Chapter 46

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A teardrop fell and hit the parchment. "What's wrong?" Draco asked. I looked up and saw him standing outside the bathroom door. He wore those grey sweatpants and a white shirt. His hair was still wet and messy. I just looked at him unable to speak. I never knew he thought all of this. "What is that?" he asked walking over. He grabbed the parchment and looked at it. His cheeks turned red. "Draco, this is so swe-" I started. "What the fuck Jayne!?" he yelled. I flinched at his change in demeanor. "Why do you have this?" he asked. I stood up backing away slowly. I wasn't afraid of him. I was just afraid. "I found it and- I- I- um- I didn't mean to read it" I stammered. "That's private," he said. His voice was still raised. "I'm sorry Draco. You don't have to be embarrassed. It was really sweet. I thought-" I started. "I'm not embarrassed." he spat. I was backed up against the desk and my chest tightened. I didn't like this feeling of no escape. I knew Draco would never hurt me. So why couldn't I get this fear out of my head. "I'm pissed off! I let you stay and you go searching through my things." he said. "I'm sorry" I choked out. "I thought we were done with this no trust thing" he yelled and slammed his fist on the desk right next to me. I jumped and closed my eyes, putting my hands up as a shield. Silence. He was too angry and I was too scared to be with him right now. I ran past him and out the door. "Jayne wait" I heard him calling after me but I ignored it. I ran down the stairs and I almost made it to the common room when somebody grabbed me and pulled me into the storage closet. My back was pressed up against whoever it was and their hand was over my waist and mouth. I squirmed under the grip but it just got tighter. "Shut up and stop moving or this will be a lot worse for you" he whispered in my ear. Blaise. I froze. I heard footsteps and saw Draco walk down the steps through the crack of the door. "Don't even think about it," he whispered in my ear. I wanted to scream for him. Tell him I was right here but I couldn't. "Good girl, be nice and quiet and I won't hurt you again" he said. I felt his hand snake down to the waistband of my underwear. He slipped his hand under them and slowly crept down. I felt his fingers linger near my heat and he was kissing my neck. Before I realized what I was doing, I screamed. "DRACO!" I screamed. I ripped myself from his grip and fell out of the closet into Draco's body. I clung to him as tightly as I could. Blaise stood in front of us with his wand drawn at Draco. Draco pushed me behind him. "Well, Well, Well, I see you two are back together. What a power couple" he mocked. He dug his wand into Draco's neck and the tip drew blood. "You are lucky she is here right now Zabini or I would kill you with my bare hands." he spat. "Would you? How would your father feel about that? Does Jayne even know?" he asked. "Shut up Zabini" he spat. I stepped next to Draco. "Know what?" I asked. "She doesn't, does she? Well, that is just going to make the whole future event even better." he said laughing. "Draco, what is he talking about?" I asked. "Nothing Jayne. He is just lying to you." Draco said. "Now what to do with you two?" Blaise said. The tip of his wand had Draco's blood on it. "Maybe this time, I'll make you watch me fuck Jayne" he said with the same wicked grin. My veins iced. "Over my dead body" Draco snapped. "That's another option," he said laughing. "No!" I yelled. I stood in between the two boys. They looked as if they could kill each other. "Blaise, please. I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't hurt him." I pleaded. "I'll kill you if you even think about touching her," Draco said firmly. "Petrificus Totalus" Blaise said. Draco's body froze and hit the ground with a thud. "Draco!" I exclaimed. I knelt down next to him. The cut on his neck left blood dripping onto his white shirt. I moved the hair from his face. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "Jayne stop, don't-" he started. "Hmmm, whatever I want" Blaise asked. "Just don't hurt him. Please" I said. Blaise circled me, looking me up and down. I felt him move my hair behind my ear. "Deal, but he is going to watch," Blaise said. "No, that's not-'' I started when I was knocked to the floor. "Watch closely Malfoy. See what a slut your princess is" he said as he climbed on top of me. I screamed so loud. Where was everyone?


"Petrificus Totalus" Blaise said and my body froze and hit the floor. Jayne knelt beside me. "I'm sorry" she whispered. Her shaky hands brushed the hair from my eyes. I could see the fear in hers. I tried to move but I couldn't. I felt myself get more and more angry and I watched it happen. Blaise circling her, touching her. Jayne was sacrificing herself to save me. That wasn't how it was supposed to go. I'm supposed to protect her. Not the other way around.

"Deal, but he is going to watch" Blaise said. "No, that's not-'' she cried out. But he pushed her to the floor and climbed on top of her. I heard her screams. Then I remembered my lessons with Snape to prepare me. Wandless magic, legilimency, occlumency. I could do the counterspell without a wand. I just had to focus. I cleared my head. I had to block out her cries and screams and focus. All of the sudden, I was free. I ran over to Blaise and ripped him off of Jayne and threw him to the side. His head hit the stone wall and he went unconscious. I turned my attention to Jayne. She was on the floor. Her uniform shirt was torn open and there were marks on her neck and chest. She was sobbing and shaking. I ran to her and fell to the floor pulling her into my arms. "I'm so- sorry" she cried. "Shhhh, Shhhh, It's ok" I whispered. "I didn't want him to do it again but I thought he would hu- hurt you" she choked out. "It's alright. Did he hurt you?" I asked. She shook her head. "Did he-" I started. "No," she answered. I held her tightly in my arms. "I want to go before he wakes up," she said. "Ok, let's go," I said. I carried her up to my room.


When we got back to Draco's room, he charmed it so nobody could get in without his permission. "I'm going to go shower" I said. "I'm going to go handle him so I might be gone when you get out." he said. "Draco, what are you going to do?" I asked. "I'm going to get all the staff and tell them what happened." he said. "Oh, ok." I said heading for the bathroom. "Jayne, wait" Draco said. He sat on the foot of his bed and fidgeted with his rings. He was nervous. "Yeah?" I asked. "I'm so sorry" he choked out. I could see the tears in his eyes. For a second I was confused. Then it hit me. He blamed himself for this. I ran over to him and knelt in front of him taking his face in my hands. "This was not your fault Draco." I said firmly. "Yes, it was." he said. "No it-" I started. "If I hadn't lost my temper like always and scared you, you wouldn't have left. Then Blaise wouldn't have gotten you and none of this would have happened" he said. His voice cracked. "Draco, listen to me. This is not your fault. In fact, I'm proud of you" I said. He looked at me confused. "What?" he asked. "On that list, you said one of the things you love about me is that I make you want to do better. And you do. When I first met you, you would have never just talked to me like this. You wouldn't let me in. You trust me and that's one of the many things I love about you" I said standing up. He stood up and I pressed my lips against his. "I love you," he said softly. "I love you too," I said back. I watched him smile as I walked into the shower.

When I got out of the shower, I sat on his bed and read a muggle book called To Kill A Mockingbird. Suddenly, Draco ran into the room out of breath. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's gone. Blaise, he's gone" Draco said.

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