Chapter 39

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TIME SKIP (1 Month)

Trigger Warning: Rape


It's been one month since my whole world fell apart. Draco broke me, DA fell apart and we have suffered every single day since. I have been staying in Gryffindor tower with Hermione and Ginny every night. To be honest, I'm scared of my own house. Every single Slytherin hates me. I've tried apologizing to Cami and Kenz hundreds of times but they are still upset. I'm just giving them space, maybe one day we can talk it out. Harry is having more and more visions and it's worrying me. What worries me even more is we can't send letters to Sirius anymore. It's too risky that we'll be caught. I just hope he is ok, hopefully doing better than me. I spend every day exactly the same. Get up, go to class, ignore Malfoy even though it still hurts, get ridiculed in the halls, go to Umbridge's punishment, then back to either the darkest corner of the library or Gryffindor tower. That's kind of what we all do. I was just sitting in my bed reading when Ginny and Hermione burst in out of breath and scared. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Umbridge is downstairs and wants to speak to you," Ginny said. Her usually confident voice was shaky. "Oh" I said. I stood up and we all walked downstairs. I saw Umbridge standing there and my veins iced. Harry was quickly at my side and took my shaking hand. "Miss Black, It has come to my attention that you haven't been sleeping in your dorms and you have been living here. Is this true?" she asked. "Yes ma'am but-" I started. "And who authorized it?" she asked. "We said it was fine," Harry said, stepping in front of me. "The usual troublemakers at it again. You have no authority. Miss Black, you will sleep in your dorm every night. Do you understand?" she said. Back with the snakes, great. "Yes ma'am" I said. "Jayne" Harry exclaimed but I just elbowed him and he stopped. "Good, and to make sure you do I will have a member of the inquisitorial squad check in every night at curfew. If you aren't where you are supposed to be, the consequences will be severe" she said. I just nodded and she left. Finally. "Jayne, you can't actually go back there." Hermione said. "I don't have a choice." I said. There was a silence and everyone just stared at the floor. "I'm going to go get my stuff." I said softly and headed upstairs. "I'll help," Harry said and he followed me up. We got into the room and I began packing my things but Harry just paced. "I don't like this Jayne," he said. "I'm not overly fond of the idea either but maybe this will give me a chance to make things right with Cami and Kenz." I said, trying to sound happy. He just sighed. "Just please be careful." he said. "Harry, you are forgetting I am a Slytherin." I said as we walked back downstairs. I thanked everyone for their help and headed for Slytherin. Harry wanted to walk me there but I knew if anyone saw it would only make things worse. When I got there, the second I walked in all eyes fell on me but nobody said anything. I just went straight to my room and locked the door. I had one hour until curfew and some inquisitorial squad members, probably Pansy would come bothering me. I quickly showered and put on pajamas. Then I got in bed and worked on the homework. Snapes homework was surprisingly good at numbing your brain from boredom so I did that quite often. Then I heard the knock. The knock that little did I know would change my life.

"Whatever the Inquisitorial Member is here to check on me, I'm here so you can leave now" I yelled out. There was just another knock. I scoffed and put my work to the side climbing off the bed and opening the door. Blaise stood there with a smug look. "I'm here, so you can run back to Umbridge now" I said slamming the door but he stuck his foot in before it could close. He pushed the door open with such force I stumbled back. "What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. "I'm supposed to check for any potential trouble" he said strolling around my room. I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for him to leave. "Ok, can you go now?" I said in an annoyed tone. He turned to face me and walked slowly towards me. He had this wicked grin on his face that gave me a sick feeling. "Why would I go when I have the school slut at my service?" he said. He stood towering over me and I stepped back trying to put space between us but I hit the wall. "Blaise, please I'm not feeling well" I said trying to find the doorknob with my hands as discreetly as possible. He drew his wand and pointed it at the door. "Colloportus, Muffliato" he mumbled and the door locked. "Blaise please, I don't want to do this. Please" I said. My heart was racing. I was trapped, pressed against the wall and he just looked me up and down. His index finger lifted my chin to face him but I flinched. This only made him grab my chin harder. "So you are a slut for the whole school but me?" he asked. "No, Blaise, I never- It was only Draco and Cedric. I swear." I said. He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the wall. "Oh bullshit, what about Potter? I heard he fucked you too." he spat. "No, I- Draco was wrong. He lied-" I started when I felt his hand and the side of my face make contact. Then the sting came. He slapped me. Then he roughly grabbed my chin forcing me to face him again. He was enjoying every second of this. I felt the tears pour down my face. "Oh so Draco's a liar. I'll be sure to tell him you said that." he hissed. He grabbed my throat and dragged me across the room and threw me onto the bed. Before I could move, he was on top of me. "Blaise please don't do this" I screamed. "Shut up" he spat. He ripped off my shirt and I felt his lips crash into mine. I pulled away and tried to fight him off but he was stronger than me. He grabbed my wrist and pinned me down and his knee kept my legs forced apart. He stopped kissing me because I was crying so much and his lips moved to my neck. I felt him kissing my neck and collarbone and chest. I felt him and got closer to my breasts. "Blaise stop please stop" I screamed. But nobody could hear me. He just laughed. He was getting off on it. He pulled my bra down and left hickeys on my breast. "I'll leave those there for the next guy who fucks you" he whispered in my ear. Then I felt his hand pulling on my waistband on my shorts and underwear. My hands were free so I tried to push him off or scratch him but no matter how hard I tried nothing worked. "No please don't I'm begging you please" I sobbed. "I said shut up" he yelled and slapped me again. Then I heard the clinking of his belt and his laughing. I felt his hard length against me. He rubbed it against my entrance and I closed my eyes. He kept my wrist pinned down and he slammed himself inside me. I screamed. I begged for help. I begged for him to stop, to get off, but he kept thrusting himself inside, harder and harder each time. His grunts filled the room along with my screaming and crying until he finished. Then he pulled out and got up. "Not bad, I saw the appeal. I might just be back for more, seeing as it is my new job" he said chuckling to himself. I sat up shaking and used the sheet to cover the body he just violated. Right before he walked out he turned to face me with a smug look. "I wouldn't bother trying to tell anyone. Nobody would believe you and you don't want to be known as the lying slut now would you" he said and walked out slamming my door. I ran over to the toilet and threw up everything. Then I showered in scalding hot water trying to scrub any trace of him left off me. Hours later, I curled up in the chair next to my bed. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I thought Malfoy broke me but I was wrong. He didn't. Blaise broke me.

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