Chapter 42

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I managed to avoid everyone all day. I didn't have to interact with anybody. I was lucky because I can't lie anymore I'm falling apart. But I spoke too soon. After Umbridge's punishment, Hermione and Ginny caught me before I could leave. "I'm sorry guys, I really have to go." I said trying to walk past them. "Jayne, wait, it's about Padfoot," Hermione yelled. I stopped. "What? Is he ok? I asked, keeping my voice down. "Yes, but we can't talk here. Can you meet us in our dorm tonight? At 8." Hermione said. I'd be cutting it close. Curfew is 10. If Blaise is in my room and I'm not there. I tried to clear my head as it filled with all the what ifs. "Ok, I'll be there," I said.

I hid in the library until 8, trying to use the books as an escape. But I couldn't. I was trapped and that was it. I walked down the hall keeping my head down. I sighed with relief when I closed off Gryffindor and was standing in their common room. It always felt familiar, in a way. Harry was sitting on the couch and he looked nervous. "Jayne, Hi," he said. My stomach churned. I just wanted to get out of there. I couldn't keep it together. "Hi," I said, keeping my eyes to the floor. "Is Sirius ok?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll explain, let's go," he said, leading me to Ginny and Hermione's dorm. We walked in and he shut the door. I looked up and saw Draco standing in the middle of the room. "What the-" I started turning to leave but Harry stood in front of the door. "Jayne, wait," Harry said. "What is going on? Why is he here?" I asked. My heart was racing. "You won't talk to me about what's going on so maybe you will talk to Harry'' Draco said. "Nothing is going on." I said. "Really? What happened with Blaise?" Harry asked. "I don't know what you mean." I said. My voice was shaky and I blinked back tears. "Jayne, you are safe here. He can't hurt you." Harry said. He took a step forward to hug me but I flinched. The bruises on my ribs hurt like crazy. I pushed him away. "I'm fine." I said. "Jayne tells us what happened or I can just use legilimency and find out for myself," Draco said. My heart stopped and my breath hitched. "What? You can't do that." I said. "Malfoy, that was not what we discussed." Harry said. "Jayne, tell me what happened." Draco said, ignoring Harry. "I can't-" I mumbled to myself. I felt my chest tighten. It was like there was no air in the room. "Malfoy, calm down" Harry warned. "Jayne, tell me right now or I-" Draco started. "He raped me" I yelled. Their faces dropped. "I'm sorry. I tried to stop him but- he- he was too- I couldn't" I stammered as the tears fell down my face. "I couldn't tell you or he would do it again. He likes it, the fear. And seeing me in pain." I said. My shaking hands made their way to the bottom of my shirt. I lifted it up and revealed the dark bruises on my ribs. "Oh my god" Harry mumbled. He ran over to me and pulled me into his arms before I fell to the floor. I sobbed in his arms. He tried to comfort me. I looked up at Draco. He stood there, furious. His breathing was heavy and his knuckles were white. "Draco?" I said softly. He ran out of the room. "Let him go Jayne," Harry said. "No, I know where he is going and I can't let him do it." I said. We got up and chased after him, hoping to prevent the chaos.


"He raped me" she choked out. The second she said those words my whole world stopped. I was supposed to protect her. Then I saw those horrible bruises on her ribs. Now I'm watching her sob in Harry's arms and he is trying everything to comfort her but none of it works. She is shaking like a leaf. She was too pure, too gentle, too kind. Blaise laid his filthy hands on her and he destroyed her. I hated him and he was going to die for it. I walked into our common room and instantly saw Blaise. He walked down the stairs towards me. "Hey mate, have you seen Jayne. She is supposed to be in her room but she wasn't. Now I can have a little fun with her." he said laughing. All I saw was red.


We ran all the way down the halls chasing Draco. I saw the portrait close after him. We ran up to the portrait and I said the password. The first thing I saw was Draco standing in front of Blaise. When I saw him, I felt the fear. I heard his voice and it sent chills down my spine. "Now I can have a little fun with her," he said laughing. Then it happened. Dracos fist connecting with his face. Blaise stumbled to the side. "What the fuck?" he yelled. Then he laid eyes on me. "You told him you little slut! Oh you are going to pay for that" he yelled charging towards me. But Harry punched him across the face too. He fell back and Draco kicked him over and over. "Draco, enough," I said. "Malfoy, cool it" Harry added. Draco just ignored us. He climbed on top of him. He punched his face over and over. I couldn't even recognize Blaise. The blood was everywhere. His face was so destroyed it was almost unrecognizable. I could hear myself screaming for him to stop in the background. "Malfoy, he's had enough," Harry yelled, pulling Draco off him. I stood in the corner frozen. My whole body shook at the scene in front of me. Draco pushed at Harry. "Really Potter? After what he did to Jayne! You think he's had enough?" Draco yelled. "Malfoy-" Harry started. "Well I don't," Draco said, pulling out his wand. He pointed it towards an unconscious Blaise and started to say a spell. "Expelliarmus" I turned to see Snape and Umbridge. "What is going on?" Umbridge asked. None of us spoke. "Professor Snape, Please get Mr. Zabini to the hospital, you three, my office" Umbridge said firmly. Just great.

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