Chapter 98

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!



Bahaas was bent over a book and moving his qalam over some sheaf of papers. He was murmuring as he squinted at the words of the book and then writing some more in the papers by his side. In his library, there were some last moment stragglers, who were now packing up to leave for the night.

Within some moments, the library had emptied of people save Bahaas who was still bent over the book and copying it's text rigorously on the paper.

Outside the building, Zarabeel had fallen silent. The sky outside was bereft of the moon and the wind was howling loudly. The months of cold were almost at the doorstep of the continent of Sharq and therefore the nights were getting chilly.

The liveliness of months ago had also disappeared to a certain extent. Now, only the full moons saw the crowds rather than most of the nights, as compared to before. The businesses were suffering. The pubs and dancers were also going into a loss. All because of the disturbances created by phantom like men who caused disturbances in these pubs and then disappeared like they were never there to begin with. The city was in fear. The men weren't frequenting these pubs so they could avoid any mishap that would befall them in these pubs. They opted to stay with their families in the warmth of their homes. Some of the broken homes were now beginning to get repaired and a few couples were now reconnecting with each other. It wasn't perfect yet but it had taken half a step towards something better, which was a progress albeit a tiny one and better than nothing.

The book Bahaas was pouring over was a medicinal book from a different language. He was translating the text to his own language so it would be easier to go through and search for the medicine that he needed to give his visitor of the past twenty one years. His forehead scrunched as his mind turned towards the sworn brother of King Muhammad, King Asad.

Asad had given up his whole world for Muhammad but the past some visits were full of weariness and hopelessness. He was on the the threshold of giving up and Bahaas wondered if he had finally given up on the unresponsive yet beloved King of Ghazdaan? Was that why he hadn't come to meet him since some months now? He sighed. The friendship between the two kings was rare and beautiful in itself. Seldom had he come across such amazing brotherhoods between true men in his long life. And now as he tirelessly worked on the book his back ached and yet he refused to give up.

An hour or two had passed and the lantern on his work table had burned out before he returned to the land of living. His eyes squinted, coming to terms with the darkness and the silence surrounding him. It was too late now. He would have to retire for the night and start again tomorrow. He slowly began to clean up his table and stood up from the heavy wooden arm chair that he had occupied for hours now. His bones creaked and he groaned at the pain that passed through his limbs. He was growing old, he mused silently and jovially. Soon he began to walk towards the inner chambers, where he lived.

He leaned heavily on his cane and took steps after steps at a very slow pace. His breaths were becoming heavier with every step he took. He smiled slightly at how the age has caught up to him. Well every person face this day, if they are blessed with a long life.

Bahaas lifted his cane again and was about to put it on the floor before him when it slipped and he began to topple over due to his lack of balance.

"Allah." He said in disbelief as his heart jumped in fear.

A set of arms wrapped around him, saving him from his fall, just as the cane cluttered to the ground with a loud 'clang' that echoed in the empty library. The arms righted him and held him strongly. The darkness was hiding his savior's face. Bahaas squinted some more trying to make out the face of the one whom his Allah had sent to help him.

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