Chapter 32

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We finally arrived outside Umbridge's door. There was nothing either of us could say to each other so we said nothing. Harry just gave my hand a squeeze before he let go. Then he knocked and the door swung open to reveal the pink classroom. But to our surprise, standing inside was not only Umbridge but Draco as well. "Miss Black, Mister Potter, so good you could make it on time. Please have a seat." she said with a smile. Harry and I sat at the desks and on them was a piece of parchment and the all to familiar quills. I felt sick to my stomach. Not only did I have to use that quill again, but this time Draco and Harry had to watch. I looked up at Draco but he just glared at me. I felt the tears pool in my eyes. What was going on? Why was he messing with my head like this? "Mister Potter, Miss Black, you two seem to be my most common students for detention. I'm sure you both know what to do by now?" she asked. I nodded and kept my head down trying not to cry. I wasn't sure if I could handle the pain again. Hopefully, I will pass out again. "Professor, if you could please allow Jayne to leave I will do whatever punishment you want. Please let her leave, she is still recovering from the previous times" Harry said. I looked up, shocked. "Harry, no'' I exclaimed. "How heroic Mister Potter, but Miss Black must suffer the consequences of her actions'' she spat. "Please if you just-" he started. "Enough! Now Mister Malfoy will be supervising this detention as I have a meeting. He is a part of the Inquisitorial Squad and has the authorities to give out consequences as he sees fit. Do you understand?" she asked. We both nodded. "Good." she said with a chuckle and grabbed a small pink bag and left the room. The second the door closed, it was like a switch flipped in Draco. "Jayne, I am so sorry, please let me explain." he said. I looked at Harry who looked just as confused. Draco reached into his bag and pulled out two pieces of parchment with lines written on them. He handed them to each of us. Mine said I am a slut and Harry's said I must not tell lies. "Here" he said. "Draco, what's going on?" I asked. "Potter, could we have some privacy?" he said. "No. I'm not leaving Jayne alone here with you." he snapped. "Bloody Hell. Seriously? I would never hurt Jayne" He spat. "Really, how many times has she come crying to me because you broke her heart huh?" he yelled. "Harry!" I yelled. Draco and Harry now stood toe to toe, chest to chest. They looked like they were about to kill each other. "Stop it! Please" I said stepping in between the two of them. "Harry, I'll be ok. Let's meet tomorrow at the owlery for Padfoot ok?" I said. "Fine" he said and headed towards the door but he stopped. "If you lay a hand on her, Malfoy I'll kill you" he spat and left. Draco ran his hands through his blonde hair and let out a sigh. "Draco, please explain what is going on. I feel like I'm losing my mind" I said. "Let's go to my dorm," he said, taking my hand. He pulled me down the corridors all the way to his dorm. Everytime I step foot inside I am amazed. It feels like it gets bigger and more elaborate every time. We both sat on the foot on his bed and he fiddled with his rings. That's how I know he is nervous. "Draco, whatever is going on you can tell me." I said softly. "Today in class, I tried to take the fall but Umbridge gave you detention anyway, do you know why?" he said. "I guess she just has it out for me?" I said slightly tensing up. "It's more than that Jayne." he said. "It's because of Harry and his connection to your father." he said. How does he know this? "Oh" I said quietly. "So today in class, I had to decide to play the long game. That's why I agreed with Umbridge. I needed her on my side so I could protect you." he said. "I had a feeling there was something else going on" I said. "You always were a clever princess" he said as he crashed his lips into mine. He bit down on my bottom lip gently causing me to moan softly and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. His hands roamed my body as I ran my hands through his soft blonde hair. Suddenly, I felt his hand on my throat pulling me back. His stormy eyes pierced mine. "You know princess, just because I got you out of detention doesn't mean you shouldn't be punished" she said with a smug look on his face. "What is your safe word?" he asked firmly. "Red" I stated. "Good girl" he whispered in my ear. His hot breath fanned my neck. "Strip" he commanded and I obeyed. He stepped back to watch as I took off my shoes, robes, blouse and skirt. It left me in just my bra and underwear and my thigh high stockings. The cold air hit my skin and I felt a shiver down my spine. Then I caught a glimpse of the word Slut still carved into my chest. It was red and defined. I lifted my hand to cover it, ashamed of the brand I was given. Draco walked over and grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall. There was no space between us, my chest pressed up against his and we were breathing the same air. "Don't ever cover up. Not for me" he said. He tossed me back on the bed and grabbed his wand. "I want to hear your screams tonight" he said pointing his wand at the door. "Muffliato'' he muttered. He began to unbutton his shirt and it revealed his porcelain skin and abs. He grabbed his slytherin tie and tied my hands above my head and attached them to the headboard. Then he stood at the edge of the bed admiring his work. I laid there in my emerald bra and underwear and black stockings. I could feel the heat between my legs grow. "Look at you princess, so needy. Don't forget this is a punishment" he said and pulled out a blindfold. He covered my eyes so everything was dark. Then he pulled my legs apart. I felt his finger brush gently on my clit and he began to tease it softly. I got more and more wet by the second. His other hand went to my chest. It slipped around the back, unhooking the clips and pulling off my bra. Then he began to suck on my neck and chest. It felt the blood rushing as my body grew hot. It was different having my other senses deprived. He dipped a finger into my wetness and I moaned under his touch. "Faster Please" I whined. That just provoked him to go slower. "Come on princess, you know better than that" he teased. He held my hips down and began to kiss my inner thighs. He left hickeys up each leg as he got closer and closer to my spot I got more and more turned on. I squirmed under the restraints but that just made them tighter. Finally, he reached my heat. His tongue flicked and sucked my clit. I was screaming out in pleasure. "Draco I - I'm close" I stammered. He instantly pulled away. "You taste amazing," he said. I kept squirming trying to cum but Draco held my hips in place. "Not yet princess" he whispered.  "I need to see you while I'm fucking you" he said and he took off the blindfold and untied my wrists. He pulled off his boxers and lined himself up with my entrance. Then he slammed himself inside me and I screamed his name. "Fuck Draco Oh My God!" I screamed. "Good girl" he said, thrusting himself inside me. I grabbed his shoulders for support and dug my nails into his skin. I felt my walls tighten and I was close. "Fuck Draco Harder, I'm close" I said. That flipped a switch in him. He slammed his hips deeper and faster and I I felt him in my stomach. "That hard enough slut?" he asked. My moans were his response. "I'm gonna cum" I cried out. "Cum for me," he said. And we came together. "Think you can handle more?" he asked. I bit my lip knowing how he would react to it and nodded. "Good Girl" he said, tying my hands up again and putting the blindfold back on. He began to tease my clit and he slipped two fingers inside me. I moaned out softly. Then I heard a click. "Draco?" I asked. "You know the rules" he said and I felt the cold metal on my hip. "The louder you are, the deeper the knife goes," he said slowly. I shivered at the blade's touch. His fingers on my clit felt so go I moaned and then I felt the pressure of the knife. It stung a little bit reminding me of Umbridge's office. I bit my lip to stay quiet so it wouldn't happen again. I didn't want him to stop. He added another finger and before I could stop myself I moaned again as the pleasure took over. But when the knife went deeper my mind flashbacked to pain of the word being carved into my skin, and the humiliation and going unconscious in Draco's arms. My chest got tight and I couldn't breathe. My eyes watered and it stopped feeling good. "Red" I mumbled but my words were barely audible. "Red" I said louder and this time he heard me. "Jayne?" Draco said and his fingers and the knife left my body. He pulled off the blind fold and restraints and saw my face. "I'm sorry Draco, I didn't mean to ruin it-" I started. "No princess. It's ok, you're ok" he said softly pulling me into his arms. He pulled a blanket over my body and I cried into his chest. He just stroked my hair and held me. "It's ok, you're safe. I'm so sorry. I should have realized that wasn't a good idea. I didn't even think. " he choked out. "It was just like it was happening all over again" I cried. "It's over now. I won't let her hurt you ever again" he said. I nodded. "Why don't we go shower and then get some sleep?" he said. "Ok" I said. The second I stood up, I collapsed on the ground. "Oh princess, struggling a bit are we now?" he teased. "Just shut up and help me," I said. "Oooo not very friendly" he said, picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom. Then we showered together and I wore his clothes. They smelled of mint and citrus just like always. Then I laid on his chest, tracing small shapes. "I love you" I whispered. He tensed up for a second before answering. "I love you too," he said. Then we fell asleep.

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