Chapter 44

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Never Again


I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep all night. The thoughts of Blaise's hands on Jayne when she didn't want them and me not being there to protect her infuriates me. I know Umbridge is going to tell my father and he will probably kill me but I don't care what he does to me. If Blaise even thinks about looking at Jayne again, this time, I will kill him. I got up early and got ready and headed straight for the hospital wing. As I turned the corner to walk in, Pansy walked out. I don't have the energy to deal with her right now. I need to conserve it to keep from killing Blaise on sight. "Dracy, come to beat up Blaise again?" she asked, blocking my path. "Piss. Off. Pansy" I spat. "Oh come on, what is so great about that slut-" she started. I grabbed her throat and slammed her against the wall. "Don't call her that ever again. Do you understand?" I said firmly. "Y- Yes" she choked out. I let go and she fell to the floor and then scrambled away. I walked into the hospital wing and Blaise was laying on a bed in the middle of the room. Madame Pomfrey was nowhere to be seen. I walked over to his bed and he seemed to have been healed pretty well. It's a shame. My thoughts were interrupted when he realized I was there. "Malfoy, how wonderful to see you. Did you come to check on me or because you missed me?" he said sarcastically. "Neither. I came with a friendly suggestion." I said. "And that is?" he asked. "Stay away from Jayne. Don't look at her. Don't talk to her. Don't go anywhere near her. Do you understand?" I said firmly, clenching my fist. He paused. Then this asshole laughed. He really laughed. "Wow, you really have gone soft. No, I get it. She was great, I mean the-" he started. I grabbed his collar but before I could hit him Madame Pomfrey walked in. "Mister Malfoy Mister Zabini, what is going on!?" she exclaimed. "Nothing," I said. "Just a misunderstanding" he answered. She went and sat at her desk. "Just leave her alone" I snapped, turning to leave. It took every ounce of strength to not kill him right there. "Or what" he called after me. I turned to face him and he had a smug look on his face. "What?" I asked. "What are you going to do?" he threatened. "Do you really want to find out?" I threatened. "I know for a fact that Umbridge told your Father about this. I also know that he already told you to stop your little thing with Jayne. Knowing what he does to you, his own kid, when you piss him off, I can't wait to see what he does to Jayne." he said smirking. I was fuming. I didn't think about that. I knew my father would punish me. I didn't care. It was worth it. But I didn't think about if he would hurt Jayne. "I should kill you" I seethed. "Probably, but you won't. Good luck with your whole Romeo and Juliet thing. If I remember correctly, that story had a super great ending. They both died right?" he said chuckling to himself. I just stormed out. I skipped breakfast and ran to the Astronomy Tower.


