Chapter 53

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I looked at Ron with a worried look. I turned to face Draco. "I have to use the loo" I said. "Not bloody likely" he scoffed. "Fine, I"ll go right here. I'm sure Umbridge will be pleased to come back to that." I said glaring at him. "Fine, Watch the others" he said to Goyle and he nodded. Then he dragged me out and shut the door. We walked down the hall and I could tell he was furious. "What is going on?" he asked. "Go to hell Draco" I snapped. He pushed me against a wall. "Don't talk to me like that," he yelled. "Merlin Draco, you are driving me insane. I saw your stupid notebook and you were vulnerable for just a minute. One fight. That's all it took for you to jump ship and join the Inquisitorial Squad huh?" I asked. "I'm trying to protect you." he said, his voice softened. "I know, and I love you for that. But you have to trust me on this ok. I need you to let me go for this one." I said as we approached the girls lavatory. "No, what is Dumbledore's army up to?" he asked. "I can't tell you." I said. I knew he wasn't going to let me go. So I made a decision. One that I knew was going to hurt. I hugged him tightly and whispered "I'm so sorry." and pushed him into the girls lavatory. I shut the door and locked it. "Jayne! Jayne, let me out!" he yelled. I had taken his wand when I hugged him. "I'm sorry Draco. I have to go save my dad. I'll be ok." I said. He banged on the door. It was like he was throwing his entire body weight against it. "Jayne, don't leave. Don't you walk away." he yelled. I could hear the strain in his voice. "I love you Draco." I said leaning against the door. "No Jayne please! Please! I can't lose you!" he screamed. "I'll be right back. I'll be ok, don't worry." I whispered. And I turned to leave. "Jayne, if you leave right now I will never forgive you." he yelled and I froze in my tracks. My eyes watered. "You don't mean that." I said and my voice cracked. "I do. If you walk away we are done." he said. I had to choose. My dad or Draco. "I'm sorry" I whispered and I ran away.


She left me. She promised she would never leave me and she did. She chose Harry and whatever stupid thing he's gotten himself into. Whatever it is, it isn't going to be good. She could get hurt and I won't be there to protect her. What if it's my father. Why couldn't she just stay? Why couldn't she just stay with me and let me protect her? I'm going to lose her... again.


I headed for Umbridge's office to everyone else. When I turned a corner, I heard Neville's voice. I ran down the hall and caught up to them as they left the castle. "Guys, wait up!" I yelled. They stopped and Ginny hugged me. "How'd you escape?" I asked. "Puking pastilles. Ron was brilliant" Ginny said. "Nice," I said to him. "What about you?" Ron asked. "I locked him in the bathroom." I said. They all laughed but my heart was broken. I wiped my tears and we ran towards the forbidden forest. I had to focus on saving my dad. We met Harry and Hermione on the bridge. They had gotten rid of Umbridge and that was fantastic. "How do we get to London?" Neville asked. "We fly of course" Luna said. We all looked at her and she led us to these animals called thestrals. Only Harry, Luna and I could see them. Only people who have seen death can apparently. We got on and flew to London. It was hard to pay attention to the beauty of being in the sky. I was so worried about what was happening to my dad. What if we were too late? What if he doesn't make it? He's all I have. We arrived at the Ministry and ran inside. We arrived at this room and went inside. It was filled with shelves upon shelves of these cloudy spheres. We all walked in with our wands drawn. Harry went to a spot in the middle and looked around. "He should be here." he said. "Harry, this one has your name on it." Neville said. Harry picked up a prophecy and it started whispering to him. I couldn't hear what it said because I was looking for my dad. Suddenly, there was a sound and we weren't alone. We all stood together as a death eater approached us. I stood next to Harry with my wand out ready to fight. We all did. "Where's Sirius?" Harry asked. "You know you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams..." he paused and pulled out his wand. Harry stepped in front of me. "And Reality" he finished as his wand whisked in front of his face removing his mask. I instantly recognized him from the frame in Draco's room. "Lucius Malfoy?" I asked. "Ah yes you are the pathetic girl who has destroyed Draco" he spat. "Draco isn't destroyed. He is stronger than you know. And you hurt Draco long before I was in the picture. You are just lucky he won't let me report you. I know things that could have you in Azkaban for the rest of your life" I said glaring at him. Just looking at him made me furious. I knew what he did to Draco. It made my blood boil. "Pathetic girl. You aren't even worth my breath. Potter give me the prophecy." he said. "If you do anything to us, I'll break it." he threatened. Then there was this horrible cackling. "He knows how to play. Itty bitty baby Potter" the figure emerged from the shadows. "Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville said. "Neville Longbottom, how's mum and dad?" she teased. "Better, now that they're about to be avenged" he said lunging forward but Harry held him back. "Now, let's all calm down. All we want is the prophecy." Lucius said. "Why did Voldemort need me to come and get it?" Harry asked. "You dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!" She screamed. "He's just a curious lad, prophecies can only be retrieved by whom they are made." he said. More and More death eaters surrounded us. We had them coming at us from every angle. I stood next to Ginny and we looked at each other in fear. We pointed our wands at three death eaters behind us while Harry and Lucius spoke. Suddenly, Harry yelled "Now" and the fighting began. This was the time to put our training to use. Ginny and I ran, throwing spells left and right. I stunned a death eater and he went flying back. Eventually we all came together. "Reducto!" Ginny yelled and her spell went casting back. Soon all the spheres and shelves started breaking as we ran. We ran toward the door and out. Then we were falling and hit the ground with a thud. There was a huge rock thing in the middle of the room. It was making strange noises only Harry, Luna and I could hear. We all got behind Harry as the death eaters swarmed the room again. I felt someone grab me and when I opened my eyes, a man was holding his wand to my throat. I looked around and everyone else besides Harry had been grabbed. Lucius stalked up to him. "Did you really think, or were you truly naive enough to think children stood a chance against us?" he asked. Harry stood there holding the prophecy. "Now give me the prophecy or watch your friends die" he said. Harry looked around. He made eye contact with me and I shook my head. "Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville yelled. But Harry did. Suddenly there was a flash of light and I saw him.

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