Chapter 100

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I heard them talking about the wand. We all ducked behind the wall to listen. I could hear the snake slithering around. I squeezed Draco's hand and he looked at me with a small smile. "You've been a good and faithful servant Severus, but only I can live forever." Voldemort said. "My Lord-" Snape started. Then I heard a sharp snap and Snape's body fell against the window. I tried to run forward but Draco wrapped his arm around my waist and put his hand on my mouth pulling me back. I struggled in his grip but he just looked at me shaking his head. "Nagini...kill," he said. The snake launched itself at him multiple times. I shut my eyes and a tear fell down my cheek. Draco pulled me closer to his body. Then Voldemort apparates away. I pulled myself from Draco's grip and ran in. I dropped to my knees in front of Snape and so did Harry. "Professor, Professor, please... please be ok." I said holding the cut on his neck. Tears fell down his cheeks. "Take them," he said to Harry. Harry got a flask from Hermione and collected the tears. "I'm sorry Jayne." he said weakly. "It's ok. It's ok. I know. I know what you were doing. Please don't die. Harry needs to know. He needs to know why. Please." I cried. "Take them to the pensieve" he said to Harry. I took Snape's hand. "You are just like your father." he said. I tried to smile. "Please, tell Harry. He needs to know. Please Professor, don't die" I choked out. "You have your mothers eyes" he said to Harry. Then his eyes closed. I felt Theo behind me and I cried into his arms. "Jayne, what did he need to tell me? What is it?" he asked. "Go, do what he said. You'll understand. Snape wasn't the bad guy." I said softly. My hands were covered in his blood and I held Theo. Then his voice hit us. I tried to block it out but it pierced our minds. "Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. Or I shall kill anyone who tries to conceal you from me." he said. We stood up and walked to the Great Hall. Ron opened the doors and it was filled with bodies. "Oh my" I started. Theo saw Dean and ran over to him. They kissed and sat down next to each other. Dean started to heal a cut on his head. I nodded at him. Harry, draco and I walked behind Hermione and Ron over to the Weasleys. They had lost someone. We saw who it was. Fred laid there, dead on a blanket. Molly crying over her son. I froze. Ron ran over and dropped to his knees crying. "Fred" I choked out. I walked over and hugged George; he was sobbing at the loss of his twin. "I'm so sorry." I said. I stepped back and saw Harry staring at two other bodies. I walked over and everything around me shattered into a hundred pieces. Uncle Moony and Tonks laid there. Their hands were almost touching. They were gone. "No" I cried. "Jayne-" Harry started. I fell to my knees in between them. I shook Uncle Moony as hard as I could. "Wake up! Get up you aren't dead!" I screamed. "What about Teddy? What about Harry? What about me?" I cried. I shook him harder. "Wake up! Open your eyes!" I yelled. I felt someone shaking me. "Jayne, he's gone." Theo said. I shook my head. "No, he's not. He can't be. He's all I had left." I said. "He said he wouldn't leave me. He told me-" I sobbed. Draco pulled me into his arms and Theo held my hand.  After a while, I just stopped crying. I stared at my Uncle and held his hand. "I'm so sorry." I whispered. "I'll take care of Teddy. I promise. He will never be alone like I was." I said. "Where's Harry?" I said. I needed to tell him about Teddy. "I don't know," Theo said. I got up and walked out of the Great Hall. Hermione and Ron were sitting on the steps crying. "Guys?" I asked. Hermione looked up and wiped her tears. "Jayne," she said softly. "Where's Harry?" I asked. Hermione shook her head and more tears fell. "He went to the forest Jayne. He said he had to. He's a horcrux. Voldemort can't die if he lives." Ron said. I shook my head. "You let him!" I yelled. I turned around and started to run. I got outside but Harry was nowhere in sight.  "Harry!" I screamed. "Harry! Come back!" I yelled. My voice was breaking. I felt Draco wrap his arms around me. "I'm sorry Jayne." He whispered. I fought him until I sunk to the ground in silence. Draco picked me up and carried me inside. I sat with him and waited. I didn't know what I was waiting for though. Did we win by Harry sacrificing himself? Or did we lose? Because I lost everyone today for nothing, I don't think I'll be able to continue. I needed to get out of the Great Hall where all this loss was. I decided to go to my dorm. When I got there, surprisingly, Cami and Kenz had kept all my stuff packed in my trunk and hidden under their bed. I opened it and looked through some photographs I had taken over the summer. I found one of Fred and George at the opening of their shop. I tucked it in my jacket and headed back. I walked over to the Weasleys. They sat around Fred. I sat next to George and he looked at me. I pulled the photo out of my pocket and handed it to him. "I thought you might want to have this." I said. He smiled and nodded. He took the photo and put it in his pocket. "He looks so different. He doesn't even look like me anymore. Like he's not my twin." he said. "He will always be your twin George. My dad used to tell Harry something once and he told me. He said the ones we love never truly leave us and we can always find them here" I said placing my hand on his heart. He nodded. "It should've been me." he mumbled. I took his hand and squeezed it. "It shouldn't have been any of us." I said. He started crying again. I just hugged him. I saw Draco standing over a body across the great hall. I couldn't see who it was but he looked broken. George got up to comfort Ginny and I went over to Draco. He was standing over Snape's body. "I know most people didn't like him, but he was my favorite teacher. I liked him." he said sadly. "I know." I said. Draco took my hand. "It just hurts because nobody knows the truth about him. About what he did, what he sacrificed. All he will remember for is killing Dumbledore and Dumbledore told him to do it. It's not fair." I said. "We can tell them." he said. I nodded. "Jayne, I need to talk to you." he said. I looked at him. "I want you to be prepared, I might go to Azkaban." he said, pulling up his sleeve. "No, you won't. You didn't do anything. You're innocent." I said sharply. "He sighed. "Jayne... none of us are innocent" he said. Then there was a commotion.

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