Chapter 14

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As I walked out of the feast, I headed for the Astronomy tower. I needed to clear my head. Something was off. I thought that once I just fucked Jayne that I could be back in control. But I can't. She is becoming a drug for me. I need her as much as she needs me. Usually, I'm the guy that tells the girl what to do. With Jayne, I can't control her. I'm guessing once people start to talk about her constantly, she will lose her edge. Yeah, then I will be back in full control.


This weekend felt long because it felt like no matter where I turned people were talking about me. I couldn't take 5 steps without being called a slut. It took a lot of convincing to make sure Cami and Kenz don't freak out on them. I love them for trying to protect me, but I don't want people to fight my battles. Things with Draco have been as ok as they can be. I only really see him when we hook up, other than that we usually just argue. Every night after we have sex, before I go, we make sure to mention that we still hate one another. I guess it's our way to ensure we aren't catching feelings. We do it every night, except last night. When I left, I said it, but he didn't say anything back. I decided not to overthink it.

It's finally Monday and classes are starting again. I held my head high as Cami, Kenz and I walked to the Great Hall. We sat down to eat and I ignored the whispers. When Malfoy walked in they got even louder. "Don't you people have anything better to do?" I asked. They all looked away but continued to whisper. Draco and his friends sat rather far from us but he kept looking at me. I looked at him and he stood up and began to walk away nodding towards the door signaling for me to follow. Right after he left, I waited a minute, then followed. "I'll see you guys in class" I whispered and ran outside. I wandered around scanning the hallways for Draco. Then I felt someone pull me into a a bathroom and I was pushed up against a cold tile wall. His arms were on either side of me enveloping me in his presence. The smell of Dior Sauvage filled the space. "Miss me princess" he asked, smirking. Before I could answer, he crashed his lips into mine. I melted at his rough touch. I ran my hands down his firm chest and he grabbed my back. He pulled me towards a dresser in the corner. He lifted me up and sat me down on it. I felt myself get wet as I saw where this was going. He unbuttoned my shirt as he kissed down my body. I moaned softly in his ear. He pulled my shirt off all the way and threw it to the side. He did the same with his. "Spread your legs" he said slowly. I did so and he wedged himself between my legs so I couldn't close them at all. His hand grabbed my underwear and yanked them off. I felt his cold rings on my heat. His fingers dipped into my wetness and he slowly rubbed my clit. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and held onto his broad shoulders. As I moaned, my hot breath fanned on his skin. "I thought you hated me princess" he said as he quickly unhooked my bra and pulled it off with one hand. My bare breasts now pressed against his chest as he slipped a finger in slowly. As he pumped it in and out, he added another. I moaned louder and dug my nails into his back and dragged my hands through his hair. His pace quickened as he slowly rubbed my clit. The combination of that and his fingers moving in and out of me was causing me to shake. "I'm gonna cum" I whispered. "Not yet," he said, smirking. "Draco please-" I said barely breathing at this point. "What's my name?" he asked and my walls tightened. "Daddy" I choked out. "Good girl" he said and I came. The pleasure rocked my body and I moaned loudly holding onto him tightly. As I tried to catch my breath, he sucked his fingers and laughed. "Shut up Malfoy" I snapped. "Oooo Not very friendly" he said smiling. He casually put on his shirt and then just watched me as I got dressed. I looked around the room everywhere for my underwear when I saw him holding them. "Looking for something?" he asked, smirking. "Give them back" I said. "Beg" he said, staring me down. "I have a better idea." I said walking towards him. "Oh yeah, what's that?" he asked. I grabbed his tie and pulled him into a kiss. I placed my hand on his bulge. "Can I" I whispered in his ear. He nodded and I kissed lower and lower slowly towards his belt. Then all of the sudden, I grabbed my underwear and pulled away. I slipped them on and walked out. Draco quickly followed out of the room. "I'm going to punish you for that later," he said slowly in my ear. "Yes daddy" I whispered and we walked into potions and sat down. When we sat down, everyone looked at us. I just ignored them but Draco looked at me as if he was waiting for me to do something. It was strange. I didn't think much of it, but I probably should have.

I just got to DADA and we are doing duels again...with the same damn partners. Harry and I started and I immediately knew something was off. He wasn't blocking spells and I was even able to stupefy him. Then when he let me take his wand within like 5 seconds of our 3rd duel, I figured it out. "You bloody idiot." I yelled, storming towards him. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched. "Jayne, what are you talking about?" he asked. Harry was red in the face and backed up against a wall. "How stupid do you think I am?" I asked, staring at him. "I don't- I didn't," he stammered. "The first time we dueled, you beat me. But this time, I took your wand in 5 seconds. You aren't even trying and we both know why. Now take your wand and fight back" I yelled, shoving his wand into hands. "Professor, are you sure this is a good idea?" Hermione asked. "I think they need to do this," he answered. Every single student, Slytherin and Gryffindor, stood there silent. This wasn't about houses, this was about Harry and I.

We stood across from each other and started. Spells were flying back and forth. We were blocking them and sending them every chance we could. The duel ended with me winning somehow. I yelled Locomotor Mortis and Harry ducked, giving me the chance to win by stunning him with the Stupefy spell. Everyone clapped but I didn't feel victorious. How do I know he didn't let me win this time too? My thoughts were interrupted by Professor Moody.

"Jayne, why don't you help Harry to the hospital wing to get checked out?" he said. "Why me?" I asked. "Why her?" Draco yelled. I turned to him. His knuckles were white just like that night on the carriage with Cedric. He was jealous. "Go," Moody said plainly. "Sorry" I mouthed to Draco. Harry stood up and him and I walked out. This should be loads of fun.

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