Chapter 104

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.



And who is He?
Who can give you the respect of this world
And the hereafter...
Who can give you the peace that comes with
Or without the riches of this world...
Who can give you victory
Even in the loss...
And who is He?
Who can stand right by you
As you look the wolves in the eye and declare to the world...
I am His slave...
And He is the One who created you
And He is the One who can destroy you...

Muntaha, stood in prayer, his eyes were wet with tears and his shoulders were trembling as he cried. His heart had bowed in gratitude before the One who created him. He was uttering words that were meant for his Rabb alone. He was praying for what was going to come and also for the one whom he was leaving behind.

Outside the tent, the night was darkening. They were to leave towards Jaleed's camp soon. He had chosen the stealthiest amongst his men. The plan was simple. They would overpower Jaleed's men, who were on the look out and then thunder in to take them all in the captivity, before confronting Jaleed. He was leaving Sidratul Muntaha right here so she wouldn't be caught in the battle. He knew she would have to face his war someday but that day was not today.

After he finished praying Tahajjud, he turned to see his wife was done with her own prayers. He smiled at her and then stood up, walking towards her. He settled near her on his knees and when she turned towards him and smiled, he felt like the moon had dulled. He joined his own forehead with hers and breath her scent in.

"Stay safe ya Hayati..."

"Same goes for you." She whispered.

"I am always safe."

"Thats why you turned up almost dead in the Valley of Qamar."

"That was different."

"However it was, please stay safe now. Come back to me soon..."

"I will In sha Allah." He whispered in her ear and stood up to go and felt her clasp her arms around his stomach just like she had done once before. He sighed and then turned. When he saw her he smiled. She had a large smile on her face. He chuckled at her and then kissed her nose lightly before he turned and walked till the flap of the hut and turned once more. He watched her hungrily, absorbing each and every thing about and around her in his head and then watching her eyes, so full of love and trust. She was his. He turned again and then straightened his shoulders with the tawakkal on his Rabb, before he exited. His heart had been sheathed in its cold shell.

"May Allah give you victory O Keeper of my heart..." Sidra whispered.

Muntaha walked towards his men who were already waiting for him. He apologised to them softly before standing by Murtaza who himself had reached a few seconds ago. The brothers watched each other in silent understanding.

"I have asked Rushi to be near Sidra." Murtaza told Muntaha who nodded. It was better that they stayed together.

"Arsalan is in the opposite tent. There wont be much trouble here in sha Allah." Muntaha said and then turned towards his men giving them directions. The men straightened and started to march forward.

Jaleed's camp was at an hour's march at the most. Muntaha and his men began their journey in the darkness of the night amidst the cover of trees. His eyes were too accustomed to the dark and kept checking everything.

The part of the forest their camp was in had dense trees and were perfectly covered. Jaleed's camp was in less dense forest. And the men he had traveled with were now reduced in number due to either running away from him or dying due to the punishment he bestowed upon failure.

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