Chapter 97

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I'm starting to fall apart. The days have blended together. I am constantly starving and thirsty. The cellar is so dark. Whenever my father drags me upstairs for meetings, the sudden burst of light is so overwhelming I don't have enough sight to fight my way out. I keep trying to tell myself to stay strong. Stay alive, for Jayne But I can feel my body giving up. Soon, my mind will follow.

"Draco." I opened my eyes and my father and 2 death eaters stood in front of me. I didn't have enough energy to tell him to fuck off. "The war is coming. Soon. Very soon. You know this right?" he asked. I just nodded. "Good, I come offering a deal." he said plainly. I furrowed my brow at him. "What?" I asked. "The Dark Lord wants absolute certainty that all of his followers are loyal. Your loyalty is questionable." he started. I stared at him wondering where this was going. "Jayne will not be harmed or killed...If you serve the Dark Lord and walk away from her. Forever." he said. My heart stopped. I shook my head. "No, No. I don't believe you." I said. "It's true. That is the deal. Do you accept?" he asked. "Fuck you! I love Jayne, I will never leave her." I yelled. "Draco, are you selfish? Do you really need her that much that you are willing to risk her life?" he asked. "I- No- It's not- That's not-" I stammered. "You say you want to save her, but you are the one she needs saving from." he said. "I- no- you're wrong- I" I started. "Think about it," he said and they left. Thoughts were racing through my head. What if... what if he's right. Jayne would have never been in any of this mess if not for me.I did this. I should have listened to her. She told me you can love someone and let them go. I should've done it. But he's right, I was selfish.


"Jayne, Jayne wake up!" I opened my eyes and sat up quickly. Theo was shaking me. "What time is it?" I asked. "It's 9pm," he said. "So why are you-" I started. "They're back," he said. I ran downstairs and saw Harry, Hermione and Ron. Harry smiled at me. I ran over and hugged him tightly. "Harry! I was so worried." I said. "It's alright, we're here. We're all fine." he said. Then I felt my clothes were wet and he was soaked. "Why are you wet?" I asked. "We rode a dragon and jumped into the ocean." Ron said. My jaw dropped. "What?" I exclaimed. "It's a long story, I'll tell you everything Jayne all of it. But not now." he said. "What's going on?" I asked. "There's a horcrux, at Hogwarts. We have to go there." Hermione said. "Are you mad? You won't even make it to the door." Theo exclaimed. "They have a plan." I said looking at them with a smile. "You do have a plan right?" I asked. Harry laughed. "Yes, we have a plan." he said. I nodded.

"Ok, I'll go get ready." I said. "Me too." Theo said. I turned to walk up the stairs but Harry grabbed my wrist. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked. "We are going with you." I said. "No you aren't. You are staying here, where it's safe." he said. I pulled my arm away. "Hell no. I am going. I didn't survive- I didn't survive everything to hide here. I'm going." I said sharply. "Jayne no." Harry said. "Harry," Hermione said softly. "You've got to let her mate. She's strong." Ron said. Harry looked to Theo who looked at me. I nodded. "She's ready." he said. "Fine, but you stay with Theo at all times, got it?" he said. "Yes Sir Mr. Chosen One." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. I walked upstairs and changed. I put on jeans, a grey long sleeve shirt and a brown jacket. Then I put on brown boots and grabbed my wand. I put my hair in a braid and went down stairs. Theo was sitting at the table. He looked me up and down. "What?" I asked. "You're missing something." he said. I looked at him with confusion. He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He walked over to me and handed it to me. I looked down and my eyes constantly watered. It was my necklace. "How- I thought the death eaters took this. Where did you get it?" I asked. "Draco took it off your neck and hid it for safekeeping. He gave it to me before we escaped. I forgot to give it to you." he said. I hugged him and put it on. "Thanks Theo," I said. He nodded. Then Harry, Ron and Hermione walked in. "Ready?" he asked us. We both nodded. We went outside and I took one last look at the shell cottage. Then we all held hands and appareted. We landed in the middle of Hogsmeade and quickly ran to hide. Some snatchers were looking for us but they didn't find us hiding behind some tables. My heart was racing as we ran to the closest secret passage but it was blocked off. "In here Potter." We turned around and a door was opened and a man stood there. We all ran inside and he shut the door. Theo and I held hands and I stood slightly behind him. There was a picture of a beautiful girl on the wall. He looks like Dumbledore, I thought to myself. Then Harry said he's Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth. Then him and Harry started talking. Well more like arguing. About how Harry shouldn't have trusted Dumbledore. "This is mad." Theo whispered. I nodded. "We need to get into the castle... tonight." Harry said. Aberforth just nodded. "You know what to do." he said to the girl in the photo and she walked away into the distance and out of sight. "She's coming back," Hermione said. We all looked to see 2 figures. "Who's that with her?" Ron asked. We all took a step back. I gripped my wand and Theo's hand. Then the frame opened. "Neville?!" Harry said.

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