Chapter 29

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Not in the way you think


Last night, I have never been so furious in my whole life. Someone hurt Jayne. My Jayne. She was scared and in pain. The girl I love. I'm supposed to protect her and keep her safe and I couldn't do that. So I kissed her. My need for her touch took over and I kissed her. It felt perfect. She let me heal her and I thought we were ok, but no. I don't blame her though. I'm cold and mean and I can't trust her. I can't even tell her I love her. I'm so fucked up. She deserves better. But I love her too much to let go. How could a heart like hers ever love a heart like mine?

"Mate, did you hear me?" Blaise asked. I looked up at Blaise sitting across from me in the Great Hall. "No sorry, I zoned out. What?" I asked. "Crabbe, Goyle, and I are joining the Inquisitorial Squad for Professor Umbridge. You in?" he asked. "Sounds pathetic" I snapped. My eyes scanned the room for Jayne yet again. She wasn't here...again. She never comes to meals, and it worries me. "No, it's actually cool. We can hand out detentions and give and take away house points." Goyle said. "But mostly she just wants us to figure out what Potter and his stupid group are up to." Blaise said. "Ok, I'm in" I answered half-heartedly and we went back to eating. I'm only in because maybe I can convince Umbridge to let me be in charge of detention. Then I can protect Jayne and keep her safe like I should've from Day 1.


"Jayne, you're going to be late!" Kenz yelled as she threw a pillow at me. I looked at my clock. I had 20 minutes to get to class. I threw on my uniform and put my hair in a low braid. Then I added some light makeup, put on my shoes and grabbed my bag. I ran all the way to the Great hall but by the time I got there it was empty. So I just headed to Potions. I walked in late and Snape narrowed his eyes at me. "Miss Black, I'm assuming you have a proper excuse as to why you are late" he asked. "I'm sorry Professor. It won't happen again." I said. He scoffed and turned back to the lesson. At least he didn't take away house points from Slytherin. But then again, he never does. I walked to my seat keeping my head down. I sat next to Draco and he looked at me but I just tried to ignore him. I was still upset. He caused me so much stress and pain. I love him but he doesn't love me. Oh but he does. Then he doesn't trust me but now he kisses me. It's not healthy but no matter how hard I try, I can't stop loving him. It's consuming me. I never eat so I'm skin and bones and rather weak. I am always crying. The worst part is trying to keep up with the lies I have to tell. It's different lies for different people. It's better to keep Slytherin friends and Gryffindor friends separate.  I tell Cami and Kenz something when I'm at DA. Then I tell DA something when I'm with Cami and Kenz. I don't go to quidditch games because I don't know who to cheer for. The rivalry between houses is exhausting. At this point, I want to ask my dad if I can transfer back to Beauxbatons. I would have already if I didn't already know his answer. "It's not safe there," he would say. I guess he is right. "Jayne" Draco whispered to me. "What?" I asked. "How are you?" he asked. I kept my eyes down staring at my paper. If I look at him, I know I'll fall right back into those gorgeous stormy eyes."Spectacular" I answered sarcastically. "Does it hurt?" he asked. His voice was genuine. "Miss Black, Mister Malfoy, Is there something you would like to share with the class?" Snape asked. My cheeks turned red as everyone looked at us. "No Sir, I was just helping Jayne with her assignment" Draco said with that charming smile. "I see, 10 points to Slytherin." he said. I nudged Draco and he looked at me. I pointed to a note I had written on a spare bit of parchment. The answer to his question: Not in the way you think

