Chapter 36

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The second I saw that sign on Umbridge's door asking to see Draco something felt off. His breathing changed. He got nervous. When I asked him about it, about if they knew, I think he lied. I wanted to follow him. I wanted to try and listen to their conversation. But I didn't. I can't ask him to trust me if I'm not willing to do the same. I just went to the library with Ginny and tried to do homework. I have become good friends with Ginny. After that little fight we had, she told me why she had her biases against Slytherin and they were completely justified. But we got to know each other and are good friends. "Are you still worried about him?" Ginny asked. My head snapped up to hers. She had put down her quill as she must have noticed me not doing anything. "Of course I am," I whispered. "What if they know?" I whispered. "You haven't told him anything and everyone is super careful. Harry would have told us if there was anything to worry about." she whispered. "I guess" I said. "We should get to dinner," she said, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. We got up and went to the Great Hall. I sat down at the Slytherin table next to Blaise. "Have you seen Draco?" I asked. "Not since this morning," he said, turning back to his food. I was about to go look for him when he walked in. I gave him a smile as he sat down. "Hey Draco, I missed you," I said, giving him a kiss. "I missed you too, princess" he said. Then I saw it. His blackened cheek. "Oh my god" I gasped, turning his cheek to me. "What the hell! Did Umbridge do that?" I asked. He pulled away. "No, I crashed into some kid on my way here. I'm fine" he said. He was lying, I could tell. "Draco, tell me the truth." I said softly. "I did, now leave it alone ok" he snapped. "Fine, I don't give a shit" I spat and got up. "Wait," he said, grabbing my hips. He spun me to face him and gently lifted my chin to look at him."Umbridge has just got me on edge, I'm sorry" he said calmly. "It's fine," I said and we sat down to eat. "Jayne, I want you to drink all of your pumpkin juice ok?" Draco said. At first I was confused, but then I realized. "Son of a bitch" I spat. "What" Draco's face went white as a ghost. "Did Harry tell you I haven't been eating?" I asked. "Oh- Um- Y- Ya He said you need to eat more. So drink all the pumpkin juice and eat the bread" he said. "Ugh whatever" I scoffed. I did it and suddenly I felt weird. "Draco, I don't feel so well." I said quietly. "Let's go to my room" he said and we left the great hall but we didn't go to his room. did.We walked down the hall turning corners left and right. "Draco, where are we going?" I asked but he just kept dragging. Then we arrived outside Umbridge's office door and knocked. "Draco?" I asked with pleading eyes. "I'm so sorry Jayne,"  he said. The door opened and Umbridge smiled. "I knew you would find a way Mister Malfoy," she said with a smile. I tried to run away but Draco held me in place. I fought and fought but he was too strong. "Is your name Jayne Black?" she asked. "Yes," I said quickly. "What house are you in?" she asked. "Slytherin," I said. The answers were slipping out of me quicker than I could think. Then I realized, Veritserum. He must have slipped it in the pumpkin juice. "Draco, please stop this," I pleaded. I was starting to panic. "I'm sorry Jayne, I don't have much time, it's for your protection." he said. "What?" I asked. "What secret club is Harry Potter a part of at this school?" she asked. "Dumbledore's Army" I answered. My eyes watered. These were secrets. "Are you a part of it?" Draco asked. "Yes" I answered. "Draco please, you can stop this" I begged. "I'm sorry Jayne, I swear I'm doing this for you." he said. "Where and when do you guys meet?" she asked. "Every weekday night after dinner in the Room of Requirement" I said. "Wait I have a question for her," he asked Umbridge for permission. She nodded yes. "Do you still love me?" he asked. But the effects of the potion had worn off. "Keep her here Mister Malfoy, I have an army to destroy" she said with a chuckle. The second the door shut my body unfroze and my mind snapped back to reality. I began to slap, punch and hit him until he grabbed my fists. "Jayne stop" he yelled. "You used veritaserum on me?" I cried. "Jayne I-" he started. "Get the hell off of me" I yelled, pushing him off. The tears poured down my cheeks. "Jayne I'm sorry but I was protecting you-" he started. "I can't believe you. I trusted you. And then you do this. Harry was right. You were just using me. Whether it was for sex or information, I don't know but I don't care. We are done Draco. You asked if I still love you, well I don't need a veritaserum for that one. The answer is no." I yelled and pushed past him. I ran out the door and headed for the ROR. I knew a shortcut so maybe I could get there first. I ran as fast as I could and reached the door. It was quiet with no sign of Umbridge. I went inside the shortcut and there everyone was having practice like normal. Only today wasn't normal. "Harry! Harry!" I screamed looking around for him as I gasped for air. "Jayne?" he asked running over with Ron and Hermione.  "Umbridge is coming. She knows. Draco gave me veritaserum. I'm so sorry. I tried to get out but I couldn't. You were right I-" I stammered. I choked out holding back sobs. Harry held me in his arms. "It's ok. You can't lie under veritaserum, it'll be ok" he said. "She is coming now, we have to go," I said. "Let's go," Hermione yelled. Suddenly there was a bang, and walls and the chandelier shook. The glass from the wall shattered and there was a hole. Everyone drew their wands, ready to fight. "I'm so sorry" I whispered and Harry took a step in front of me. "I'll make short work of this, Bombarda Maxima" Umbridge said and the wall blew out. When I opened my eyes, the dust had settled. Harry was holding me in his arms to protect me. Ron held Hermione, Fred held Ginny. The debris knocked everyone backwards and we were all covered in dust. "Get them" Umbridge spat. All the members of the Inquisitorial Squad Ran in to grab us, including Draco. He ran straight over to me. "Jayne, are you ok?" he asked, trying to help me up. I pushed him away as hard as I could. "Don't. Don't touch me. I hate you" I said blinking back tears. He stumbled back with a blank look on his face. I realized what I said and what it meant. I didn't hate him. I didn't love him, not right now but I didn't hate him. Before I could say anything, his eyes went cold. "Congrats Potter. You were right. At least you were good for sex too princess" he said and his friends laughed. Goyle grabbed my arm and dragged me and Harry out the room. They dragged us all to the DADA classroom where Umbridge told us our punishments and how we are disgraces to the school. Ginny held my hand under the desk but it wasn't shaking. Not anymore. I was numb. I was broken. Not a broken heart, just broken. He broke me.

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