Chapter 99

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"I'm going to go find Kingsley and see what he needs," Dean said. Theo nodded. "I'll find you after." he said. They pulled each other into a kiss. "I love you" Dean whispered. Theo looked up and smiled. "I love you too." he said. My heart skipped a beat. I was so happy for Theo. Dean ran off. Theo stood there smiling for a moment then looked at me blushing. "He said he loved me." he said softly. I smiled at him. "I know, he'd be crazy not to." I said. Theo hugged me. "Come on, let's go find Lupin. He can tell us what to do." he said. I nodded. People were running all through the castle. Theo held my hand as we bumped into people. We got to the top of the castle and I saw Uncle Moony. I ran over to him and he saw me and Theo. "What should we do?" I asked. Suddenly there was an explosion. The beautiful blue layer of blue covering Hogwarts was being hit with flashes of light. "That's them. They are trying to get in." Kingsley said. "Death eaters?" Theo asked. "Not just them. Snatchers, giants, dementors." Tonks said. "Bloody Hell!" Theo exclaimed. "What about the kids?" I asked. They all looked at me. "The younger years. They aren't ready for this!" I said. "We got them out." Kingsley said. "Only people 17 and up are fighting." Uncle Moony said. "Are you sure?" I asked. They nodded. "They're safe," Theo reassured. I nodded. Then the entire castle shook as a huge explosion happened. Theo hugged me and held onto the railing. I shut my eyes. When I opened them, the barrier was gone. "It's gone" I whispered. "They can get in now..." Theo said hesitantly Uncle Moony nodded. "It's time to fight. Jayne stays close to Theo. You are ready." he said. I hugged him tight. He kissed my forehead. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "Hey... it's ok. How would you and Harry like to come live with me, Tonks and Teddy?" he asked. "Teddy?" I asked. He smiled. "Our son." he said, kissing Tonks on the cheek. I hugged them both. "Yes! I would love to." I said. "Now go, go fight. I know you can do it!" he said. I hugged him one more time. "I love you" is said. "I love you too," he whispered. Then me and Theo san downstairs. The castle was already filled with death eaters. We stunned them left and right as they threw curses at us. "Stupefy" a voice yelled. "Avada Kedavra" another yelled. We saw the green light flash. I ran over and saw Cedric's body on the ground. I froze. "Come one Jayne, you can't save him," Theo said. I took a last look at his lifeless body and ran. He was a bad person but he didn't deserve to die. Then we ran again. I saw Hermione and Ron. We ran up to them. "We did it. One more destroyed." Ron said. "Brilliant," I said. "Stupefy" I yelled, stunning a death eater behind Ron. We ran into an empty classroom. "We have to find Harry," Ron said, pulling out the Marauder's Map. We all looked all over it. "Here he is," Hermione said. Then his ink disappeared. "Where'd he go?" Theo asked. "Room of Requirement doesn't show up on the map. He's there." I said. Hermione nodded. Right before they closed the map, I saw his name and my heart stopped. Wait!" I yelled. I opened the map. Draco's name was there. He was in the castle, heading for the dungeons. I ran my finger over the ink. "He's alive." I choked out. "Let's go," Ron said. "Good Luck!" Theo said and they left. "We have to find him." I said. Theo nodded. We ran out of the classroom. We dodged spells and curses and cast them as well as we ran. People were screaming as death eaters flew in. We got to the dungeons and the Slytherins were running out. "Do you see him?" I asked. Theo shook his head. Then I heard the crack of apparition. "Draco!" I screamed. I ran faster. "Draco!" I yelled. Then I saw that platinum blonde hair.


"Draco!" I heard her voice call my name. I turned around. Her and Theo stood there. Theo kept his wand drawn to block any spells while she ran to me. She pulled him into her arms and crashed her lips onto mine. She held me tightly, and I pulled her against my body. I haven't stopped thinking about what Lucius said. I know it may be selfish but I need her. I can't breathe without her. And I know he will hurt us even if I walk away. If I'm going to die, I want her to know that I love her. Tears poured down both of our faces. "You're alive. I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone." she choked out. I smiled at her. "I stayed alive... for you. I couldn't leave you." I said. I kissed her again. "I told you, our storys not over yet." I said. She hugged me again.

I missed her.


"Guys, I hate to interrupt really, but we can't really do this right now." Theo said. We nodded. Theo and Draco shook hands. "Thank you," Draco said to him. He nodded. "We have to go to the room of requirement." I said. "Why?" Draco asked. "The last horcrux might be there. We have to help find it and destroy it." Theo said. We nodded. We started running through the castle. It was being destroyed. Glass was shattering, walls were being torn down. We got to the room of requirement and I was hit by a wave of dark magic. I heard shrieking and Draco grabbed me shielding my body. Suddenly it disappeared and the doors shut. I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione on the floor. The Goyle ran away. "We destroyed it." He said. I smiled. Harry and Draco nodded at each other. "You'll never guess who died there." Ron said excitedly to me. "What?" I asked. "Blaise! Ironic too isn't it. Blaise was set ablaze." he said laughing. I froze. "Ronald!" Hermione said. Draco lifted my chin to look at him. "Are you alright?" he asked. "I know I should probably be happy but I don't know that I am. I wanted him to go to prison and suffer. Death seems too easy." I said. He nodded. "It's ok." he said, hugging me. Harry suddenly fell to the floor. He gripped his head and shut his eyes. A few seconds later, he spoke. "I know where he is," he said. We started to go but Draco stopped. "I have to do something." he said. "What?" I asked. "My father. I'm going to kill him." he said. I shook my head. "No, you are staying with me." I said. "Jayne, he deserves to die. What he did-" he started. "I know what he did!" I yelled. Everyone froze. "I know. I told you. Death is letting him off too easily." I said sharply. He just nodded. We quickly all grabbed Harry's hand and apparated to the docking area. I could hear 2 voices. Voldemort and... Snape.

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