Chapter 50

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Walking to Umbridge's office my heart was beating out of my chest. I hate her and I hate my father. I already know he is going to be furious. I disobeyed him. I'm with Jayne and he knows. My plan is to just take whatever punishment he gives me and keep the focus off of Jayne. I don't care what he does to me. But he can't hurt Jayne. I won't let him. I knocked on Umbridge's door and she opened it smiling. "Come in," she said. I walked in and my father stood up. "Father," I said, acknowledging him. I could see the anger radiating off of him. "Professor, is there somewhere more private me and my son could speak?" he asked. "You could use my classroom, it's empty," she said. This bitch. "Thank you," my father said, walking out and I followed him. We walked down the halls and my father was silent. "Why are-" I started. "Not one word" he spat as we kept walking. We walked into her classroom and my father shut the door. "Muffliato" he muttered pointing his wand at the door. He slipped his wand back into the cane and turned to face me. "How dare you! How dare you disobey me? Did you really think I wouldn't find out? I know everything that happens. I specifically told you to get rid of her. She is making you weak! It's pathetic!" he spat. "Father, you don't get to-" I started and his cane hit me across the face. I felt my eyes water and my cheekbone crush. "Don't interrupt. "Do you even care how this reflects on me? In the eyes of you know who and his followers? If my son is dating the daughter of a member of the order!" he spat. His knee connected with my ribs and a sharp pain shot through my body. I fell to the ground clutching my stomach. "It's a disgrace. You disgust me." he yelled as he began kicking me. His foot hit my back and stomach and head. I began to feel dizzy as the pain took over. My vision blurred and I felt sick to my stomach. "Get up!" he shouted. I tried to push myself to my feet but I couldn't. He grabbed my collar and yanked me up. My head spun and I grabbed a desk to keep me standing. "This is your last warning. Either you handle the girl, or I will." he said. The dark look in his eyes terrified me. He threw me to the side and stormed out. I fell to the floor coughing. I wiped the thick blood that oozed from my mouth and gathered the strength to walk back to my dorm. I knew Jayne was going to freak out and I needed to think. Right as I walked out the door I headed for the astronomy tower instead. I climbed the stairs and was out of breath by the time I reached the top. I collapsed against the wall and looked out at the sky. Eventually, it faded into darkness.


I have been reading the same page of my potions book for the past half-hour. I can't focus. Draco was with his father and that terrified me. His father was horrible. I almost forgot about tonight. I get to see my dad. As worried as I was about Draco, there was nothing I could do and this was my only chance to see my dad. I had to go do it. I quickly took a shower and dried my hair with a spell. Then I put on some jeans and a blouse. I put on my shoes and grabbed my wand and headed for the Forbidden Forest. I didn't want to have to explain to anyone where I was going so I tried to be discreet. I used a secret passage Fred and George showed me to get outside. It was a crisp and cold night. The wind was blowing and it was already dark out. "Lumos" I said quietly as I held out my wand. I walked to the edge of the forest. My heart was beating out of my chest and my hands were shaking. I haven't seen my dad since he dropped Harry off at the train station. I only got to talk to him through the fire a couple times or write letters. I heard voices so I followed them. Then I saw three figures standing behind a group of trees. "Harry?" I whisper yelled. I wanted to be sure it was them. Harry ran over smiling. "Did anyone follow you?" he asked. I shook my head. "Good, let's go." he said, taking my hand and we walked into the forest. As we got closer I saw the 2 figures. It was my dad and Uncle Remus. I walked up to them and paused. I didn't know what to do. My dad looked unsure too. "Hey princess" he said with a smile. Everything just melted away and I ran up to him and hugged him. He held me in his arms and I felt the tears fall down my face. "I missed you so much Dad" I whispered. "It's ok. I'm here." he said softly. I stepped back and hugged Uncle Remus too. "Hey Jayne," he said. "Hey Uncle Remus," I said. There was a silence and I know they were trying to figure out what to say. "We know what happened. Uh... Are you ok?" Uncle Remus asked. "Yeah, Harry helped me and so did Draco '' I added hesitantly. "The boy who got you into this mess? From what Harry told me he is trouble" Dad said. I glared at Harry. "Seriously? You were reporting on me to my dad!" I yelled smacking him upside the head. "I'm sorry but-" he started. "You know what I don't care about. I just want to talk to my dad while I have the chance." I said. He smiled. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked. "No. I want to talk about you. How's the order?" I asked. "Good, we are doing good." they said. Harry and I both nodded. It was hard. Things aren't good but none of us want to say that. The ministry is covering things up all the time. "Can I speak to Jayne in private for a moment gentlemen?" dad said. They nodded and stepped away. "Is the boy that hurt you gone?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner than I wanted-" he started. "Dad!" I said interrupting him. He looked at me with guilt on his face. "It's ok. I understand." I said. "Are you really ok princess?" he asked. I felt my heart break a little when he called me princess. I missed him so much. "Yeah dad. I just missed you." I said. He pulled me into a tight embrace and I held him. "What did I do to deserve you?" he said. I just laughed. Then I remembered. "Dad, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Yes." he answered. "What happened to my mom?" I asked. His face fell. "Your mother was an angel. I loved her the second we met. But she was a muggle. I thought I could keep that hidden. Nobody in my family could know I married a muggle. But somehow my cousin Bellatrix found out. She killed your mother and would have killed you had she known you existed. I'm so sorry Jayne." he said. A tear fell from his eye. I wiped it from his face. "It's not your fault Dad," I said. "Sirius, we have to go now!" Uncle Remus called out. We walked back over and I gave them both a hug. "I love you dad" I said, holding him tight. "I love you too princess" he said. Then Harry and I left. I walked to the Slytherin dungeons as quietly as I could and almost got caught by Filch but managed not to. I knocked on Draco's door and there was no answer. "Draco, it's me. Open up!" I said. Nothing. I pulled out my wand and muttered "Alohomora" and the door opened. What I saw broke my heart.

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