Chapter 93

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"You see, he knew he might not make it out. He wanted to make sure you were safe." Harry said. I was crying. "I need him." I sobbed. "And he needs you. He just needs you to be here more." he said. I cried into Harry's chest and he held me. We heard and knocked on the door and I looked up sharply. The door started to open and I crawled back on the bed. Fleur walked in with her medical bag. "It's ok Jayne. It's just Fleur." said. "Hi Jayne." she said smiling. I tried to say something back but I just didn't know what to say. "That's alright. I just need to heal you dear if that's ok." she asked. Harry gave me a nod of reassurance. "It's alright Jayne. You can trust Fleur. And Bill. They are both in the order. They work with Uncle Moony." Harry said. I just nodded. "Alright, lay down for me dear." she said. I slowly laid down, my hands were still trembling. "Theo told me what happened so you don't need to talk about it if you don't want to." she said. I was silent. She pointed her wand at me and I flinched and closed my eyes. "No!" I cried out before I could stop myself. Harry stepped in front of Fleur and grabbed her arm, lowering it. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. I opened my mouth to speak but I just couldn't. Harry pulled Fleur into the corner. They were whispering but I could hear every word. "What's wrong with her?" Harry asked. "Harry dear, she went through a very traumatic event. Multiple actually. It's not uncommon for her to face some PTSD." Fleur said. "So what... she is going to be scared of all of us now?" he said sadly. "No. She just may have flashbacks. For example, when I raised my wand. She probably didn't see me about to run a diagnostic. She probably saw Bellatrix about to cast the crucio spell." Fleur said. Harry nodded. "We just have to be careful. She'll be ok. She's strong. I know it." Fleur said. They turned back to me with small smiles. "I'm sorry Jayne, I should have warned you. I'm not going to hurt you, ok? I just have to cast a diagnostic." she said. I nodded. She drew her wand again and pointed it at me. A blue light popped up and she began looking at it. Her face dropped. "What is it?" Harry asked. "Nothing I can't heal. It will just take a bit of time." she said. I nodded. She placed her bag on the stool next to my bed and stood next to me. She began to lift up my dress and I grabbed her hands. I threw them off me and crawled to the back corner of the bed. "Please no. Don't do it" I choked out. "Jayne-" Harry started. "Jayne dear, I have to be able to see your wounds. You have cuts, broken ribs, your internal organs need to be checked and you have some scar tissue deep on your chest" she said. I stayed in the corner of the bed. My back was pressed against the wall. I shook my head. "Jayne please. Let her heal you." Harry said. My eyes watered. "I can't" I choked out. I shut my eyes. I wasn't here. I wasn't anywhere. I just wanted it to be over. Harry and Fleur stepped to the side again. "Is there anyone she might feel more comfortable with? Like a support system." Fleur asked. "My first thought is Draco." Harry said. Fleur nodded. "Give me a second." he said and he left the room. He returned a few moments. I felt the bed move and I opened my eyes. Theo sat in front of me. He took my hands. "Breathe with me, ok. Just like we always do." he said. I shook my head. "I can't" I choked out, tears fell onto my cheeks. He wiped them away. "Yes you can. Jayne it's over. You survived. You survived and you are safe." he said. I nodded. "You have to let Fleur heal you. She healed me. She won't hurt you. I promise." he said. I nodded. Theo and took the same deep breaths we always did. We held each other's trembling hands. "Are you ready?" Theo asked. I just nodded. I laid back down on the bed. Theo sat where my pillow was and laid my head on his lap. He looked down at me and stroked my hair. "Just close your eyes." he whispered. Harry stood looking out the window. "I'm going to lift up your dress now." Fleur said. I closed my eyes and I felt her lift it up. The cold air hit my skin and I shivered. Goosebumps covered my body. All I had on was a bra and underwear. I felt Fleur's hands on my ribs and I flinched. Theo squeezed my hand. "It's ok," he whispered. She pressed on each of my ribs, then I winced when she touched the broken one. I felt the tip of her wand on my skin and I heard her voice. "Episkey," she said. I heard a little crack and I cried out. "They're fixed. Now I am concerned about this scar tissue on your chest." she said. My hand flew to my chest. It traced over the scar from Umbridges torture. After meeting Bellatrix, I would take Umbridge any day. It had healed mostly. It was faded now but you could still see the word slut on my chest. "That's not from this." Harry said quietly. "What?" Fleur asked. "What the bloody hell happened?" Theo asked.  "During our fifth year, Umbridge used to make us use this quill that carved whatever we wrote on paper into our skin." he said. He lifted his hand and showed her the scar on his hand. "Oh merlin, that's awful," Fleur said. He nodded. She rubbed something on it and on my ribs. "These should help with the bruises." she said. Then she laid me on my stomach and examined my back. She rubbed something on my back and it soothed everything. "That should help with the burns," she said softly. Theo and Harry looked startled. "What?" They both exclaimed. "What burns?" Theo asked. Fleur pointed to my back and they both looked. "Looks like cigarettes" she whispered. Theo's eyes watered. Harry looked like he was going to kill someone. "What happened?" I said weakly. "Jayne, why didn't you tell me and Draco they burned you." he asked. I sat up and Fleur handed me a mirror. At the base of my neck, there were a couple circular dark burns. "I don't remember. I-" I started. "They must have done it when she was unconscious" Theo whispsred. Fleur packed her bag and I thanked her. She left us alone. "You really don't remember?" Harry asked. "Harry-" Theo started. I laid down and faced away from them. "Please go." I whispered. "Jayne-" Harry started. "Please Harry, don't make me remember. Please." I choked out. I was trying not to cry again. "Let's just go," Theo said. He pulled Harry from the room and shut the door. I really don't remember. Or I'm blocking it out. I don't care. As long as it's over. I just need it to be over. For good. I want my dad.

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