Chapter 84

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It's been a month since Narcissa was killed. Lucius has left Draco in the cellar with me and Theo. He only takes him out for meetings with Voldemort and the death eaters. The first time he got back he tried to tell us what happened but I guess Lucius expected that. He tortured me in front of Draco. He said that's what would happen if he told us anything ever again. Draco won't speak. I try to talk to him about anything but he just nods. I don't know if he's scared to say the wrong thing or just broken. Every night I hold him in my arms and sing to him to try and calm him down. But still he cries himself to sleep. I don't cry as much anymore. I've run out of tears. Theo has gone pretty quiet too. He is mostly unconscious. Bellatrix tortures him the worst. She gives him the option everyday to join them and become a death eater since he's a pureblood. Everyday he refuses. And everyday Bellatrix tortures him until he passes out. After one particularly horrible day, I tried to tell him to just do it. To just join them. But he won't. He won't leave me. He told me he will die before taking the mark. Theo's hands now have a tremor from the intense torture. But then again we all do. Bellatrix is very good at torture I'll give her that.

"Jayne" I looked down at Draco's head on my lap. "Yeah?" I asked. This is the first time all day he's spoken. "When you found out about my mark, why weren't you scared of me?" he asked. I sighed and took his shaky hands interlacing them with mine. "Because I know you. I knew that there was no way you would voluntarily take the mark. I knew something must have happened. I wasn't scared because I trust that whatever you are doing you were doing for the right reasons." I said. He nodded. "Why did you get the mark?" Theo asked. I elbowed him. "It doesn't matter." I said. Draco sat up. "It's fine, I'll tell you." he said. We nodded at him. "For my mom. When I came home from school in year 5, I walked in the front door and Voldemort and an army of death eaters were at my house. They had my mom locked in the cellar. They had been torturing her. If I didn't take the mark, they would kill her. After I took the mark, I begged Voldemort to let her go. But he said not until I completed my training. I had to learn to duel, I had to learn occlumency, I had to..." he stopped choking on his words. "It's ok..." I said, cupping his chin. "I had to learn how to torture people. But it's not like I was going to practice on Voldemort. I had to practice on my own mom. They made me torture her. And when I didn't, they tortured me." he said. A tear fell from my eyes. The nightmares. "That's what the nightmares were about?" I asked. He nodded. I hugged him. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Sorry mate. She didn't tell me they were that bad." Theo said. Draco looked at him and then stood up sharply. "You told him?" he said. I stood and so did Theo. "Draco, it's not a big deal." I said. "It is. I trusted you and then you went and blabbed to him." he snapped. "Hold on mate,-' Theo started. Draco pushed him back. "I'm not your mate." he spat. "Draco stop." I said. "It's not even her fault. You were screaming and woke all of Slytherin. Whenever people were talking about who it was, guess who took the blame. Jayne. She told everyone it was her to protect you. So maybe be a little grateful." Theo said. They were standing toe to toe. I tried to get between them. "Grateful huh? Ever since I met her my life has gone to shit. Now she got my mom killed too! So to hell with being grateful!" he yelled. I stumbled back. My eyes watered. Draco's face fell. Theo froze. "Jayne I didn't mean-" he started. "Let's just all go back to not talking ok?" I said. We all slumped back against the wall. Nobody said anything. It was silent. But he was right. I got her killed. Me.

More and more time passed. We were only brought food every now and then by house elves. According to the elves we've been here for a  month and a half. A month and a half or starvation, dehydration, torture, and silence. Draco and I haven't really talked. I don't know what to say. He apologized, I nodded. We were all sitting eating the bread that the elves brought us. I was fidgeting with my necklace. Draco was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "You're still wearing the necklace." he said. I looked down. "Yeah, I told you I never took it off." I said. He smiled and nodded. We all heard the gate open and we stood up backing up. Lucius, Bellatrix, and 2 death eaters walked in with their wands drawn. "Back up," one death eater said. Theo grabbed my hand and we backed up against the wall. My back was pressed against the stone cold wall. I stood in between Theo and Draco. They both held my hand now. Lucius looked at us and scoffed. "Take him," he said. The death eaters grabbed Draco and dragged him upstairs. Draco looked at me one last time before he disappeared. He looked scared. Bellatrix walked towards Theo. "Care to rethink your decision. We respect purebloods not blood-traitors. Don't be the latter." she said. She dug her wand into his neck. Theo started her in the eyes and glared. "Go. to. Hell." he said enunciating each and every word. "What a shame." Lucius said. Bellatrix laughed. "Crucio," she said. The spell hit Theo and he fell to the ground. His body curled up and he shook. He was screaming in pain. "Stop please" I begged. I tried to hold him but Lucius grabbed me. He pressed me up against the wall, holding my throat. I grabbed his arm trying to claw him off but he held firm. "You have so much fight in you little girl." he said. He looked me up and down and it sent chills down my spine. "Not for long, this meeting will need an after party" he said. Then he let go and Bellatrix broke the spell on Theo. I fell to the ground coughing. I crawled over to Theo and he was passed out. His body was still shaking. They left and I pulled Theo's head onto my lap. I used my sleeve to wipe the tears from his face. And I sang. That's all I could do. I couldn't ease his pain. I couldn't help him. All I could do was be there and pray they weren't hurting Draco too.

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