Chapter 7

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Nothing Happened


The party was in full swing when we got there. People were either drunk or close to it. Everyone was dancing and it was awesome. Cedric and I downed some drinks and started dancing. We spent almost the whole night together. We either talked or danced, or he watched me and my girlfriends dance. As the night grew late, he got more and more drunk. Eventually, the party died down and I had to get him back to his dorm. I wrapped his frame over me and did my best to drag him to the Hufflepuff dorms. We got there and he mumbled the password. I helped him to the dorm and we fell on his bed laughing. We were both intoxicated but I was taken aback when he kissed me. The kisses were sloppy and his hands grabbed my body. We were too drunk for this. I tried to push him off but he climbed on top of me. "Cedric get off" I yelled and shoved him off. He stumbled back and quickly realized what happened. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry Jayne." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's fine, we are just too drunk right now. Both of us" I said and I helped him into bed. I started to leave when he yelled. "Wait, You are drunk. Just stay and sneak out in the morning" he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Fine," I said, laying on the end of the bed. The warmth of the alcohol coated me and I fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to my roommates walking into the room loudly. Luckily, they saw Jayne and quickly quieted down. I stood up and pushed them into the bathroom. "Jayne, we have class," I said softly, shaking her small body. Her eyes fluttered open and she sat up. "Thanks Cedric" she said softly and gave me a peck on the cheek as she rushed out the room. My roommates Ben and Lionel walked out. "You hooked up with the new girl?" Lionel asked. Before I could think I said yes. I'm not going to tell them we just slept because we were drunk. And anyway everyone knows  my reputation and she dresses like a slut so it makes sense. "I knew she was easy, nice bro" Ben said laughing. I laughed and nodded.


I ran back to the Slytherin Dungeons and got back to my dorm before anybody even woke up. I hopped in the shower and thought about Cedric. When I got out, I was bombarded by questions from Cami and Kenz. "Did you fuck him no" No "Are you dating" No "Do you want to fuck him" I don't know... maybe. The last answer made them freak out. We talked all about the party and our hangovers as we got ready. I put my hair into a french braid and did simple makeup. Then I wore a white button up with all the buttons done and my slytherin tie. Then I wore a grey skirt and thigh high socks with doc martens. I skipped my robes for the day and tucked my wand in my socks instead. Cami and Kenz were sick/ hungover so they were skipping today so I left without them. I walked into the Great Hall and when I walked in everyone cheered. I turned around half expecting Harry Potter to walk in carrying Voldermorts body or something. I walked over to the Hufflepuff table and everyone's eyes followed me. "Cedric, do you know what's going on?" I asked. He opened his mouth but his friend answered. "Cedric fucked you first in the whole school year congratulations" a boy said and they snickered. I felt the color drain from my face. "What are you talking about? Nothing happened with Cedric and I. Tell them" I said looking to Cedric for help. He looked at his friends and laughed. "Don't feel bad sweetie, it's an honor" he said and his friends erupted into laughter. Ok that's it. I grabbed his tie and ripped him out of his seat. "What the fuck Cedric? Why are you lying?" I said blinking back tears. He towered over me and grabbed my hand squeezing my knuckles so they cracked. "Don't ever speak to me again... slut" he spat and tossed me away. For a moment I was frozen in time, and then I ran all the way to potions and stood outside the door. I wiped my tears and composed myself as students began to swarm the halls. The door opened and I took my assigned seat in the back and dreaded Malfoy. I pulled out my potions book and read while I waited, then it hit me. That oh so familiar, intoxicating scent and the dangerous presence.

Class began in 5 minutes when Malfoy sat next to me. I completely ignored him when he sat down. I decided to pretend he wasn't there. Same with Cedric. Though, I caught him looking over at me a couple times. Then Snape arrived.

"Students. Today you will be working with your partner to brew an Antidote To Common Poisons. The list of ingredients is listed on page 70-72, ingredients are at the back of class, you have until the end of class, go" and everyone began.

I reached for the book and my hand brushed Malfoy's. He yanked it away and pushed the book towards me. "Go get the ingredients" he snapped. I wasn't in the mood to argue so I grabbed the list and went to gather everything. As I was grabbing the last few items, I felt someone press up against me. I tried to turn but their body kept me in place. Cedric. I felt him press his crotch against my back and his arm wrapped around my torso and dragged his hand down my chest. "Slut" he whispered. I wanted to scream but I was frozen. Before I could do anything, a body shoved into his knocking him over. I looked up and Draco stepped in front of me. "Be careful Hufflepuff, wouldn't wanna get hurt" he hissed. Cedric glared and went back to his seat. I grabbed the rest of the ingredients and sat back down adjusting myself. Draco sat back down and I looked at him. For a moment, something flashed through his eyes. A kindness, something good. "Thank you" I whispered. "Did you fuck him?" he sneered. "No, Nothing happened." I said confusion filled my face. "Yeah right, that's why he was feeling you up in class" he spat. I rolled my eyes and he went back to ignoring me. I did the whole potion myself. At the end of class, we got an A+ on our potion. I can make potions no problem, but I can't figure out Draco.

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