Chapter 52🏔

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem •

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu•


Muntaha watched the fainted king one last time before he exited the chamber. He nodded at the Crown Prince and Ismayeel, who stood by worriedly. They both nodded back with gratefulness shining in their eyes. Dijar spared him half a glance before turning back towards his father, who was being examined by the royal healer. There wasn't anything to worry about though and so Muntaha had said his goodbyes and turned to leave. He had decisions to make and that wasn't possible if he stayed with the royal family anymore.

Outside the chamber, the royal family of Aileen awaited the news regarding their king with baited breath. The women folk had tears in their eyes as they held each others' hands. Muntaha turned towards the left corridor without any hesitation and began to walk firmly. The women watched him as he passed them and began to whisper amongst each other.

"Is he the one?" Selena whispered to Dariya, who nodded her head softly. Selena sighed.

"Ahh! Mrileny is so well fated!" Selena whispered. Dariya smiled softly at that. Even she liked the youth who was walking away from them. He hadn't turned to gawk at them even once and his steps were firm and decisive.

"Yes... well fated indeed." Dariya said as her eyes followed him till he turned the corner. The alliance was nearly a done deal and Dariya knew it well, as there was no chance the youth would turn down the chance to bind himself to them. Mrileny would become his wife soon enough and now that she had seen the man herself, she couldn't wait. She smiled again and turned her head towards the door of the room, wherein her husband lay. Her smile disappeared in an instant and she bit her lips.

Muntaha walked through the corridor and thought about the pending decision. He sighed. His heart pined for some respite from the world of decisions and actions. He wanted some time alone with his Rabb and he wanted some time alone with Sidra. He wanted to put his head in her lap and sleep for some moments, without any lingering thoughts. That was his idea of a safe haven. But instead he got stuck in Aileen, where the people were more interested in getting him married. It was ridiculous.

The wide corridor was bright with the early afternoon rays, filtering in through the wide, open windows on one side of the corridor. The trees outside in the garden gently swayed to the breeze. The afternoon was pleasant and bright and didn't leave any indication about the battle that had taken place in the palace of Aileen. Everything had settled down apart from the King himself. The healer blamed fatigue and shock. He was advised to be on the bed rest.

Muntaha's steps were firm and decisive as he moved towards the exit. His mind was firmly focussed on the treaty he carried in his robe pocket. He frowned when he thought about the clause where he was supposed to marry a royal daughter. he sighed. Something needed to be done. And soon...

He exited the palace and then the main gate of the palace. After walking the long stretch of garden. Once outside he took a deep breath inhaling the fresh air and dispelling the disquiet that had clenched his heart in it's claws firmly.

"Assalamualaikum." A voice whispered in his ears, as soon as he was out of the sight of the palace guards. Daarim joined him from behind the trees and lifted his eyebrow in question.

"Walaikumassalam." Muntaha replied back without breaking his stride. Daarim kept pace with him easily.

"The men told me that there were movements on Grevim's front. He exited the mansion on the opposite bank early enough and then they followed him to the Royal gardens, where they lost him in the crowd." Daarim informed him. Muntaha frowned.

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