After Potions, I walked towards DADA and my hands shook. I arrived at the door when I heard Harry calling after me. I turned around and he ran up to me. "Jayne, what are you doing? Why are you in class?" he asked panting and out of breath. "Blaise is in the hospital wing and I can't just skip school." I said. "Fine, but I don't want you to just walk around by yourself. Not until we can talk to an actual teacher and get Blaise expelled." Harry said. "Harry, just stop ok? Don't you get it? He knew exactly what he was doing when he did what he did to me. He knew Umbridge wouldn't care and he knew there was nothing anybody else could do. So just let it go. All you have done is make sure every single person in the school knows so thanks" I snapped. "Jayne, I'm sorry. But how do you think Sirius would feel if he found out I knew about something like that and didn't do anything?" he asked. "He probably wouldn't care considering he didn't care about my existence until this year." I mumbled. "Jayne, you know that's not true." Harry said. I sighed, he was right. I was so overwhelmed by everything I just wanted to break down. "I know." I said quietly. "Look, I'm sorry for how Draco and I handled it and that Umbridge is a psycho and won't expel him. But after school, maybe we should talk to McGonagall or even Snape. He's in the order." Harry said. "Really? Snape is?" I asked. Harry nodded. "I don't know. Maybe Blaise will leave me alone now that all this has happened." I said hopefully. "Yeah maybe but if not, just consider it ok?" Harry said. I nodded and we walked into DADA and stood at the back of the classroom. On the chalkboard it wrote "New Seats". "Jayne, I'm so sorry" Hermione said, giving me a hug. I winced at the pain from the bruises. "Sorry" she said. "Let us know if you need anything," Ginny said, giving my hand a squeeze. I just smiled. I wish nobody knew. I didn't want all this attention. Ginny started talking about quidditch and for a second In was distracted in a normal world. Then it happened. He walked in. I saw Ron looking straight ahead in the distance. "Bloody Hell" he mumbled. "What?" I asked and turned around. Then I saw him. Blaise walked into class with Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle. Blaise looked at me and winked. I felt sick. The room began to spin and everything became background noise. "What the hell is he doing here?" Ginny said. "Why isn't he expelled?" Hermione asked. "Umbridge," Harry said. Harry stood in front of me and grabbed my elbows trying to get me to focus on him. "Jayne, Jayne, are you ok?" he asked. I just blinked back the tears and nodded. I kept my eyes on Draco's and he gave me a small smile. Then Umbridge walked in. "Hello Students. Today we will be getting new seats so just wait to hear your name." she said with a giggle. She started listing off names. It was always a boy and a girl. Harry got put with Pansy, Ron got put with Millicent, Hermione got put with Draco, and Ginny got put with Goyle. I waited and waited and then I heard my seat partner and saw Umbridge's smile and everything stopped. "Jayne Black and Blaise Zabini," she said. Blaise went and sat down with an evil smile but I just stood there frozen. "You can't be serious!" Harry yelled. "I am Mister Potter, now sit down...Both of you." she said. Before I knew it my feet betrayed me and I walked over and sat next to him. He made sure to rub the outside of his thigh against mine when I sat down. "Miss me?" he whispered. I wiped a tear that had fallen. "No, she isn't sitting there. I'll sit there, ok. Anybody else can sit next to him" Harry said. "Mister Potter, you aren't in charge of seating arrangements," she said. "You are sick in the head lady! You know what he did. Why are you making Jayne sit next to him?" Harry yelled. I felt a hand on my thigh and it was Blaise. All I could think was Not Again. I wanted to scream or move but I was frozen. "I know you want this" he whispered to me while Harry and Umbridge argued. I felt more and more dizzy as Blaise's hand went higher and higher. I stopped breathing. Then I felt myself falling and hit the ground. I was on the floor and when I looked up the last thing I saw Draco. "It's ok princess, I'm here" he whispered. Then it all went black.


I watched Jayne get up and sit next to Blaise. I tried to stay calm but I was furious. Umbridge is a psycho? What kind of person does this? I hear Potter arguing with her but I can't. It will only make things worse. Then I hear a thud and see Jayne on the floor. I wanted to kill Blaise because I know he did something to her, but first I need to help her. I drop to the floor and look at her. I can see the tears in her eyes. "It's ok princess, I'm here" I whispered. Then her eyes closed. Potter and all his friends ran over too. "What happened?" Potter asked. "Is she ok?" Granger said. "I don't know." I said. While Potter helped her I stood up and faced Blaise who was casually sitting in his chair. "What the fuck did you do to her?" I screamed. He just laughed. "Nothing compared to what your Father will do" he teased. "We have to get her to the hospital wing," Granger said. I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the classroom while they followed. We burst inside and I laid her on a bed. While Madame Pomfrey began to help, I paced. I thought being with Jayne was putting her in danger. But she was in just as much danger without me. I love her and I'm not ever leaving her again. "Potter. Blaise and Umbridge are crazy. We need to tell a real professor what happened." I said. "Agreed" he said. "She is ok. It was just a panic attack." Madame Pomfrey said. We all sighed with relief. I sat down next to Jayne and held her hand. "It's ok. I won't leave you. Never again I promise" I whispered to her.

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