Chapter 70

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It's been a while since Draco and it's a new thing. To be honest, it's been pretty brilliant. We have a good relationship. And we both get to sleep. It makes me feel better knowing he is sleeping. I also make sure he eats more. He doesn't eat as much and he thinks I don't notice but I do. I just try to be subtle. I've spent more time in the restricted section looking for stuff on the dark mark or any history on Voldemort. Nothing. It's like it doesn't exist. It's starting to piss me off. Anyways, Theo and I have become super close too. We spent almost all our time together. I feel bad lying to him, or more like not telling him about Draco but I have to. Harry and I haven't talked as much. He keeps bugging me about the cloak. He did kinda freak out because this girl named Katie Bell got cursed. He thinks Draco did it. I told Snape that there is no way. He would never do that.

But just when things are good, they have to go bad. This morning I woke up and snuck to my room like always. Then I met Theo at the Great Hall. Usually we walk together but he wasn't in the common room where we usually meet. I walked into the Great Hall and some people were staring. I brushed it off and walked over to Theo. He looked at me with wide eyes and grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room. "Bloody Hell Theo! What has gotten into you?" I yelled. He pulled me into an abandoned classroom. "Did you sleep with Draco?" he asked. My jaw dropped and my heart stopped. "What?" I asked. "Pansy Parkinson, that bitch, is going around telling everyone that you and Draco are sleeping together again." he said. He seemed mad. Not that I slept with Draco, but that Pansy was trash talking me. "Is it true?" he asked. I was silent. "Jayne?" he said. My eyes watered and the tears fell. I slumped against the door and cried. Why can't we ever just have something. Me and Draco can never just have one thing to ourselves. "Did he hurt you?" he asked, sitting next to me. I looked at him surprised. "What? No!" I exclaimed. "Oh ok. But is it true? Are you.." he trailed off. I looked at him and nodded. "Bloody Hell Jayne. Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "I'm sorry! I didn't know how you would feel about it. And it's not just sex. You don't get it. I physically can't sleep without him. And well.. Do you promise not to tell anyone this?" I asked. He nodded. "Draco gets nightmares. Bad ones. Remember that night in Slytherin house where some kid was screaming?" I asked. He nodded. "That was Draco. It took me like 20 minutes to calm him down. He gets cold sweats and he was shaking like crazy." I said. Theo just nodded. "It's better for both of us if we sleep together. We don't always have sex, it's not like that." I said. I cried more as I thought about it. Theo pulled me into his arms. I laid my head on his should and his arms kept me warm. "I love him. I don't think I'll ever stop loving him. When we broke up, I should have known it wasn't over. I can't be without him I just can't. I can't do this without him." I said. "It's alright. You don't need to explain yourself to me. Jayne I'm your best friend. I love you and I support whatever you do. As long as you are doing what is right for you screw what everyone else thinks. Screw Pansy, Screw Harry-" he started. "Wait what." I said sitting up and looki g at him bewildered. "Shit." he mumbled. "What? What about Harry?" I asked. "It was kinda a whole scene this morning. Pansy went up to him at the Gryffindor table and told him that you and Draco are sleeping together." he said. My face dropped. "He kinda lost it and stormed out." Theo said. "Godricks sake, does't Pansy have anyone elses life to ruin I asked. He shrugged. I pulled out the Marauders map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." the map opened and we looked for Harry. "Oh There he is. Heading down this hall, we can catch him" Theo exclaimed. We stood up and Theo wiped my tears. "Mischief Managed." I said and I shoved the map in my bag. We ran outside and turned the hall. I saw Harry and we locked eyes. I knew I was about to get the lecture of a lifetime. He stormed over to me and I just stood there. "So that's what the map and the cloak were for huh? You were using my dads cloak to sneak behind my back so you could go fuck Draco again?" he yelled. "Harry, this is not the place-" Hermione started. "Fine, wanna go outside? Lets go" he spat. He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. Hermione, Ron and Theo stood to the side. "Seriously Jayne? How stupid are you? After everything he put you through you just go back to him?" Harry asked. I clenched my fists. "Fuck you Harry. First of all, I wasn't sneaking behind your back. What I do with my time is none of your concern." I said. "It is if you use my map and my cloak!" he yelled. "That map is as much mine as it is yours. In case your forgetting its messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Not just Prongs ok? You had the map for like 3 years. I can use it now." I said. "For what?" he snapped. "What?" I asked. "If you aren't using them to fuck your death eat-" he started and I drew my wand. "Stupefy" I said. Harry flew back and hit the castle wall. "Jayne!" Theo yelled. "Harry!" Hermione yelled running over to him. Ron stood next to him. "Mate, are you alright?" he asked. Harry started to stand up but I used my foot to push him back down. "I told you not to call him that." I said. "Jayne, you are blinded by love-" he said. "And you are blinded by hate!" I yelled. "Just look at his arm Jayne. Check. I guarantee theres a dark mark." Harry said. "There isn't. Know how I know?" I said. "Because when we ripped eachothers clothes off last night and fucked for 3 hours I saw his body pretty well. Theres was no ink. So fuck you Harry. And take the damn cloak back if you want it but I'm keeping my map!" I yelled. I ripped the cloak from my bag and threw it at him. "Come on Theo" I grabbed his arm and stormed off. "That was badass" Theo said. "Let's just get to DADA before Snape kills me." I said. Theo sighed and hugged me. "I don't know how you do it kid." he said. I smiled and we headed for DADA. We were late, of course.

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