Chapter 64

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"Ready for DADA?" Theo asked. "Yeah, excited to meet Snape?" I asked. "Can't wait. I'm sure he will love me." he said. "Yeah, good luck with that." I said laughing. Theo and I walked to DADA with Snape and the Gryffindors. I was actually quite curious about DADA with Snape. Everybody knows he's wanted to teach this course forever. Plus Harry may or may not have let slip that he is/was a death eater. I kinda already knew because he is a spy for the order. He is playing both sides. But I don't care. My dad may not have liked him but he trusted him, so I do. And I want to see if I can get him to tell me anything about the dark mark. If I can figure out how to ask without being suspicious maybe I can learn something that can help Draco. "Jayne, did you hear me?" Theo asked. "What?" I asked. "So that's a no." he laughed. "Sorry what?" I asked. "I was just wondering if you wanted to hangout after classes and do our homework together?" he asked. I smiled at him. "Well of course! What else would I be doing?" I said. He smiled at me and we walked into class. Harry waved at me and I waved back. Theo and I sat in the far back. "Why do we always sit so far back?" he whispers to me. "Closest to the door in case we need to escape." I whisper back. We both start laughing as Snape walks in. He stops at our table. We try to hold in our snickers as he stares at us with a glare. "Miss Black, is there something you would like to share with the class?" he asked in a monotone voice separating his words like always. "No Professor Sir. I was just telling Theo here how excited we all are you that finally got to fulfill your dream of teaching in the Defense against the Dark Arts post." I said smiling at him. The whole class snickered.  "I know how familiar you are with this subject." I said quietly. He glared at me but also looked suspicious. He walked to the front of the class and began the lesson. Somehow he managed to give us at least 2 hours of homework on the first day. Thanks Snape.

"Ready to go?" Theo asked standing up. "Yeah lets go." I said. Theo and I spent the whole rest of the day together. We stayed in his dorm, laughing and talking and doing homework. "Hey, it's late. I should probably get back." I said. He nodded. "Yeah, I had fun with you today." he said. I smiled at him. "Me too. Same thing tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded excitedly. "And this weekend I can take you to Hogsmeade!" I said. "I thought those field trips were only on certain days." he said. "Oh you'll see. There's so many secret passages at this school. It's great." I said. I gave him a hug and grabbed my stuff and headed back to my dorm. What an eventful first day. At least I have Theo. I have a feeling I'm going to need him to get through the year.


Theo and I have spent all our time together and it's amazing. I feel like I've known him my whole life. He just makes everything better. "Do you think if Snape talked faster he would be any more interesting or is he just boring regardless?" Theo whispered. "Definitely the latter" I said and we laughed. Finally class ended. I have been trying to talk to Snape all week but I keep chickening out. But I told myself today is the day. I can't keep putting it off. Who knows what Draco is doing. As soon as class ended, I was going to do it.  Theo stood up and headed for the door. "Coming?" her asked. I slang my bag over my shoulder. "Not yet, I need to talk to Snape. It won't take long I'm sure." I said. "I'll wait outside," he said smiling. I nodded and he walked out, shutting the door. I walked hesitantly up to the front of the classroom where Snape sat at his desk writing on parchment. I stood in front of his desk but he ignored me. "Ahem" I coughed slightly. He looked up slowly and peered at me. "Is there something I can help you with Miss Black?" he asked in a bored voice. "Yes, I hope so. I have some questions about a certain... thing. And no other Professor can help me with this, only you. I know my you and my father weren't exactly the best of friends-" I started and he snorted almost a laugh. "But he trusted you, that I know. Therefore I trust you. So can I ask you something?" I asked. He looked suspicious already. My heart was pounding. "You are already here and I have a feeling you are going to ask anyway." he said. I nodded. "Your question?" he asked. "I was hoping you could tell me what one has to do when getting the dark mark." I said quietly. His head shot up and his eyes went dark. "What?" he asked. "I need to know Sir. Not because I want to get it obviously, I have other reasons. Please. I know you have one" I said. He glared at me.  "Who told you that?" he asked. "Guess" I said sarcastically. "Potter" he spat and I nodded. "Why do you need to know about this?" he asked. "I can't tell you." I said. "That's fine." he said plainly. He whipped out his wand and pointed it at me. "Legilimens" he said. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my head but I was prepared. I quickly cleared my mind and put up walls. I focused as hard as I could on keeping him out but his magic was strong. Ater about a minute the spell broke. He looked at me shocked. "That was rude, you should really warn someone when you are going to try and use legilimency on them." I said, still catching my breath. "You are an occlumens." he said, clearly surprised. "Huh there's a word for that. Cool." I said. "What? I don't understand." he said. "Harry taught me over the summer. He knows there is a war coming and he wants me to be prepared." I said. "Potter was talentless at this skill-" he started. "Why do you hate him so much?" I asked. Snape stopped. "I'm sorry, I just don't get it. You risk your life playing both sides. I know you are a part of keeping him alive. Why do all of this if you hate him so much?" I asked. He ignored my question. "Miss Black, I will tell you about the dark mark if you tell me why you are so curious about it?" he said plainly. I paused. I trust him. But do I trust him with this. Maybe he can help Draco. All I want is to keep Draco alive, if there's even a chance Snape can help do that, then I have to try. I nodded. "Ok, just give me a second." I said. He nodded. I walked out the door and Theo was leaning against the wall. "Ready?" "Not yet. Snape and I's conversation is actually going to be longer. Just head on up to my dorm, I'll be there as soon as I can." I said handing him my keys. He nodded and strolled off. This better be worth it. Snape better help Draco.

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