Chapter 31

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Inquisitorial Squad


"Jayne, You don't get it. You are not worthless. You are the most incredible person I have ever met. You changed me for the better. You make me want to do better. I don't want you to ever think anything different because I love you and I can't lose you." I said. We froze as I realized what I said. I said those words she had been searching for. The words I had been too much of a coward to say. My only fear, was I going to hurt her, or was she going to hurt me?


Three words, 8 letters, say it and I'm yours. That's what I told him. Now, he said it and I was scared. "Draco I-" I stammered, unsure of what to say. He just looked at me. I could tell he was scared too. This was the moment I had to decide whether he was worth risking the heartbreak. Everything flashed through my head. The fights, the makeup sex. His breakdown, and telling me all of the pain he has experienced. Him protecting me against Cedric and his friends. All of it. Maybe Draco would hurt me but I didn't care. I needed him and he needed me. He was staring at the ground twisting his rings around. I stepped closer to him grabbing one hand and taking his chin with my other. "I love you too," I said softly. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine. My arms wrapped his neck and he pulled me close to him. I pulled away and looked at him smirking. "Round 2?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "We already missed Potions, we can't miss DADA." I said. I shuddered at the punishments Umbridge could come up with for that. "Fine," he said. We gathered our things and rushed to class as fast as possible. Unfortunately, we were 2 minutes late when we arrived at the door. I stood outside it frozen. Draco immediately noticed my fear. "It's going to be ok. I won't let her hurt you" he reassured me. I nodded and we walked in. Umbridge looked up at me with a glare. She stood up and began walking towards me. I felt my heart rate beat faster and my wound burned. "Miss Black, I see now you are corrupting other students too." she spat. Draco stepped in front of me using his arm to move me behind him. I was ashamed that I had to hide behind him but I couldn't face her. I was so scared my hands were shaking. He held my hand behind our robes to calm me. "I apologize Professor Umbridge, it was my fault. Jayne was helping me with some homework in the library and time got away from us" he quickly lied. She paused as if she was deciding whether to believe him or not. "As a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, I expect this to never happen again. Do you understand Mister Malfoy?" she asked. "Yes Professor." he answered calmly. "As for you Miss Black, detention after dinner tonight" she spat. "What the Bloody Hell?" Harry yelled standing up. "Mister Potter-" she starts. " No, Draco admits it was his fault and gets off and Jayne gets detention. Seriously?" he yells storming over to face her. "Fine, you can join her" she spat. I blinked back tears. "This is unfair, what about Malfoy?" Harry snapped. "Mister Malfoy, do you think Miss Black and Mister Potter should serve detention tonight?" she asked with a smile. "I believe you know the best Professor," he answered.  I felt my heart drop and my legs almost gave out. I looked at him and he just stared straight ahead. "Wonderful. Now in your seats, we must begin the lesson" she said clapping her hands. Draco sat in his seat next to Blaise and I refused to look at him. I was frozen. Harry realized it and got up and helped me to my chair next to Hermione. Then he sat next to Ron. "Are you ok?" Hermione whispered. I nodded but I wasn't. My head was spinning. What is the inquisitorial squad? How could he do that? Why didn't he protect me like he said he would? Finally class ended and I walked out with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry noticed my hands shaking. "It's going to be ok Jayne. I'll be there this time." he said softly. "Jayne" I heard his voice. "Jayne, wait, please" Draco called. I kept walking and ignored him. I sat down at the Gryffindor table and tried to eat but I couldn't. I just sat there listening to the conversations of my friends. Fred & George were discussing the triumphs of their latest prank. "Jayne" Ginny whispered. I turned to her. I was sitting in between Harry and Ginny so they could both hear. "What?" I asked. "What's going on with you and Draco?" Harry asked. My breath caught in my throat. "Nothing" I lied and shrugged my shoulders. "You are a bad liar" Ginny said smirking. "I have no idea what you going on about." I said turning to face my plate. I could feel my cheeks turning a scarlet color. "Ok, let's unpack the most current events. First, you show up late to class together. Then he does like this weird protective thing where he stood in front of you and he held your hand and took the blame. Then he like screamed in the halls trying to talk to you and now he hasn't stopped looking at you." she said. I turned around and surely enough Draco was staring at me from across the Great Hall at Slytherin. "You are forgetting the part where he got us detention" Harry scoffed. "And he might be on the inquisitorial squad" Hermione suddenly popped in. "The what?" Ron asked. "Oh yeah, what is that?" I asked. "Not here," Hermione said quietly. She got up and nodded for us to follow. We all casually walked out of the Great hall following her outside to the edge of the Black Lake. We all sat down and immediately Ron pulled out a bag of crisps. "Really Ron'' Ginny scoffed. "What?" he said and we all laughed at him. "Ok, Hermione what is going on?" Harry asked. "As we all know, Umbridge has her suspicions about us. She has for a while now. But she hasn't caught us yet. I guess she believes it's due to a lack of people dedicated to her cause. So now, just as we have an army... so does she. The inquisitorial squad is mainly to catch us but they can also give out detentions and give and take away house points." Hermione said. "Well there can't be that many people. Nobody likes Umbridge." Ginny said hopefully. "She has a point." Ron said with his mouthful. Suddenly Fred and George ran over to us. "Did you get it?" Hermione asked. "Yes ma'am." George said and handed her a piece of paper. "What is that?" Harry asked. "I asked them to see if they could get a list of who is on the inquisitorial squad." Hermione said as she skimmed the parchment. "Being the talented pranksters we are..." Fred said. "We happily obliged," George said. "So... who is it?" Ron asked. "Just as I suspected, all Slytherins. Blaise, Pansy, Millicent, Crabbe, Goyle, Graham, Cassius and...." she trailed off and looked at me with a sad look. "What?" we asked. "Draco," she said. Everyone went quiet. We all knew what this meant. The Inquisitorial Squad vs Dumbledore's Army. And I love people on both sides. "Oh" I said softly. There was awkward silence again until Harry spoke. "Jayne, we have to get to detention" he said. I nodded and stood up. Ginny and Hermione did as well giving me a hug. "Good luck" Ginny whispered. The fear built and built as Harry and I walked. My hands shook, beads of sweat formed on my brow and I could feel the word burning on my chest. Harry just held my hand and we walked quietly. He was scared too. Umbridge seemed to have that effect on people. She could show all the pink and kittens in the world but she is still evil.

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