Chapter 73💥

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem•

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Raabel sat upon her window sill and watched the trees outside. Tonight was a fair night in the tribe of Zawwar. It was celebration time. Yet her heart was in none of these. Her heart and mine had been transported long back to the celebrations of the past. She had lived a life full of friends and love. She had enjoyed and laughed along with friends who had become sisters. They were inseparable for the months they had stayed together. She missed her sisters and she missed those days.

"Hareeeeeem!" Kulthoom skipped inside Hareem and Asad's room with a wide smile. Asad was out with Muhammad and Ajdaan. Hareem and Raabel were talking about mundane stuff as they watched Siham play with a wooden toy. She was a month old and already active. She was a tiny baby born a month earlier than her date, but by Allah's will she had been born healthy and without any complications.

"Kulthoom? What is the matter? Why are you so happy?" Hareem asked her with a chuckle. The Ghazdanite queen was a firecracker. She was lively and very cheerful. A sight upon her face could bring people joy and hope. Kulthoom smiled widely again and waved her hand in the air. A velvet pouch was held tightly in her fist.

"Mama?" A tiny voice bellowed from the door, attracting all their attention. They turned to see Jibreel standing by the door. He rushed inside and climbed the bed with the help of Raabel's hand and settled down near Siham, who was now waving the toy all around. Jibreel chuckled happily at her and bent down to place his forehead upon hers, rubbing their noses affectionately. Siham smiled at the contact. "Attakum (Assalamualaikum) baby!" He told her gently. She just shook her toy some more. "Jibweel missed you. Did you miss me too?" He enquired. He had just seen her an hour ago. He turned towards his mother who was now watching him happily. "Mama she missed me she say!" He told her pointing at Siham. The women chuckled. He ignored them and began to check her tiny hands and placed his own little finger in her hand, which she grasped tightly. "Okay. Jibweel won't go. I am youws." He told her sweetly as she watched him with her wide hazel eyes. Jibreel bent down and kissed her eyes softly before placing her hand near his lips. "Pwetty baby. Mama!" He called Kulthoom again. "Pwetty baby Mama! My baby!"

"Aw!" Hareem and Kulthoom pouted at his antics, where as Raabel chuckled. "Jibreel? What's your baby's name?" Hareem asked him.

"Baby!" He replied happily without moving his eyes from Siham.

"Her name is Siham." Kulthoom corrected him.

"Baby!" He told them again. They didn't bother to correct him again. He had refused their corrections long back.

"Shall I take her away to Salasal?" Hareem asked him. He turned away from Siham and watched Hareem with shock.

"NO! My Baby!" He told her strictly waggling his finger at her and shaking his head. He bent down over Siham and shielded her from Hareem's eyes possessively. Kulthoom chuckled.

"Hareem! What will you do now? My son has staked his claim over your daughter. How will you take her away?" Kulthoom joked.

"Yes! It will be a problem indeed! What do you suggest?" Hareem asked her with a smile.

"If you promise us something, we will allow you to take her away!" She told her with mock seriousness as Jibreel watched with wide eyes. He was scared.

"What do you want from me?" Hareem played along. Kulthoom removed a small golden chain and beautiful pendant from within the pouch and dangled it before Hareem's eyes, who watched it with awe. She extended her hands and grabbed it. "Whoa! It's beautiful Kulthoom!" She whispered.

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