Chapter 5

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I have somewhat of a reputation at Hogwarts when it comes to girls. They throw themselves at me, I get what I want and then I'm done. Blaise calls it Screw, Nut and Bolt. I don't do dating, or love or any of that bullshit. Love is for the weak. But when I saw Jayne wrap her hand around Cedrics as he helped her into the carriage, I felt an anger I have never felt before. It was jealousy. I'm sure once I fuck her, I'll go back to normal. Draco Malfoy doesn't get jealous.


When I arrived at the gates of Hogwarts, all the students walked in. As I followed Cedric to the Great Hall, I heard my name. I saw an older man with a long beard and I instantly recognized him. It was Albus Dumbledore. He was the headmaster and sort of a legend. "Thanks for your help Cerdric, I really appreciate it" I said and started to walk away. I felt someone's shoulder bump into mine, of course it was Malfoy. I felt Cedric's hand grasp mine and he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I'm sure you find a way to repay me" he whispered and I laughed as I blushed. I looked over at Malfoy who had watched the whole thing and I winked at him. What is his problem? I brushed it off and ran over to Dumbledore. "Hello, you must be our transfer from Beauxbatons, Miss Black" He asked calmly and started walking. "Yes Sir" I said quickly following. We stopped outside of the doors and he paused. "All the first years are being sorted right now, when you hear your name, come in and you will be sorted into your house. Ok?" He asked. "Yes Sir, thank you" I said and smiled as he walked inside. I stood outside the doors for a few minutes and then I heard Dumbledore and I opened the doors. "Please Welcome Miss Jayne Black to Hogwarts," he said. Everyone's heads spun to face me as I walked down the hall. I could see girls whispering to each other and boys drooling. I wasn't used to this kind of attention but I'm not going to lie, it was cool. I felt powerful. As I passed Harry Potter, I stared him down until I sat upon the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the sorting hat on my head and it began to speak. "Well Well Well, what do we have here... A Black I see. I can tell you have a good heart, and a brilliant mind. I see an eagerness to prove your worth. Ah, but this trait is changing," it said. Everyone whispered amongst themselves. The sorting hat lowered its voice so only I could hear. "You could do great things in Gryffindor, but I sense a hesitation in accepting that" It said. "Yes" I said softly. "Let it be.....Slytherin!" the hat yelled. Many clapped and cheered but I was focused on Malfoy. He whispered something to Blaise and he laughed. I stood up and walked over to the Slytherin table. "Let the feast begin," Dumbledore exclaimed as I sat down at the end of the table. As I looked at the food, I was overwhelmed by choices. Eventually, I settled for a slice of ham, and some roasted potatoes. Right before I started to eat, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Draco and Blaise sat on either side of me and Crabbe and Goyle sat across from us. "Hey sweetheart, miss me?" Blaise asked as his hand traveled down my neck and he pushed my hair behind my shoulder. "Not really, do you need something?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. "I saw you with that Hufflepuff Cedric earlier" Draco snapped. "Jealous? I asked and made a pouty face at him. Crabbe and Goyle laughed. "Not even a little, I just want to make sure you know what you are getting with a Hufflepuff" he said smugly. I rolled my eyes. "And what is that?" I asked turning my whole body to look at him. I caught him glance down my dress so I quickly crossed my arms over my chest. "Crappy sex" he said and they all laughed. "I bet he can't even make her cum" Draco whispered to Blaise. "And you would" I said sarcastically, gathering my things to go. "What did you just say?Draco snapped grabbing my wrist. I winced and tried to pull away but he just pulled my body closer to his. I could feel my chest pressed his body and my heart beating out of my chest. "I said" standing up to my toes so I could whisper in his ear. "You couldn't make me cum if you had all night" I hissed and yanked my arm away. "We'll see" he said smiling as he sat down and pulled out an apple. "Have a great night" I said and I grabbed the green apple out of his hand taking a bite as I walked out. I heard them talking but I didn't care. If Malfoy wanted to play, that's fine. Let the games begin.

When I finally found my way to the Slytherin Dungeons, I whispered the word Pureblood and the door opened. I can't believe that is still their password, what is this the dark ages? I walked in and was immediately stunned by the common room. I was huge. The ceilings were higher than I could see and the multiple shades of green and emerald and black worked perfectly. There was gorgeous furniture and decorum. It was amazing. After looking around for a few minutes, I made my way to my dorm. I haven't met anyone besides Malfoy and his boy band let alone my roommates so I was nervous. I arrived at my door and took a breath before entering. When I walked in, I saw the room. It was similar to the common room but with 4 beds, a dresser, a closet, a desk and a huge bathroom. I was so in awe I didn't even see the two girls sitting on the bed. "She's here!" one yelled as they ran up to me. "Hi, you must be Jayne Black our new roommate." she squealed. "Yes, that's me!" I said and smiled. "My name is Mckenzie Adler, Pureblood" one said. "And I'm Camille Emerson, also pureblood," the other said. "Hi, it's great to meet you," I said, putting my bag down to the side. "So there are 4 beds, but only 3 of us. Pansy used to be in here as well but she didn't like us so she moved" Camille said laughing. "So you can either have the bed closest to the door or the one next to the window, I'd recommend the window because the stars are gorgeous at night but it's up to you" Mckenzie said. "I'll take the window," I said. Mckenzie and Camille are so nice which is rare with Slytherin girls. They helped me unpack, told me about all the drama with the students, and eventually we all admitted to each other that we hated the blood status drama. I was so relieved, I thought I would be the only one in Slytherin that thought it was stupid. After we talked for hours, I had made two awesome friends. They warned me about Draco and what he is like. "Listen Jayne, we can't tell you what to do but Draco does have a reputation and he isn't the most kind hearted person. You know?" Mckenzie said. "Yeah, just be careful around them ok?" Camille asked. I understood and thanked them then we all went to sleep. I was so excited for classes tomorrow, I could barely sleep. Eventually, after tossing and turning for a bit, I drifted off to sleep with the same thoughts as every other night.

Good Girl Gone Bad

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