Chapter 101

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

Jazakallahu khairan on the support in the previous chapter my beautiful readers. I hope you enjoy this chapter too.


She exited her dark tent and looked around carefully. Her face broke into a shrewd smile, when she saw that the way was clear. She moistened her dry and chapped lips with her tongue and slowly began to walk towards the safe house. The guards didn't expect much trouble and so weren't patrolling right then. But they were all awake and careful. So she had to be more than careful. Her feet didn't make a sound as she creeped towards the building.

This wasn't the first time that she was sneaking into the safe house, so she knew about the ways. Like before, her aim was to find something new, anything new that could help her cause. She wanted information that she could use against these people. Her heart was completely darkened by the anger and hatred she felt for them all. She tsked at herself and reminded herself that she needed to keep herself in check. Her emotions couldn't make trouble for her. She would make sure of it.

She reached the safe house and began to walk through the passages, just looking around and keeping everything in her mind. She knew where exactly everybody were roomed at. She also knew where the guards were stationed and their patrol routes. She hadn't originally been a planner but sometimes life makes a different person out of you and she was one such woman. She had learned things because of her heartbreak.

As she walked through one of the passages softly, she spied light in the far away chamber. She began to walk towards the chamber slowly, making sure she was sneaking along the wall of the passage. When she reached the door of the chamber, she heard soft but clear voices. Two women were speaking inside. She didn't dare to take the risk of peeping inside and just decided to listen. If it was something profitable to her, she would stay there and if it wasn't she would walk back, she decided and stood there silently.

"Raabel, Hareem would have been really happy if she would have been here. She wanted a little princess so badly and then she was given one, only to be taken away. Destiny is cruel sometimes." A woman was speaking. She frowned. These names meant nothing to her. Should she stay or leave?

"No Jehaan... Hareem wouldn't have been happy if she was here. Her whole universe revolved around Asad and here Asad's name is abhorred to such an extent that hearing it just boils their blood. Do you think it would give her pleasure?" The first woman, Raabel replied.

"You know exactly why Asad is abhorred. How could he deceive his best friend? His sworn brother! Raabel... Asad was wrong."

"We don't know what exactly happened Jehaan. We better not comment on that. Whether Asad deserve the hatred or not, Siham doesn't. She has suffered the most in this whole situation."

"True. Till recently, I had thought Jibreel has suffered the most, but now I feel Siham has. Jibreel at least had all of us by his side, whereas Siham was all alone." Jehaan sighed ruefully.

"So true. She doesn't speak about anything but the way she carries herself and faces everything  speaks about her life and it's trials."

"Once when we were in Anazirah, I had heard Amiza speak about her to Marwah. And what I heard, Made my heart constrict in grief for that young girl. Had I known that Amiza was speaking about our Siham, I would have burst out crying." Jehaan sobbed softly, remembering Amiza's words of long ago. There was silence inside the room, where Jehaan seemed to be sniffling and Raabel was silent. Jehaan then spoke about Adara's past as Amiza had spoken about that day and Raabel sniffled. Even she had heard Sidra speaking to Daarim in their home in Tannoor. Outside the door, her senses had come alive when she heard about this. Yes, this is what she had been searching for, for all these days. Information. She waited with bated breath to hear and make sense of everything.

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