down, Blaise ran in. "Jayne. Finally, where the hell have you been?" he asked. He looked frantic and out of breath. "I was with Harry? What's wrong?" I asked. "It's Draco, his door is locked but I hear glass breaking" he said. My heart sank. I ran as fast as I could to his dorm. I banged on the door. "Draco. Let me in" I yelled. Nothing. I banged again. "Draco, please. It's Jayne, let me in." I yelled. I pulled out my wand and tried Alohomora but it wouldn't work. "How is Alohomora not working?" I asked. "I don't know," Blaise answered. "Fuck it. Break it down." I said. "Are you kidding me?" he asked. "Blaise, I swear to God, kick the door down now" I yelled. "Ok Ok I'll try" he said. He slammed his body against the door a few times and kicked after a while it broke down. I ran in and Draco was chugging a bottle of Fire whiskey. The ground was covered in broken glass and there were holes in the wall. "Welcome to the party guys" Draco yelled, slurring his words as he stumbled around. "Holy Shit" Blaise mumbled as he looked around. "Well well well, look who it is. Jayne and Blaise. I guess I was wrong. You weren't fucking Potter you were fucking him." Draco said. My eyes filled with tears. "Draco, it's not like that," I said softly. "Oh yeah, I'm sure. You always have been pure and innocent" he said laughing. He drank more whiskey. "Draco, don't you think you've had enough?" Blaise said. "Oh fuck off" he spat. "Come on," he said, reaching for the bottle. Suddenly, Draco punched him. "Blaise" I yelled and ran over to him. Draco ran to the bathroom puking. Serves him right. Blaise's nose was bleeding. "Blaise, you need to go to the hospital wing ok" I said. He was probably fine but I just needed him gone. Blaise and Draco in the same room right now has proven to be a bad situation. "I'm not leaving you alone with him right now" he said standing up. "I'm fine, he won't hurt me. You on the other hand..." I said. He nodded and left. Draco walked out. "Where's your fucktoy?" he asked. "You are such an ass," I said. He pulled out another bottle and started drinking it. I grabbed the bottle and poured it down the sink. "What the fuck?" he yelled. "You're drunk. Now you are going to bed" I said. "You don't fucking tell me what to do." he spat. "Can't you just stop. Please." I said looking into his eyes. "Whatever" he scoffed. I helped him take off his shift and get into bed. I started to leave when I heard his voice. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Draco I-" I started. "Just get into bed." he said. I rolled my eyes and climbed into bed with him. "We are going to talk about this tomorrow" I said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Ok" he mumbled. "And I seriously mean talk. Not just you apologize and then fuck me." I said. "Fine. We can have your talk. But I will still fuck you." he said. "Go to sleep" I whispered. And we fell asleep.

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