Chapter 88

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It's been two months. Jayne is completely broken. She hasn't spoken more than a sentence since Lucius raped her. She just sits in the corner shaking. When Bellatrix comes, she tortures us. All of us. I begged her to leave Jayne alone. But that just made her want to do it more. What scares me the most is Jayne doesn't even seem to care anymore. After every death eater meeting, which is once a week, my father takes her. Every week me and Theo try to fight them off but they just drag her away. She doesn't fight and she doesn't scream. Then they throw her back down into the cellar and she's unconscious for the next few days. Theo and I both try to talk to her but she just stares at the floor. It hurts to see her like this. This isn't Jayne. There is no light in her eyes. No hope. She is just broken. A shell of a person. And it's my fault.

Jayne had just been thrown back down into the cellar when we heard the commotion. Theo picked her unconscious body up and carried her to the back of the cellar. He laid her down and covered as much of her as he could with my jacket. He wet a part of the fabric we had ripped with some water and put it on her forehead. Jayne has had a bad fever for the past week. They won't let us do anything. I tried to get the house elves to help but they can't without Lucius's permission. Then Theo and I heard someone coming. We both rushed to the back to stand in front of Jayne. "What now?" Theo said. I shrugged. The gate opened and we heard someone speak. "Get in there" a male voice said. Then the gate slammed shut. I stepped forward and there stood Luna Lovegood. "Luna?" I said. "Draco?" she said. His voice was still soft like always. "What are you doing here?" Theo asked. "They didn't like what dad was saying in The Quibbler. So they took me." she said. She wiped her eyes. I've never seen Luna be anything but happy. Theo walked over and hugged her. "Are you alright?" he asked. She nodded. I stood in the back, ashamed of my father. "I'm sorry Luna," I said. "It's alright, it's not your fault. We all have hard times." she said. I just nodded. I heard a coughing and Theo and I ran over to Jayne. Theo felt her forehead. "She's burning up bad Draco," he said. Luna walked over. "Oh my" she said. She knelt next to Jayne and took her hand. "She's very ill." Luna said. We both nodded. Luna stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out three flasks. "Here" Luna said, handing us the small flask. I looked at the clear liquid. "What is it?" I asked. "Pepper-Up Potion" she said. "It cures the common cold" I said, kneeling down to give it to her. Theo grabbed my wrist to stop me. "What if she doesn't have a cold?" he said. "Well it can't make her worse" I said. He nodded. I opened her mouth and poured it in tilting her head back. I closed her mouth and she swallowed it. I felt her head and it began to cool down. "I think it's working," I said. "Theo felt her head. "Yeah, I think so. Thank you Luna" Theo said. "Of course, no problem." she said.

We all sat down around Jayne. I pulled her head onto my lap and brushed the hair from her face. "May I ask a question?" Luna asked. "Go for it," Theo said. I nodded. "What happened to Jayne's clothes?" she asked. Theo and I both looked at eachother. "Oh-" Theo said. "I've brought up a troubling topic haven't I?" she said. We both just nodded. "Well nevermind then." she said.


I heard voices and I looked up. I was laying on Draco again. They were talking to someone. A voice I didn't recognize. I opened my eyes and looked around. I thought I saw... "Luna?" I said. "Hello" she said smiling. I sat up and Draco helped me. "How are you here?" I said weakly. "They took me because of what dad was saying in Quibbler." she said. "I'm sorry" I said. She took my hand. "It's alright. I'm just glad you're feeling better." she said. She was right. I was. I didn't feel sick anymore. "Luna had a potion that fixed you right up" Theo said. I nodded.

We heard the gate and Bellatrix walked in with death eaters backing her. "Oh goody, you're all up," she said. Theo and I stood. "Luna get behind me" Theo whispered. Luna knelt in front of me and Theo and Draco stood in front of us. "Who wants to go first?" she asked. "You can torture us but don't touch Luna or Jayne." Theo said. I nodded. "Really, after all this time. Get a clue both of you" she said. "You really are a shitty aunt," Draco said. Bellatrix makes a fake pouty face. "I know dear," she said. "Crucio" she yelled. The spell hit Draco and he fell to the floor. His screams filled the cellar and Luna gasped. I squeezed her hand and she looked at me in horror. The spell broke and Draco was heaving on the floor. "Crucio," she said. The spell then hit Theo. He hit the floor and his body was shaking. His screams were louder. Luna shut her eyes. She must've been so scared. I gathered all my strength to sit up. I hugged her so she faced the wall and didn't watch. Theo was on the floor now too. He was trying to catch his breath. He tried to stand but Bellatrix kicked him and he fell over hitting his head on the stone wall. His body hit the floor and I screamed. "Theo!" I cried out. Draco crawled over to Theo and shook him. Bellatrix grabbed Luna by the hair and dragged her to the middle of the floor. "No!" I yelled. The death eaters grabbed me and held me back. "Crucio," she said. The spell hit Luna and she screamed. She fell to the floor and shook. Tears poured down her face. Then she passed out. I was happy she passed out so quick so she didn't have to endure as much of it. "Your turn now half blood," Bellatrix said. The death eaters threw me in front of her. I tried to crawl back. "You can't really tell me this is worse than the fun you have with those death eaters?" she asked. I said nothing. "Just as I thought," she said. The death eaters laughed at me. "Crucio," she said. The spell hit me last. The pain took over my body and the screams escaped me. She held the spell on me until Draco was screaming for her to stop. Then the spell broke. My head felt heavy and I watched them leave. Draco picked me up and carried me to the very back of the cellar. He propped my head up with his jacket. "I'm so sorry Jayne" he whispered. "It's ok. It'll all be ok" and I closed my eyes.

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