Chapter 75

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Slytherin was playing Gryffindor today. I was walking towards the pitch and I saw Hermione. I ran ahead and caught up to her. "Hey Mione!" I said. She looked at me and smiled brightly. "Hey Jayne! How are you!" she asked. "Good, and you?" I asked. She blushed. "Um yeah good." she said. I raised an eyebrow at her. "What?" she said. "Why'd you blush?" I asked. "It's cold out, it's just-" she started. "Mione..." I said. "Fine, Ron and Lavender broke up." she said. I smiled. Finally, those two were the worst. Always snogging left and right. And I know for a fact Ron likes Hermione, I just don't think he's realized it yet. "Finally!" I said. "How?" I asked. "Um well, it was when Ron was in the hospital-" she started. "Wait what?" I asked. "You didn't know?" she asked. "Harry didn't tell me that!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, he was poisoned. Him, Harry and Professor Slughorn were sharing a drink and Ron took the first sip. The drink was poisoned. He's fine now. But when we were in the hospital... well he asked for me in front of Lavender and she freaked out." Hermione said, smirking slightly. I chuckled a bit. "Does Ron remember?" I asked as we climbed the bleachers. "No and don't tell him." she said. I nodded. I understood. I think she wants him to realize he likes her when he is lucid. It needs to be on their terms not because he almost died. It makes sense. We sat down next to Neville and Luna and the players flew out. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hey Jayne!" Neville said. "Hello," Luna said. We began cheering as the game started. Theo was doing awesome. He scored tons of goals. But Gryffindor was in the lead. Then our seeker caught the snitch. "Slytherin Wins! Slytherin Wins!" Lee yelled into the mic. Everyone cheered and I was so excited. "I'll see you guys later," I said. I gave Mione a hug and wished her luck with Ron. Then I ran to find Theo. I climbed down the bleachers but so was everyone else. I decided to take a shortcut. I cut behind the bleachers and walked around. Suddenly, I heard slow claps. I turned around and saw him. Blaise. I shouldn't have taken this shortcut.

"Your little boyfriend did great today! Is he going to get some reward sex?" he asked. I kept walking. "Where are you going princess?" he asked. I hated when he called me that. "Go to hell Blaise." I yelled. I was across the way from the locker room and I started running. But Blaise grabbed me and pinned me against a wall. He pinned my wrists next to my head and forced his knee between my legs. He stared at me and leaned in. His face was inches from mine. "I was talking to you." he spat. I closed my eyes and turned my head. "Look at me." he said firmly. I kept my eyes closed. "Look at me!" he yelled. I flinched at his voice and opened my eyes. His eyes were dark as they looked me up and down. He pressed his body into mine. I felt his bulge press into my waist. It made me sick. I struggled under his grip but I couldn't break free. "You know the only girl who will fuck me now is Pansy. All because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. " he snapped. I was shaking. "We both know you wanted it." he said. I shook my head. "No, I didn't. You forced me." I choked out. He slammed me back against the wall. He leaned in closer. "Well I guess I'll just have to force you again." he said darkly. He laughed and I felt tears fall down my face. "Help! Theo! Hel-" I started to scream. I felt his fist connect with my face. My cheekbone was crushed and the pain was overwhelming. His hand covered my mouth and he looked furious. "Shut up, you little slut." he spat. His hands went to my breasts and I started trying to push him off. He just grabbed my wrists and held them with one hand. He thrusted his hips against me again and I cried out. "What the fuck?" I heard a shout in the distance. Then Blaise was ripped on me and thrown to the ground. My vision was blurred from the tears but I saw Theo on top of Blaise beating the crap out of him. "Jayne, Jayne, are you alright?" I looked up and saw Marcus Flint looking at me. I shook my head. "Theo, stop!" I yelled. Two guys from the team pulled him off Blaise. I was shaking and crying. My breath was uneven. Theo turned and saw me. He pulled me into his arms. "Hey Hey, it's ok. I'm here now. You're safe. I won't let him touch you ever again." he said. "Take him to Dumbledore, tell him what happened." Theo said. Marcus nodded and they picked Blaise up and dragged him away. "Let's get you inside," he said. He picked me up and carried me. I held him tightly as I cried into his shoulder. He sat me down in the common room and people stared. "Everyone out now!" he yelled and they all disappeared. "We are going to breathe ok, just like before." he said. I nodded. "Ready?" he asked. I nodded and he took my shaky hands and sat in front of me. "Breathe in for 4, hold for 4 and release for 4, with me." he said. I nodded. "In 1, 2,3,4. Hold 1,2,3,4. Out, 1,2,3,4" he said softly. We kept breathing and breathing. Marcus walked in and nodded at Theo. "I'll be right back." he said. Theo and Marcus stood in the corner and whispered. "Are you fucking serious?" Theo roared. Marcus nodded. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Um, let's go talk to Dumbledore." he said. I took his hand and we headed for his office. When we got there Harry was standing at the door. He turned and saw me and hugged me tightly. "Merlin Jayne! I was so worried. I'm so sorry I wasn't there." he said. "It's ok. You can't be with me 100% of the time and you couldn't anticipate something like that. And Theo was there." I said. Harry shook his hand. "Thank you mate, really thank you." Harry said. "No problem. But Dumbledore is letting him stay." Theo said. Both Harry and I's jaws dropped. We burst into Dumbledore's office and McGonagall and Snape were standing there. "Sir With all due respect, are you out of your mind?" Harry yelled. Dumbledore sighed. "Jayne dear are you alright?" McGonagall asked. I nodded. "I'm fine. I think." I said. "How many more times does he get to terrorize her before you do something?" Harry asked. "Sir, think about what would have happened if someone wasn't there. Because one day someone might not be. He can't be here!" Theo said. "I understand your concern. But the have changed the rules for Mr. Zabini. He is to go straight to class and back to his dorm. He will eat meals in his dorm and he isn't allowed to attend quidditch or Hogsmeade." Dumbledore said. Harry scoffed. "Why can't you just expel him?" Theo asked. "Mr. Zabini's home is not safe for him-"Dumbledore started. "Sucks for him. Why does that mean he gets to make the school unsafe for Jayne?" Harry asked. "It's fine, let him stay." I said. I was standing towards the back of the room so everyone turned around quite quickly to look at me. "What?" Theo said. "Let him stay." I said plainly. "Jayne, he ra-" Harry started. I cut him off before he could finish the word. "I know. I know Harry. I was there, it happened to me." I said. He looked down. "Miss Black are you sure you're alright?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes, just know though, if Blaise tries to do anything to me again... I am going to kill him. I am done being abused by him, he deserves to die and I have no problem doing it. Now I have to go. Have a nice day everyone." I said and I turned on my heel and walked out. I heard them continue to argue but I didn't care. It's over.

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