Chapter 66

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My head was pounding. I feel like I just got hit with a ton of bricks. Dumbledore is going to die. And he is just cool with it. Like he doesn't care. How am I supposed to hide this from Harry. I feel awful. I head back to my dorm to collect myself before going to talk to Draco. I walked in and started pacing. "What's wrong with you?" I jumped and gasped. I turned around and Theo was sitting on my bed. "Melin Theo, you scared me. I forgot you were here." I said. "Yeah, I got that. You've been gone forever. What were you talking to Snape about?" he asked. "Um nothing. Just asking him something about potions last year." I said. Theo nodded. "Are you alright? You seem a little off." he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. He nodded again. I laid down next to him on my bed and closed my eyes. "I finished my homework, yours too." he said. I sat up and laughed. "You did my homework?" I asked. "I was bored. And we have the same classes so I just copied everything down." he said. We laughed. "Thanks Theo." I said. "No problem, I wanted to get some more practice in before quidditch try-outs tomorrow. Do you want to come?" he asked. "No, Harry asked to talk to me about something. But if it's quick I'll come out and watch after alright?" I said. "Sounds good." he said, hopping off the bed and packing up. Technically I lied. I wanted to talk to Harry but he didn't need to know that. It would just lead to more questions I can't answer. "What time are quidditch try-outs tomorrow?" I asked. He looked at me, confused. "Are you trying out?" he asked laughing. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "No you git, I'm coming to watch you." I said. He smiled. "They start at noon." he said. "Awesome, I was thinking I could take you to Hogsmeade after. It will either be celebratory because you made the team or to cheer you up because you didn't. I'm betting on the first one." I said. "That sounds fun. Can't wait!" he said excitedly. I gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek and he disappeared out the door. I waited a few minutes then I left as well.

I walked down the relatively empty corridors and headed for the Gryffindor dorms. I got to their portrait and prayed the password stayed the same. "Fairy Lights" I said and the door opened. Off to a good start. A bunch of Gryffindors looked at me strangely. I just waved. "Jayne, what are you doing here?" I turned around and saw Ginny sitting on the couch behind me. "Hey Gin, I need to talk to Harry." I said. "Oh, ok. Cool. Well go ahead." she said. I sat next to her first smirking. "What are you doing?" she asked suspiciously. "We brewed amortentia in Potions today... And everyone got to smell it." I said. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Okay?" she said. "It was quite interesting. Would you like to know what our good friend Harry Potter smelled?" I asked smugly. She opened her book and whipped her head back down. "And why would that interest me?" she said. "Well I just thought it was curious that he smelled flowers and you happen to use peony and rose water shampoo." I said. "So? That could just be a coincidence." she said. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at her. "Oh come on Gin. You like him. He likes you. Just get in on already." I said. "Jayne!" she exclaimed, hitting me with her book. I laughed at her. "Just think about it Ginny. What's holding you back?" I said and I got up and headed to Harry's dorm. I knocked and Ron opened the door. "Hey Jayne, what's wrong?" he asked. "Oh nothing, is Harry here?" I asked. He opened the door and I walked in. Harry was sitting on his bed reading a worn out book. "He's here but you are going to have to tear his attention away from him and the half-blood prince." Ron said laughing. "What?" I asked. "Ron" Harry scolded. "Who's the Half-Blood  Prince?" I asked. They both shrugged. "Ok well anyway, Harry I have a favor to ask." I said. "Ok, what is it?" he asked curiously. "Ok, well I kinda need the Marauders Map and your Invisibility Cloak." I said hopefully. "Jayne, why do you need that stuff?" he asked. "Well technically if you think about it, the Marauders map is as much mine as it is yours. Sirius was my dad and a marauder. Therefore I should get co-ownership of it." I said. Ron laughed. "Oh piss off Ron" I said. "Why the invisibility cloak?" he asked. "To be invisible" I said sarcastically. Ron snickered. He handed me the Marauders Map. "Do you know how to use it?" he asked. I nodded. I tucked it in my pocket. I crossed my arms pouting. "I'm not going to give you the invisibility cloak unless you tell me why you need it." he said. "Seriously Harry. I don't need to tell you everything in my life. You aren't my dad. He's dead, remember?" I yelled. Ron got up. "I'm gonna go." he mumbled. "No Ron. You stay right there. Harry needs a witness so I don't kill him." I snapped. Ron sat back down and started twiddling his fingers. Harry stood up and faced me. "Stop acting like a child Jayne. People die. That's how life works." he said. "No shit Harry. Both my parents are dead. And I'll stop acting like a child when you treat me like an adult. I don't need you looking out for me." I yelled. "Yes you do." he yelled back. "No I don't. I yelled. "Yes you do or you might just fall back in love with your death eater boyfriend." he yelled. I froze and my face fell. Did he know? Or was he just suspicious. No, there's no way he knows. "What?" I asked. "Mate-" Ron started. "Shut up Ron," I said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Draco might be a death eater." Harry said. I slapped him. Hard. I pushed him against a wall and grabbed my wand and dug it into his neck. Harry looked shocked but I didn't care. "Don't. Don't ever say that about him again. If I hear you tell anyone that, I will kill you myself. Are we clear?" I said slowly. He nodded. "Words Harry." I spat. "Yes." he said. "Now give me the invisibility cloak. I don't need to explain myself to you. I'll give it back in a few days." I said. Harry was so shocked he just handed it to me. "Thanks" I mumbled and I stormed out. I heard Ron say "She's gone crazy." he said. "No, she's just still in love with him. God damn it." he yelled. I walked out of Gryffindor and went straight to my room. I needed to make a plan. Or something like it for this to work.

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