Chapter 43

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Not Anymore


My heart was pounding out of my chest as we all walked silently to Umbridge's office. I couldn't look at Draco. His knuckles were swollen and bruised and he had Blaise's blood on him. My hands were shaking uncontrollably and I had nobody to hold them. I hated them both. Blaise is going to kill me. Umbridge knowing just makes things worse. Why couldn't they have just stayed out of it? My thoughts were interrupted when we arrived at Umbridge's office. "Have a seat" she said. We all sat down in the chairs in front of her desk. "Now, please explain what is going on." she said. None of us said anything. I couldn't speak. I was frozen in terror. "I beat up Blaise," Draco said. "And why is that Mister Malfoy?" Umbridge said. "He raped Jayne," Harry said. Umbridge just chuckled. "I hardly believe that is what happened," she said. I just wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. I was numb. I knew what would happen. "You are kidding right? He raped her and you laughed" Harry said standing up. "Harry stop" I croaked out. "No, he forced her, she is terrified of him, so you-" he started. "Harry!" I yelled. He looked at me. "Just stop." I said. "Mister Potter and Miss Black, you will have an extra 30 minutes with me for punishment. Mister Malfoy, I'm sure once your father learns of this he will punish you. All of you to your dorms." she said and we walked out. The second the door shut Draco rushed away. "Jayne, are you ok?" Harry asked, pulling me into a hug. I quickly pushed him off me. "No. Blaise told me what would happen if I said anything. He knew what Umbride would do. Why do you think he did it?" I said. "I'm sorry Jayne, I was just trying to help," he said. "Well you didn't." I said holding in a sob. "Is there anything I can do?" he asked. "You've done enough," I said and ran off. I went to the only place I felt safe. The Astronomy Tower. I walked up the stairs and when I got to the top, I saw his blonde hair. Draco sat slumped against the wall playing with his rings. He looked up and saw me and I started to turn around. "I'll go," I said. "Stay" he called out after me. I turned to face him. He still had flecks of Blaises blood on his shirt. "Please Jayne, stay" he said softly. I nodded and sat next to him. "Are you ok?" I asked. He laughed. "What?" I asked. "You never cease to amaze me Jayne." he said. I smiled. "Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "Jayne, are you actually ok?" he said. "Yes" I said, looking him in the eyes. " Looks like I'm not the only one that can look someone in the eyes and lie" he mumbled to himself. "What?" I asked. "Nothing," he said. "No, what does-" I started. "Nevermind Jayne, it was just a joke," he said. "No it wasn't. Tell me." I said. He stood up and started to walk away. Then it hit me. "Oh my god, You still love me." I choked out. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "I made you look me in the eyes and tell me if you didn't love me. You said you didn't. You lied, didn't you. You still love me." I said. He smiled. " I never once stopped loving you Jayne" he said. My heart ached. It ached for him. "Then tell me why. Why did you do it? The veritaserum, the lies, everything" I said. "Did you get my note?" he asked. I nodded. "That's why," he said. Silence. "I love you Jayne, but I can't be with you. It's not safe for you. I just thought you deserve an explanation." he said and started to leave. "Draco, I don't need to be protected from you. Please don't leave me again." I said crying. "I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry I didn't protect you Jayne, please forgive me." he said. His eyes watered too. "Draco please." I said. I cupped his face and he held mine. The pad of his thumb wiped my tears and he gave me a small smile.
"I'm sorry" he said and he disappeared down the stairs. I ran back to my room and fell to the floor crying. He loved me and I loved him. But I couldn't have him.

The next morning I woke up and my memories of the night before hit me like a ton of bricks. My head raced with questions. Where was Blaise? Where was Draco? Was Blaise out of the hospital? What was he going to do to me? I got dressed and ready and went down to the Great Hall. I felt everyone's eyes on me and something wasn't right. "Jayne, thank God you're alright," Cami said. I turned around and saw my two friends standing behind me. "What?" I asked. "Cami! Give her a second." Kenz said. "You guys aren't mad at me?" I asked. "No, we're sorry. It was stupid." Kenz said. "We were just upset that you thought we would rat out DA instead of joining it." Cami added. "I'm sorry. Trust me though they barely wanted to tell me. Harry had to convince them so you know.." I said. They nodded. "But we heard what happened, erm um are you- are you ok?" Cami asked. My heart rate increased. "What?" I choked out. "That you- um- you were- Blaise" Kenz said quietly. I looked around and saw people staring at me. "Oh no" I said. "Let's go outside," Kenz said, helping me up. I flinched the second she touched me, "Oh... um...I'm sorry" she said stepping back. Her and Cami exchanged concerned glances. We walked outside and I tried to breathe. "How- How do- How did you? Does everyone?" I stammered. "Kinda," Cami said. "Draco beat him up in the common room. Pansy visited Blaise in the hospital wing and he told her what happened." Kenz said. "Is that where the black eye came from?" Cami asked. I nodded. We just stood there in silence. "We should get to class," I said. "Are you sure? Snape would probably let you miss today" Cami said. "No, I need to be in class. It keeps me distracted. And Blaise is gone, right?" I asked. They nodded. "Ok" I said and we walked to class. I walked into Potions and saw Draco sitting at our desk. He was playing with the rings on his fingers. I missed him. It hurt so bad. I missed him all over again. I sat next to him and he looked at me with those eyes. His knuckles were still a wreck. "How are you?" he whispered. "Everyone knows" I whispered back. "I know, I'm sorry princess." he said softly. I just wanted to hold him. To be in his arms. But I couldn't. Because he wasn't mine and I wasn't his. Not anymore.

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