He nodded and we did our work silently the rest of class. Then potions ended. The stomach pains and headache took over as I walked to DADA. I was terrified of Umbridge. Nobody knew what she had carved on my chest but Draco. I stood at the door and I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione walking up. "Hey Jayne, how was detention?" Harry asked. "It was ok. I just did lines." I answered. Harry gave me a strange look. Like he was nervous or angry, I couldn't tell. We all walked in and sat down. Umbridge walked in and I felt my skin crawl. She smiled at me but I just kept my head down. I didn't even realize my hands were shaking until Hermione grabbed them and held them under the table. I gave her a small smile. Luckily all we had to do was book work, then we could go. I finished as fast as I could and turned in my work. "Miss Black, Don't forget you have detention again tonight. Do not be late for the consequences may be severe." she giggled. The way she looked at me made my chest tight. My mind flashed back to the burning sensation on my chest and the blood dripping down. I couldn't breathe. I ran to the abandoned girls bathroom and collapsed in the corner. I was shaking so hard I didn't hear anyone come in. I felt someone tap my knee. I looked up and saw Harry. He sat down right next to me and pulled me into his arms. All I could think was I wish this was Draco. After a while, I sat up and Harry wiped the tears from my cheeks. He held up my hands and examined them. "I thought you said she made you do lines?" he asked. I nodded. He held out his hand. There was a scar on it that read:
I must not tell lies.
"Oh my god Harry" I gasped. "I'm fine. But what about you?" he asked. I stood up and so did he. "Just promise you won't tell Sirius" I asked. He nodded. I unbuttoned my blouse, and opened the top. Slut His jaw dropped as his hand lifted to graze the skin. "Jayne, I'm so sorry, that's- it's-" he stammered. "I don't know what to say," he sighed. "It's ok. I'll be fine. I only have detention for 4 more days. I can do it." I said with a weak smile. "Jayne, I don't know." he said. "Harry, we can't tell any teachers. We don't need any trouble. Dumbledore's Army is getting so good. We can't risk any spotlights on us." I pleaded. He sighed. "Fine" he scoffed. I buttoned my shirt and put on my robes. "Now let's go, I'm hungry and you need to eat." he said. "I'm not hungry," I said as we walked out. "Jayne, don't think I haven't noticed. You are skin and bones. Now we are going to the Great Hall and you are sitting next to me and we are going to eat. OK?" he asked. "Fine Mr Bossy. Are you sure you aren't a Slytherin?" I teased. He laughed as we sat down at the table. He filled my plate with food and I ate. For the first time in a while, I got to just hang out with friends and not think about my world crumbling. It was nice. Until I went to detention. I walked in and yet again my eyes were assaulted by pink. Umbridge sat at her desk making tea. "Miss Black. Have a seat" she said. I sat at the same desk and the pit in my stomach grew. My hands shook so I kept them under the desk. I didn't want her to know I was scared, I don't want to give her that power or satisfaction. "Are you ready to begin your lines?" she asked. I nodded my head.  There was a piece of parchment in front of me and she handed me the same quill as before. "Please write I am a slut" she said. I nodded my head in defeat. I started writing and waiting for the pain on my skin but it was different. I felt a pain so hot it was cold on my skin right on the scar where the word Slut was carved. The pain was so painful I bit my lip to hold in screams and it started to bleed down my chin. I looked down at the wound and it was scarred into my skin. "No amount of magic can make that go away. Just like nothing can ever change you. Now you will never forget what you are." she said calmly. My skin was burning but there was no blood. "Your detention for the rest of the week has been cancelled due to meetings for another matter. You may go" she said with a giggle. I stood up and stumbled all the way to the Slytherin Dungeons. I have never felt a pain this bad, it was taking over my whole body. My head was dizzy and my vision blurred and my legs felt as if they could give in at any moment. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't heal myself in this state. I would go to Harry but he is playing a quidditch game against Hufflepuff right now. I had nowhere else to go which led to me standing outside his door. I knocked on the door and heard nothing. My body grew weaker and weaker until I was practically using the wall to hold me up. "Draco please, help, it's me," I said. My voice was hoarse and choppy. Finally the door swung open. Draco stood there in grey sweatpants with a white t-shirt. "Jayne" I heard his voice but it started to fade. Then I felt his muscular arms on my body and everything went black.

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