Chapter 62

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Harry and I walked into Dumbledore's office and he seemed to already know why we were there. "Ah, Harry, How are you?" Dumbledore asked. "He's good, so good in fact he shouldn't be bothering you." I said. Dumbledore looked puzzled. "Sir, why is Blaise back?" Harry said. His fists clenched. "We could not continue Mr. Zabini's expulsion. The Ministry believed it was a safety hazard for him to continue his studies at home." Dumbledore said. Harry laughed. "You are kidding right? What about Jayne's safety?" he asked. Dumbledore seemed calm. "I gave Mr. Zabini a thorough lecture about the rules and expectations. He knows there will be consequences if he bothers Miss Black in any way." Dumbledore said. "So you want to wait until after he has raped her again, then you will step in!" Harry roared. My breath hitched at the thought of that. My brain started playing that night like a tape in my head. I tried to think of other things. I started to panic. The room felt small. "Please excuse me, I have to go-" I choked out and ran. I went to the Slytherin common room and Theo was in the common room. "Hey Jayne where have you-" he started. Then he noticed my state. "I can't, I can't breathe" I choked out. "Ok, hey, it's alright. You are safe with me. Come here" he said. He pulled me into his arms and led me up the stairs. We got to a door similar to Dracos. Same gold plaque on the door but this one said Nott. He opened the door and we walked in. His room was much different. It was more homey. He sat me on his bed and knelt in front of me. "Let's breathe, Ok. Like last time. Do you remember?" he asked. I nodded. "Good. Ok.  Breathe in for 4, hold for 4 and release for 4, with me." he said. I nodded. "In 1, 2,3,4. Hold 1,2,3,4. Out, 1,2,3,4" he said softly squeezing my hands. We did this over and over till my breathing returned to normal. "Ok?" he asked. I nodded and he sat next to me. He held my still shaky hand and we laid on the bed next to each other. Together.

After a while of comfortable silence, I spoke. "Lunch is probably over. We should head to Potions." I said. "Yeah, I hear Professor Slughorn is great," he said. "Anyone is better than Snape." I said laughing as we started walking. He looked at me confused. "Oh yeah, you haven't had the pleasure. Professor Snape used to teach Potions. But now he teaches DADA. He is head of Slytherin house but he still hates every student." I said. Theo laughed. "He sounds like a treat." he said. "Yeah. But potions should be fun. It's with Gryffindor though, so that will be interesting." I said. "Why's that?" he asked. "Slytherin and Gryffindor have this stupid rivalry. Mostly thanks to Draco and Harry." I said. "Oh yeah. Harry Potter. The chosen one. Heard he's a prat." he said. I smacked his arm. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "What?" he said. "He is technically like my brother." I said. "What?!" he exclaimed. "Yeah, Sirius Black was my dad and Harry's godfather. We are really close. And anyways who said he's a prat." I asked. "Some girl named Pansy. Heard her talking about him with Blaise in charms." he said. "Oh yeah. Sorry I kinda ditched you back there. I had to handle Draco." I said. "It's alright, I get it." he said, smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, I just think I figured out your guys thing." he said. "Oh have you now?" I said. "Yeah. You guys have like this enemies to lovers tension. But you broke up. But it's clear neither of you are over each other." he said. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him. "Who told you all of that?" I asked. He stopped and stood in front of me. "I was right?" he asked, chuckling. "No, well kind of. I don't know. I guess. I'll tell you about it later ok, we're here." I said. He nodded and we went inside. Draco was already standing inside, so was Blaise. "Come on, let's just stand with the Gryffindors." he whispered. I nodded and we walked over to them. I looked at Theo and he nudged me. "Just try not to look miserable," he said. I laughed and he took my hand. Theo made me feel safe. I know we are going to be really good friends.

"Hey Jayne, how are you?" Hermione asked. "Hey Mione, Harry, Ron, I'm good, how are you?" I asked. "Good, who's this?" she asked. "Oh, this is Theo, he's new." I said. Theo smiled and shook her hand. "Hi, nice to meet you." he said. "Yeah, this is Ron and Harry." she said pointing to them. Ron smiled and shook his hand and so did Harry. "Alright class. My name is Professor Horace Slughorn. Let's get started. Can anyone tell me what potion is brewing in this cauldron?" he asked, pointing to the cauldron in front of us. Hermione's hand shot up. "Yes Miss..." he asked. "Granger, Hermione Granger." she said. "Ah Miss Granger, go ahead." he said smiling. She walked up and examined it. "This is Amortentia. It is the most powerful love potion in existence. It caused a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It's rumored to smell different to every person depending on what attracts them the most. For example, I smell freshly mowed grass, parchment and... spearmint toothpaste." Hermione said. I looked at her and smiled. Ron used spearmint toothpaste. I should know, I lived in his house all summer. "What?" she whispered. "Nothing." I shrugged, smirking at her. "Alright, I'm going to assign you in groups of 4 and you will brew this potion. Then you will all have the chance to smell it and see what attracts you." he said. The girls cheered. Professor Slughorn started assigning groups. Finally I heard my name. "Theodore, Jayne, Draco, and Blaise," he said. My heart stopped. "No!" Harry, Draco and Theo all yelled out at the same time. Everyone turned their heads. I felt my cheeks burn. "I'm sorry?" Professor Slughorn asked. I felt bad. He's a new teacher. He probably doesn't know. "Nothing Professor. Everything's fine. We can begin right?" I asked. The poor man looked confused but he nodded. Everyone went to grab their ingredients. I grabbed Harry, Draco and Theo and pulled them aside. "Jayne, what was that? Why didn't you make him change the groups?" Harry asked. "Yeah, you don't need to be with...him" Theo said. Draco stared at the floor. "Guys, I appreciate the concern, really. But I don't want to change groups. He doesn't scare me and if we change he will think he does. That's letting him win. He doesn't get to have that power over me. Not anymore." I said. Harry looked worried. "Fine, but if he starts to bother you or lays even one finger on you-" Harry started. "It's ok, I've got her." Theo said. Harry smiled. Draco's head whipped up. He didn't seem mad. Just hurt. Theo, Draco and I walked over to our table and Blaise had already started. Draco sat next to him but scooted his stool away. "Awww don't wanna sit next to me mate?" he asked. "I'm not your mate. Now shut up." Draco snapped. "Ooooo what would he think of those manners." he taunted. It kills me that Blaise knows about the dark mark. And that he is using it as a way to torture him. "Can we just get this done?" I asked. "Whatever you want sweetheart." he said. "I'm not your sweetheart." I said. "Really, I distinctly remember a night where you were." he said. I snapped and stood up. My stool tumbled back hitting the floor loudly. I drew my wand and pointed at his neck. "One more word, I dare you." I spat. The lights in the room started flickering. That's new.  "Jayne, calm down." Theo whispered. Professor Slughorn rushed over. "What in the world is going on?" he asked. "Nothing. I'm fine." I said. I started to breathe like Theo had taught me and the lights in the room returned to normal. "Professor may I use the bathroom?" I asked. He nodded. "Me too?" Harry asked. Professor Slughorn looked suspicious but agreed. Harry and I walked out but stood outside the door. "What was that?" he asked. "I don't know. I got so mad and the lights started flashing." I said. "It's ok. Sometimes when we lose control of our emotions our magic goes wild too. I accidentally made my aunt into a balloon once." he said. I laughed. "Ok." I said sight. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah" I said. He nodded and we went back inside. "Alright, time to smell your potions!" Professor Slughorn exclaimed. This should be interesting.

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