Chapter 94

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It's been a week since we escaped. That means Draco has been trapped in Malfoy Manor for a week. Alone. I can't imagine what he is going through. I barely survived with Theo, Draco and Luna. He is alone. He has nobody. They are probably torturing him. Every minute of every day I have to force the thought that he might be dead out of my head. But it's always there. Haunting me. I haven't left my room. I've just laid in the bed all day. Everyone has tried to come in and talk to me but it's like I can't speak anymore. I know Harry is worried but it plays in my head like a loop. Everything. Every moment we were trapped in that house was constantly in my head. I can hear Narcissa's body hitting the floor. I can hear Draco's screams. I can hear Theo's screams. I can hear Luna's screams. I can see Theo and Draco's faces when Lucius raped me in front of them. I can hear all the laughter of the death eaters. I can see Professors Snape's face as he watched me get tortured. I can see Dobby after he just saved us all with a knife in his gut. I just want to scream. Every night I relive it all. I wake up screaming in cold sweats. Fleur told me and Theo that because the torture was so often and so intense the tremor with our hands will probably be permanent. Everyday Fleur has to lift my dress up to put bruise paste and medicine on the cuts and burns. Then she leaves the room and I cry. I just want Draco. He's all I want. I would talk to him. I know I would. But I can't. He's gone. And I might never get him back.

"Jayne" I heard a voice and I was pulled from my thoughts. I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat up. I winced, grabbing my stomach as I did. I was still sore. I could barely stand my body hurt so bad. Harry placed a bowl of soup and some water on my table by my bed. "Here's your lunch." he said smiling. I just nodded. Instead of leaving like I hoped he would, he sat down on the bed next to me. I scooted back. "Jayne, I want to talk." he said. I sat there picking at a loose thread on the blanket. Harry reached for my chin and I flinched pulling back. His hand slowed and he lifted my chin slowly making my look at him. "You haven't left this room since you got here. The nightmares seem to get worse and worse every night." he said. I shrugged. "Jayne, this isn't going to work. You aren't coping. Blocking everything out isn't going to work. You need to talk about it." he said. I looked down shaking my head. "Jayne, you were raped, beaten and tortured for weeks. That's not something you can just forget. Just talk to me. I can help." he said. I laid back down and faced away from him. "Jayne, I'm not leaving until you talk to me." he said. I felt my eyes water. Harry reached over and shook my shoulder. The sudden touch scared me. I quickly jumped out of the bed and backed into the corner of the room. I squeezed my eyes shut. I held my stomach as the pain was overwhelming. Harry just stood up and walked over to me. "Go away Harry," I said. He shook his head. "Not until you-" he started. "I said leave!" I yelled. My voice cracked. "Jayne please" he said. He placed his hand on my arm. I pushed him back. He stumbled backwards into the chair in the room. "Not again. You can't!" I yelled. I couldn't breathe. My vision blurred as my eyes filled with tears. Hermione, Ron and Theo ran in. Theo pulled Harry back. Ron stood in the doorway in shock. "Just give her some space," Theo said. I collapsed to the floor from the pain in my body. Hermione crouched in front of me. "Jayne," she said softly. I looked up at everyone's faces. They were scared. I was scared. "I thought- I'm sorry. I thought he was gonna- I'm sorry Harry. I forgot it was you." I choked out. Ron and Theo walked over to me and helped me up. I sat back down on the bed. Hermione ran a diagnostic and Theo and Harry were whispering in the corner.

"What did you do?" Theo asked. "Nothing, I was just trying to get her to talk to me." Harry said. Theo sighed. "I told you not to." Theo said. Harry glared at him. "It's not up to you. She's my sister. Not yours." he said. Theo and Ron smiled. "What?" Harry asked. "You called her your sister mate. It's nice." Ron said. "Oh '' Harry nodded. " Just listen to me. You weren't there. She's not ready. Ok? She is still terrified. You saw what just happened." Theo said. Harry nodded. "Just give her time. She'll talk to you. I know she will. Just not yet." he said. He patted Harry on the back and walked over to me. Hermione, Ron and Harry left the room. Theo sat next to me leaving about a foot of space between us. "I didn't mean to, I just saw... someone else" I said quietly. "I know Jayne. Harry knows too. We all understand." he said. "How are you so... so ok?" I asked. He chuckled. "I'm not. I guess I'm just better at hiding it." he said. "I can't get it out of my head. Draco's screams. Yours, Lunas. I keep seeing you and Draco's faces when- when it happens." I said. "Me too," he said. I looked at him. "Everytime I close my eyes, I see Bellatrix torturing us. Or I see them dragging you and Draco away." he said. "Theo-" I started. "I was helpless. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't save you." he said. I sat closer to him and held his hand, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Theo, it's not your job to save me." I said. "But I would do anything to. To save you." he said. I smiled. "Theo, do you-" I tried to bring myself to say it. "Do you think they killed him?" I choked out. My eyes filled with tears. I choked back sobs. He hesitated. "I don't know Jayne." he said softly. He pulled me into his arms and held me until I cried myself to sleep.


I hit the cement floor hard. They just tossed me into the cellar after a meeting. Voldemort punished me by using the Sectumsempra spell on me. He waited until the very last second. I almost died. Again. Then he made Professor Snape save me. I wish he didn't. I wish he let me bleed out. I can't take it anymore. With Jayne gone and safe, I just want them to kill me. Everyday, it's torture, then they make me watch more of their home videos, then they leave me until the next day. House elves only bring me food every couple days now. My mind can't take it. I hear screams all day. Jayne's, Theo's, Luna's, mine. I see my mother die in my nightmares. It's too much. I thought I was stronger. I thought I could take it and survive until the war. Then I could find Jayne. But I can't. I'm not strong. Not like her.

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