Chapter 26

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Just when I thought things couldn't get worse they did. When I broke up with Draco, it became the talk of the school. But for some reason it only sucked for me. Everyone just said they saw it coming. I was just a fucktoy and he got bored and dropped me. Now people have gone back to calling me a slut, whore, things like that. And Draco does nothing about it. He just laughs with his friends. He thinks it's funny. I should have known. I can't help but wonder if he ever loved me to begin with or if I really was just a toy for him this whole time. Being a part of DA (Dumbledore's Army) has helped though. Everyone is really nice and it's a good distraction. But the only problem is that Umbridge has a suspicion that something is going on. It's getting harder and harder to sneak around without getting caught. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling waiting for it to be time to get up. I don't sleep much anymore. Everytime I close my eyes, my head fills with memories of Draco and I and it hurts so bad. Finally it was time to get up. I rolled out of bed and stretched my sore body. "Kenz, Cami, time to get up!" I yelled as I walked into the bathroom to get ready. I did my hair and makeup and got dressed. Then I sat on my bed waiting for Cami and Kenz. It's hard lying to them about where I go all the time but they don't seem to pay me much mind because they are so invested in their boyfriends for which I am grateful. Finally they were ready. "Let's go," I said and we left. Kenz talked about a fight she and her boyfriend Adam were having. I just kept my head down and tried to ignore the teasing and whispers. Finally, we arrived at breakfast. I sat down and tried to eat but I couldn't. I rarely could these days. I just stared out into space and I didn't even notice Cami and Kenz had left and Draco and his goons had come in. They sat down surrounding me. Blaise and Goyle sat on either side of me and Crabbe and Draco sat across from us."Look at what we have here," Goyle said, playing with my hair. I didn't have the energy to fight with them today. "What do you guys want now?" I said. "Why don't you take a guess," Blaise said laughing. Draco laughed but I saw his fist clenching. "You are disgusting" I spat and tried to stand up but they yanked me back down. Goyle's hand crept to my inner thigh and I froze. I blinked back tears and tried to pull away but Blaise held me in place. "Come on, Don't worry about Draco, we can share right mate" Blaise asked looking at Draco. I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Let her go," he said firmly. "What?" they both asked at the same time. "I said let her go. Do you really want my sloppy seconds? She is such a slut she has fucked a hufflepuff too. Just let her go" he spat. They let me go and I stood up to leave but Draco grabbed my wrist. "Say thank you," he said, smirking. I felt tears streaming down my face. "I hate you," I said and yanked my wrist away. "See you later slut" he yelled after me. I stopped in my tracks. I am so fucking sick of that word. I stormed back up to him and slapped him across the face. "What is wrong with you? Are you that scared that you will push away the one person that isn't afraid to love you?" I yelled. People started to stare at us but I didn't care. "Pathetic, you fell in love. Well that sucks because I never loved you. Everyone was right. You were just a toy and now I'm bored of you" he spat. "That's fine. Because I don't love you. Not anymore." I said. I stepped closer to him leaning in his ear. "But don't you ever call me a slut again because you are forgetting I know things, things that you want kept a secret." I whispered. Then I did something I never thought I would. I stepped onto the table and everyone stared. "If anyone here ever calls me a slut ever again, I swear I will crucio your ass because I would rather be locked up in Azkaban with my deranged aunt than be here with all you pathetic gits" I spat. Every single person's jaw dropped as I stepped down and walked out all the way to potions. People stared all day but I heard absolutely no name calling. I sat down in Potions and Draco sat next to me. He looked distraught. "Today, you will be brewing Alihotsy Potion. The directions and ingredients are on page 205. Begin" Snape said and sat at his desk. I got the ingredients and Draco set up our station. Then we silently started brewing our potion. I looked at him and my heart broke. I miss him so much. As much as I wanted his touch, I remembered what he did to me and stayed strong. "What do you want Malfoy?" I spat. "Don't tell anyone what I told you. If you do, I will fucking kill you." he spat. I stared down at my ingredients trying to focus on cutting the lacewing flies but my hands shook. I thought he would never hurt me but now I wasn't sure. A tear fell from my face and his face softened. His voice cracked and he placed a hand on my arm. I flinched and pulled it away. "I'm sorry. But you don't understand my father-" he started but I cut him off. "I won't." I said quietly. He nodded. "I never would have. That's something you would do. I'm not cold or evil like you. I don't want to hurt others. Now leave me alone" I said and went back to work. We ignored each other the rest of class. I guess everyone was right, he never loved me. If he did, I wouldn't be the only one with a broken heart right now.

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