Chapter 60

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"No! Someone help me please! Stop!" a voice screamed. I shot up and listened. "What the hell was that?" Cami asked. She and Kenz were in their beds. I grabbed my wand from my bedside table. "Lumos" I whispered and the room lit up slightly. I looked at the clock. It was 3:30am. "Stop! It hurts! Please! No!" the voice screamed again. It was booming through the entire house of Slytherin. "Bloody Hell!" Kenz yelled. Then it hit me. Draco. I got out of bed and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" Kenz asked. "Stay here. Just trust me." I said and I left shutting the door behind me. I ran down the hall and through the common room up the stairs to the boys dorms. "No! Help!" he screamed again. A kid stuck his head out the door and looked at me as I ran past. "Go back to bed, I got it." I said. He just shrugged and shut the door. I got to Dracos door and tried to open it but it was locked. "Draco! Wake up! Open the door! It's me!" I yelled pulling on the handle. "Alohomora" I said pointing my wand at the door. The lock clicked and I ran inside and shut the door. "Mufflito" I said so nobody would hear him anymore. I ran to his bed. He was thrashing on the bed and shaking. I climbed up and shook him. His skin was ice cold but covered in sweat. He kept crying and screaming. "Draco!" I screamed, shaking him as hard as I could. "Please wake up!" I yelled. Then his eyes opened and he shot up. His breathing was shaky and uneven. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled his head into the crook of my neck. "It's ok. You're safe. I'm here." I whispered. I rubbed his back softly as I held him and his breathing began to slow. I could feel his tears staining my shirt. "Just breathe, I got you" I whispered. He sat up and looked at me. "Jayne, what are you doing here?" he sighed. "You were screaming." I said. "What?" he asked. His eyes were still full of terror. "Draco, you were screaming for help. You were begging someone to stop hurting you. It was just a nightmare though." I said. "Yeah, just a nightmare." he mumbled. I lifted his chin and wiped his eyes. "Draco, I'm still here for you. I always will be." I said. He nodded. "Do you want me to stay?" I asked. He paused and was silent. "If you want," he said. "I'll stay," I said softly. He laid down and I laid next to him. His hands were still shaking. I took his hand in mine and interlaced our fingers. "You're ok" I whispered. "Thanks princess." he whispered and we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up. When the scent of mint and citrus hit me, I was reminded of where I was before I even opened my eyes. Draco and I had become entangled as we slept. I carefully pulled myself from his arms hoping to leave before he woke up. I got up from the bed and looked at him once more before I left. I looked at his soft blonde hair, his perfect pale skin. His arms, his hands, then I saw it. No. Not him. No, No, No. Please not him. I have to be imagining it. I have to be imagining the ink on his skin. The Dark Mark. I stared at it and noticed the red scratches deep in his skin on it. Almost as if he tried to scrape it off. He had to go through all of this alone. This summer, I should have written to him. Then maybe I would have recognized something wasn't right. Harry was right. He is a death eater. I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. I can't even tell Draco I know. Merlin only knows how he'll react if he knows I know. I was snapped back to reality when I felt the tears hit my face. I pulled the sleeves of his shirt over his arm so it wasn't visible. I quickly wiped them from my face and went to his desk. I pulled some parchment and wrote him a note, leaving it on his nightstand. ~Sorry I left, had to get Cami and Kenz up. Bye.

I quickly ran back to my dorm where Cami and Kenz were already getting ready for school. "Where were you all night?" Cami asked. "Yeah, you never came back after those screams." Kenz added. "I was with Draco." I said quietly. They looked at each other and smiled. "Ohhhh" Cami said. "No, not like that." I said. "Then what was it like?" Kenz said, giving me a smirk. Cami hit her with a towel. "He was the one screaming, duh" Cami said. "Oh" Kenz said. "Guys, don't. Don't tell anyone that." I said. "Fine. But to be honest Jayne, we don't really need to. He woke up the entire house." Kenz said. "Nobody knows it was him." I said. They shrugged and we all got ready. I finished first so I grabbed my bag and left. They always take forever on the first day. They think it's special for some reason. When I walked into the common room, Theo was sitting on the couch waiting. "Hey!" he said smiling at me. "Hey, sorry if you were waiting long. I got caught up with something." I said. "No, I just got here a minute ago. How'd you sleep?" he asked. I smiled. "Good, what about you?" I asked. "Good," he said with a chuckle. We stepped out the portrait and began walking to the Great Hall. "Do you have your schedule?" he asked. "Oh yeah, Kenz got it for me." I said pulling from my robe. I looked at mine quickly before handing it to him.

Jayne Black Year 6 Hogwarts Schedule Theodore Nott Year 6 Hogwarts Schedule

Period 1- Charms Period 1-Charms

Period 2-Study Period Period 2- Study Period

Period 3- Potions
Period 3- Potions

Period 4- DADA
Period 4- DADA

I handed it to him and he compared our schedules. "Wicked. We have all the same classes." he said. "Well aren't you lucky" I said, smiling at him. He laughed. "Indeed I am." he said. We walked in the Great Hall. Instantly I froze when I saw Blaise sitting at the table with Adrian and Crabbe and Goyle. Theo stopped and looked at me. He took my hand and interlaced our fingers. I looked down at it and then at him. "Don't let him scare you. You're stronger than that." he whispered. I nodded. We walked and sat at the end of the table. Theo and I got our food and began talking and eating. Then Cami and Kenz sat down. "Hey Jayne, who's this?" Cami said, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her and nudged Kenz's shoulder. "This is Theo. He is new." I said. "Hi Theo" They both said. He laughed and shook their hands. "Theo, this is Cami and Mackenzie, my roommates." I said. "Nice to meet you." he said. "You guys should really eat something, you got really drunk last night." I said. "I don't think I can keep anything down." Kenz said. "Just at least drink some water." I said, pouring them both a cup. We all continued talking until I heard it. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I turned and Draco was holding Blaise by the throat against a wall. Blaise just laughed at him. "You are still soft for that slut even after she dumped you. Pathetic. What would he think about that?" Blaise asked, enunciating the he. I quickly stood up and ran over. Theo followed quickly behind. "Ah, look here she is now. Should we tell her about your summer activities?" Blaise asked Draco. My heart stopped. He knew. Blaise knew and he was taunting him. "Don't you dare." he yelled, slamming him against the wall again. I grabbed Draco's shoulder and shook it. "Draco, stop." I said. "If you even think about her, I will-" he started. "What? Don't forget what I know about Draco." he said. "Draco!" I yelled and he looked at me. "Just let him go. He's not worth it." I said. Draco let go and stepped back. "Jayne-" he started. "He doesn't scare me anymore." I said. "Oh really" Blaise said, walking towards me. I quickly whipped out my wand and pointed it at him. "Stupefy" I yelled and he was stunned backwards. Everyone in the Great Hall was staring. "Shows over people" Theo yelled and we left.

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