Chapter 37

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"Jayne, Jayne, are you ok?" Ginny whispered, nudging me. I looked over and everyone was clearing out of Umbridge's classroom. I nodded and got up. I couldn't speak. I still had a lump in my throat. I didn't know what to say, to anyone. Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron and I began to walk out when we heard Umbridge's voice. "Ah, Ah, Ah not so fast Mr Potter." she said with a smirk. We all stopped to face her. "Yes Professor" he said gritting his teeth. "Mister Malfoy will help me in escorting you to the headmasters office. He is my most trusted and successful officer" she said. "Like hell he will" I said suddenly. I stepped next to Harry. "And why is that?" she asked. I should tell her. I should tell her what Draco did. "Miss Black?" she asked again. Draco looked at me and the second I saw his eyes I couldn't. I'm not like him. I won't be. I don't betray the people I care about. "You aren't taking him anywhere alone. I'll go too. Please professor" I said. "Very well" she sighed. Draco grabbed both our shoulders and we walked towards Dumbledore's office. When we got there, the Minister was there, he tried to send Dumbledore to Azkban but Dumbledore escaped via Phoenix. It was incredible. "Do not speak of this to any other students do you understand?" Umbridge spat. We nodded and left. As Harry and I walked back there was an awkward silence. "Just say it, I know you want to," I said. "I don't know what you mean," he lied. "That you were right," I said. "Jayne, neither of us had no way of knowing that for sure. What I said was fueled entirely by my dislike for him due to years of bullying." he said. "Well you were right. Now DA is ruined and it's my fault. Ginny was right, you guys should have never told me. If I didn't know the veritaserum wouldn't have worked." I said. Harry grabbed my hands and turned me to face him. "Jayne, nobody blames you. We blame Umbridge and the inquisitorial squad. Just keep your head down and conserve your energy for the punishments okay?" he said. I nodded and he pulled me into an embrace. "I love you Jayne," he said. "I love you too Harry" I said. He kissed me on the forehead and we went our separate ways. I was dreading going back to the Slytherin common room but what I saw when I arrived was 10x worse. I walked in the portrait and they were having a party. The inquisitorial squad had a banner honoring their takedown. There was booze and music. People were dancing. I walked up hoping to get straight to my room but no such luck. I got about halfway there when somebody went on a microphone and started talking, it was Pansy. I tried to push past people but Goyle pushed me to the ground in the middle of their dance floor. Everyone was looking at me. "Look everyone, it's our guest of honor. Jayne Black here, Draco Malfoy's most recent slut" she said and everyone laughed. "We should go over some of little Jayne here's highlights of the year so far" Pansy said and people cheered. I felt my eyes water as I stood up. "Does everyone remember when her murderer of a father was her boggart" Pansy said. "Or when she fucked like 10 hufflepuffs" Pansy said. I tried to walk past people again but this time Goyle grabbed my arms holding me in place. I tried to fight him off but he was too strong. "Let me go" I said squirming in his grip but he just laughed. "Now she joined some stupid army and couldn't even do that, guess you reall are just a screw up like your daddy" she teased. I felt the tears fall. "Aww what a little-" she started but the microphone stopped working and the music stopped. "Let her go" a loud voice said. Draco walked out and his friends immediately let go. "Seriously mate, you are still soft for her." Blaise teased. "No, I'm not. Pansy forgot one. She cheated on me with Potter so unless you wanna get Gryffindor STDs I would let her go" he spat. I glared at him still frozen in place. Draco grabbed my arm and pushed me out and shut the portrait. "I wouldn't come back tonight," he said. I didn't. I ran to Gryffindor tower and stood there trying to figure out how to get in. "Please, I need to see Harry." I said. "Password" The portrait answered. "I told you I don't know, hence the Slytherin uniform. It's an emergency" I said. "Password" she answered. "Ugh What part of-" I started. "Jayne? What are you doing here?" George asked. "I need to see Harry." I said. "Well of course darling" Fred said. "Fairy Lights" they said and the door opened. "See, I'm not some evil invader" I spat at the lady in the portrait. She just rolled her eyes at me. Harry, Hermione, and Ron, Ginny and Neville were sitting on the couch when I walked in. "Jayne?" Harry said quickly getting up and walking over. "What happened?" Ron asked. "Slytherin happened, I get why you hate us Ginny" I said. She nodded. "Here, sit down and tell us what happened," said Hermione. "When I got back, they were having a party. Like a full blown party to celebrate taking us down. Booze, dancing, all of it. Then when I got there I tried to go straight to my room, but I guess I was the guest of honor. Pansy started saying stuff about me and my dad. I tried to leave but Goyle and Cassius wouldn't let me. Then Draco came and said they should let me go but only because they might catch Gryffindor STDs from when I cheated on him with Harry, which I didn't. Then I left and came here. I'm so sorry Harry, I don't know why he said that." I said. I felt the salty tears pour down my face. "It's ok Jayne," he said softly. He pulled me into a hug and I felt him stroke my hair. "Jayne, you are going to stay with me and Ginny tonight ok?" Hermione said. "Maybe from now on," Ginny said. I nodded. "Thanks guys," Harry said. He nodded at Ginny and she smiled. "Let's go," said Hermione. We all nodded. "Wait, Hey Fred, George, you don't happen to have any prank that could ruin a party do you?" I asked with a smirk. "Anything you could think of," George said. "Oh I thought you would never ask." Fred said. "Do your absolute worst, the password to Slytherin is Parseltongue" I said. "Best day" Fred started. "Ever," George said. But it wasn't, not for me. Hermione, Ginny and I went upstairs to their room and luckily they have an extra bed. I borrowed some clothes and went to change. When I took off my jacket a piece of parchment fell to the floor. I picked it up and immediately knew it was from Draco, it read.

This whole time I wanted to protect you but I'm the one you need protecting from

I folded it up and put it back in my jacket. Why do I need to be protected from him? I love him, right? No, Not anymore. I hate him. I have to.

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