Chapter 78

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I stayed at the Astronomy Tower all day. I skipped all my classes and sat up there reading The Great Gatsby. It was Draco's favorite book and he always wanted me to read it. The sun was starting to set when I heard someone coming. I looked up to see Theo. He smiled at me and sat down. "Hey" he said. "Hey" I said. "You weren't in class all day," he said. I nodded. "That was a pretty intense fight. Worse than I've ever seen between you two" he said. I just nodded again and kept my eyes on my book. Theo closed the book and took it from my hands. I looked up at him. "There she is," he said. I smiled. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Ya, just worried about Draco." I said. "What about Harry?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes. "I don't want to talk about it." I said. "You both said stuff you didn't mean, I know. It's just you and Harry are really each other's only family. I wouldn't let that go." he said. I didn't say anything at first. "That's just the thing Theo, what we said was true. Whether we admit it or not." I said. The was a heavy silence. "Just give it time. You two will make up, you always do." he said. I nodded. "Now let's go get dinner." he said. "Ok, but it's going to be to-go." I said. "You want to sneak some food to Draco?" he asked. I nodded and he laughed. "Fine by me, you know I love mischief," he said. We went down to the Great Hall and sat down at the table. I looked over at the Gryffindor table and Harry wasn't there. Mione just gave a small wave and Ginny smiled. Theo and I filled a napkin with rolls and cookies and a slice of ham. I filled a flask with pumpkin juice and we snuck out. We went to the dorms first to change. I put on some thin cotton grey pajama pants with white stars on them. Then I pulled on a comfy white long sleeve button up shirt. I put my hair into braids, put on my converse, and grabbed my wand. Theo wore black joggers and his Slytherin quidditch jersey. We practically ran to the hospital. We walked in and Madam Pomfrey walked up to me. "He's awake but just be gentle. His body is still recovering." she said. We nodded and went into his little curtained area. Draco sat up reading the paper. He saw me and put it down. My heart fluttered when he looked at me. I ran over and sat down hugging him and pressing my lips on his. I pulled away and pressed our foreheads together. "Don't scare me like this ever again" I said. He laughed. "Ahem," Theo said. I turned around and Draco looked up. "Hey mate, we brought you real food." Theo said. Draco smiled. "Thanks," he said. I sat on Dracos be and Theo sat on a chair and we ate and talked. Well me and Theo mostly talked. Draco was zoned out. He looked nervous. He was fidgeting with his rings and his hands were shaking. I took his hands and interlaced our fingers. "Are you ok?" I asked. Draco nodded unconvincingly. Something felt off with him. I looked at Theo and gave him a look. "I'm gonna head off. I'm glad you're feeling better mate" Theo said. "Thanks," Draco said. I gave Theo a hug and he left. I sat back down between Dracos legs and held his hands. "Jayne, I love you ok. I need you to know that. I never stopped loving you and I always will love you. Promise me you will never forget." he said. His voice cracked and his eyes watered. "Draco what's going-"  I started. "Just promise me." he said. "I promise." I said nervously. "Tell me you love me. I just need to hear it one more time." he said quietly. "Draco, I love you and I'll tell you a thousand times." I said. He gave me a small smile and nodded. "I know princess." he said. I had a lump in my throat. Something didn't feel right. It was like he was saying goodbye. But he wasn't. Unless it was tonight. Was he doing it tonight? No, Snape would have told me. I would have known.  "Let's go to sleep." he said. I nodded and we laid together. After a while, my thoughts cleared and I fell asleep dreaming of a future with Draco.

I opened my eyes expecting to still be in Draco's arms but he was gone. He wasn't in the hospital bed. Instead, in his place was a letter addressed to me. I opened it and my heart stopped as I read it.

Dear Jayne,

When you wake up, I will be gone. You will learn that I did something. I want you to know that I am sorry. With every fiber of my being, I am sorry. I never wanted this. I just wanted you. I still love you but I know you won't love me. Not anymore. It's ok. I understand. I'm sorry I hurt you again. If I could go back and do something to spare you the pain that I caused I would. But I can't. And I hate myself everyday for it. Please be safe. This war is coming and I need you to be safe. Stay close to Theo, he is good. Better than me. He will keep you safe. I'm sorry. Goodbye.


The tears hit the ink and it dripped down the page. I got up and ran to my dorm. I pulled the Marauders Map and opened it. "Lumos" I said and the room lit up. I searched the map and found Draco. He was still here. He was in the Great hall. I was scared to go alone. So I ran to Theo's dorm and banged on the door. "Theo get up! Now!" I yelled. A few seconds later Theo came to the door. "Jayne, it's 10pm, what are you doing?" he asked. "Put your shoes on" I said. "Jayne tell me-" he started. "Theo just do it, I'll explain in a second." I said. Theo pulled on his converse and grabbed his wand. I looked at the Marauders Map, he was close to the exit. I started running and Theo followed me. "Jayne what's going on?" Theo asked as we ran down the halls. "Draco. He's a death eater. He has to kill Dumbledore, but I Don't know if he is going to. I didn't know he was doing it tonight." I said. "What?" Theo yelled. "I know. I couldn't tell you. I was under orders from Snape and Dumbledore. Please try to understand" I said. "Draco is a death eater?" he said. "Yes" I said. We ran out of the castle and stopped frozen at what we saw. Dumbledore's body. "Merlin," Theo said. My eyes watered. "No" I choked out. Our jaws were on the ground. "I have to get to him," I said. "Are you sure that's safe?' he said. "He didn't do this." I said. "You told me-" Theo said. "I know. He was ordered to kill him. But Snape was going to do it. I'll explain it after we find Draco." I said. Theo nodded. I looked at the map. "Hagrid's Hut" I said. "Let's go," Theo said.

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